Last week I was on the phone with a good friend and when I mentioned how frazzled I’d been lately, she stated “Yeah, I was wondering. Your posts on Crazybananas have been all over the place lately.” Well, harumph! I’ll prove you wrong, missy!
The theme of this Monday’s post is What I Did on Sunday. See, themed! Totally not random!
First I decided that I wanted to make treats for all of our new neighbors. Since we moved here during the crappiest time of year (today it was NINE degrees when I left the house, NINE DEGREES) we don’t see much of anyone on our street. By the time we get home from work in the evening, it’s dark and I’m crabby, so we hibernate. Weekends have been alternately packed with family stuff and work stuff, so other than a few waves and hellos yelled across the street, we haven’t had much contact with anyone living near us. So I decided to continue my tradition from our old house and make holiday treats for our neighbors to deliver with Lucy.
Look homemade cookies!
Here is a shot of my fabulous kitchen. Everyone has been asking me for new pictures of the house, so for those of you who care, here it is. The arrows are pointing to some household staples like a.) Open drawers full of crap, b.) Open beer bottles, c.) Stacks of dirty towels, d.) Packages of baby wipes [opened of course], and e.) Wrapper from Costco-sized tube of cookie dough.
Wait, scratch that last one. The cookies were totally homemade, I swear!
Here is the picture I took of my kitchen after I looked at the first one and realized how gross it was. This is what my kitchen actually looks like on a daily basis.
Speaking of my kitchen, it’s the only part of our new house that is somewhat finished. We’re still missing some things (like curtains), but at least we have a place to eat, right? This is my favorite part of the house so far, the family wall.
Also, Santa, I’d like a new flash for my camera. Mine sucks. Yours, Megan.
This is our living room. There is a matress in it. The dogs sleeps on it. We are high class.
This is a clock my friend Inger got me from IKEA because she is totally awesome. I love it. It opens to give you storage for keys, wallets and all of the other random crap I can never find. Now if only I had time to hang it.
This is where we keep our reindeer treats. What are reindeer treats, you ask?
Why, Bailey’s and hot chocolate mix, of course! Drunk reindeer are the best!
Hmmm…what else have I been up to? I made these books.
They are photo books that I compiled with all of our family’s photos from the Peters Family Reunion this past August. It took FOREVER to put together, but they are great Christmas gifts for everyone.
My favorite photo has to be a tie between the one above of the boys watching their dad play pinball, and the one below.
Dorks. [Both photos by Product E.]
This is the extent of my Christmas decorations. It’s all I had the energy to do. And yes, that is the same fake tree that belonged to my friend in college. I didn’t have time to get a new one. Lame, I know. Especially since I use that excuse every year.
Also, any ideas on colors for these walls? I’m stumped, but I hate the beige.
I think the decorations look better like this, don’t you?
As long as I’m being totally not random, have I mentioned how much I love this measuring spoon? It’s like four measuring spoons in one. Which means I only have to clean one item instead of four. Yipee!
And finally, here are the cookies for my neighbors, all wrapped up and ready to go.
See, the most totally not random post ever! Now I’m off to eat some cookies. God knows I need more sugar.