New Year’s Resolution
/0 Comments/in Fun, Happiness, Photos, Trent /by MeganMost people make resolutions for the new year in January. Trent and I, on the other hand, make our resolutions in early March. Why? Well, for some reason or another, maybe it’s Valentine’s Day or our Anniversary in February, we tend to re-evaluate our relationship during this time of year. This year, we decided we’re not going to just sit around and be bored. So today, instead of sitting on our bums all day, we went out for some fun. This included lunch at a local flea market and a trip to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. And I must say, any place that serves lunch along with large amounts of plastic jewelry and Star Wars figurines is a great place to hang on a Saturday afternoon.
Megan Does Dallas Part Duex
/1 Comment/in Fun /by MeganSaturday 8 AM:
“Holy shit, it’s bright outside…why do I smell like burritos? What the hell is Taco Cabana and why do I keep thinking of Napoleon Dynamite???”
And no, these comments are not just stereotypical “Dallas has Mexican food” talk. I really did wake up confused, extremely hungover and smelling like burritos. Now I know what they mean when they say, “Don’t mess with Texas.”
The only picture of me and Lindsey that night, before the thousands of spilled drinks (by me,) the 7 renditions of the Napoleon Dynamite dance (by her), the first puke-and-rally since college (by her) and the first 4 p.m.-the-next-day puke (by me).
All in all, one bitchin’ weekend! Thanks Linds:)
Megan Does Dallas
/2 Comments/in Fun /by MeganSeems strange, but I have never really been to Texas. Although Kansas is fairly close, I’ve just never had the desire to go (not counting my high school senior trip to South Padre Island, which honestly, should not count). I’m hoping not to be accosted by cowboys or forced to two step against my will. Keep your fingers crossed!
Happy St. Patty’s Day
/0 Comments/in Fun /by MeganSo St. Patrick’s Day in Manhattan is something everyone should do in their lives. There isn’t much to do in the “Little Apple,” so every major (or not so major) holiday is a cause for celebration, which pretty much means get pissed out of your mind. I admit freely one of my friends left for the bars at 6:30 in the morning. And there was a line at the bar. Who in their right mind is up at 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday (for some reason Manhattan’s Parade organizers felt celebrating on Saturday would make the day more family-friendly…little did they know college students would be drinking at 6:30 in the morning, therefore causing the innocent children to witness full-on vomiting on the sidewalk by the parade’s end at 10:30). All in all, the day went well. I received the pleasure of walking in a parade and tossing (not throwing) candy at kids on the sidewalk. The power was intoxicating! The minute the kids saw you on the street they turned into begger children, like children who had never before enjoyed the ecstacy that is the Tootsie Roll! Anyway, click here to see photos from this awe-inspiring day.