Memorial Day Weekend

I’m back and rehydrated! There are several stories to tell about this weekend. I honestly don’t know quite where to start. There was the family member aquiring ANOTHER DUI, the wedding preparations where I learned I am to be walking down the aisle with a wizard (yes, a wizard!), my mother returning from her ‘summer home’ in Florida (hide the chicken nuggets everyone, save yourselves) and of course drunken debauchery of every kind.

For what may be the first time in the history of trips to Manhattan, Trent and I actually hung out all weekend. Our friends Abbie and Luke (Hi guys!) moved into their new digs, and were both living with a member of the opposite sex for the first time. You can see why they would want Trent and I around, being the ideal example of cohabitating bliss, to teach them the ways to coexist in a world where one can never really escape the other. They did well though. Actually, no major tiffs to report.

Although Trent, love him as I do, showed his true colors in several instances. Now I think I understand why he doesn’t want me around when he’s with his friends. Not that he was mean or ugly to me. He was just. Very. Strange.

Exhibit #1

Trent decides it would be a good idea to get in his skivies and pose like a porn star on Abbie and Luke’s ginormous bed. All humans with penises thought this to be FUCKING HILARIOUS! All females ran to the bathroom in order to avoid vomiting in public.

Exhibit #2

Polish Horseshoes. Game in which guys throw frisbees at each other in attempting to knock a beer bottle off a tiki torch. Basically, an excuse to break bottles and yell at each other. I couldn’t believe how long this amused the guys. Hours. Seriously. Oh well, at least they weren’t fighting each other.

Exhibit #3

Abbie insists (although we have been eating at the BBQ ALL FUCKING DAY) that we order a large cheesebread and pizza upon our return home from the bars. Then she and I lay down for a bit. Then Trent and Luke ate 100 tons of pizza by themselves. Abbie was understandably pissed. You can’t separate that girl from her cheesebread. We should really get her into rehab or something.

For more interesting shots from this weekend, click here. For pictures of the amazing progress made on Trent’s parents new addition, click here.

And as for the cat story, apparently Trent’s brother once tried to microwave his (Trent’s cat), so Trent, his mom and his sister decided to get some revenge. Below is Scott’s cat, Frisky, paying for Scott’s evil ways.

Another Night Lost.

I’ve officially now spent another evening uploading pictures. Although I did have a bottle of wine to help me out, so I guess it wasn’t that bad.

First up, graduation weekend on Flickr .

Seriously, these pictures made me succomb to the tanning demon. I look deathly for Christ’s sake!

Second, Cindy and Lee’s new home addition, along with some pics of Cindy in her garden and the new addition to the Penner/Peters Household. Notice how Cindy’s plants are still alive. Maybe I should pay more attention [see any entry mentioning my plants] to her gardening techniques.

Finally, Molly, who went to her first vet check-up today. She has tapeworm, but was a total sweetie and all the people at the clinic loved her! Yea! We’ll convince people all Rottweilers aren’t bastards yet!!!

The Grumples Monday Edition

I loathe Mondays. Especially Mondays like this Monday, where I have to sit at a desk for 5 hours with nothing to do. Let me rephrase, nothing interesting to do. My brain is a pile of mush. My super-educated, top 10% of class, workaholic brain is BORED!!! I need substance, or at least something to do! I could have gone to the Manhattan VoTech and had a job like this one!

My Monday grumples today are threefold.

1) My job makes me want to drink heavily so my brain can feel like it really is being used up to its potential.

2) My sister made me feel like absolute crap about my dog. She also thinks that my Molly will decapitate her children and chew off my hand while I’m sleeping. Quote – “They have a bad reputation for a reason.” Yes, because people who claim they have a bad reputation tell other people they have a bad reputation, who tell other people, etc, etc.

3) Graduation was this weekend, which once again made me feel old. Everyone (parents) was asking me what I’m doing a year after my graduation day. I answer the phone in a cheerful voice. I’m so glad I spent all that $$$$ on my overpriced education. Maybe I can get a job as a checker at Wal-Mart next!

But an upper to this downer of an entry is the joy of this weekend. My friends are the absolute best, and I’m so proud of them. I’m especially proud of Amber who, during her graduation keg party, lost her dancing shoes, only to find them again, putting her back on top of her ‘dancing game.’ Thank you for dancing shoes. Thank you for boob shirts. Thank you for sparkly boob shirts that attract drunk boyfriends. Thank you for wine in a box, the OC and a bed of good buddies. Thank you for pitas. Thank you for cheese bread. Thank you for summer beer and random shots of apple flavored liquor. Thank you to Mike Sukup, the friendliest bartender in town. May the good lord Kevin Costner bless you all. If you build it, he will come. Amen.

Stay tuned for grad pictures! If you read it, I will post.


So, now that the stench of the golf tournament has worn off a bit, I’ve regained some of my sanity. I’m sure some of you are wondering if we were rained out. No. We were not rained out. It was a GORGEOUS DAY FOR GOLF. In all honesty, it wasn’t that bad. I only wiffed the ball 4 times and my partner let me drive the cart! And I drank at least 8 beers, which definetely helped my skills. Although now I am dehydrated and sunburned, I have to say, it was better than being at work. Except for a particular someone making me go into the bathroom with them. That was scary, and very, very strange. Trust me, you don’t want to know.

Notice how I have a beer in one hand, a confused look and no golf clubs? OK, maybe a putter, but you know I didn’t really use it.

Also, I’ve uploaded some pics of Molly to Flickr. But if you think Rotweiler’s are bad/evil/mean/dangerous or any of the above, don’t bother to look because I don’t care what you think. Or look and notice the sweetness of Molly and realize whatever you were thinking before was obviously wrong and hateful. Then send me $20. You’re welcome.


I’ve had a few requests for more pictures and less jibber jabber on this site. Apparently I’m neither witty nor humorous. Or maybe people are just Paris Hilton whores who like to see pics of themselves online. So here are a few more pics to tide you all over. Of course, non really have people in them. But plants! And food! Ohh..ahhh….

My Herb Garden Pre-Death

Sadly, these beauties are no longer with us…

Bruchetta from the Italian cooking bonanza (honestly, I didn’t have much to do with them, but I thought they were yummy looking).

My Contribution to the Italian Cooking Party. Cheese and meats. Organized on a dish. Notice how its not very attractive. That was my special touch.

Stuffed Peppers alla Maria Pia, the greatest cook alive!

Rabbit ears on our TV because we refuse to pay for cable. Doesn’t it look snazzy with all the high tech sound equipment. I thought Trent was going to cry. I’m evil. I know.

OK, and for anyone who had the patience to look through all of these, I’ve uploaded some more Italy pics. Click here if you want to check it out. If not, I suppose I can deal with that.

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