I would have never guessed either
It’s been six months since my friend Theresa and I started our project NYC + KC, and I want to see a show of hands of those people that never thought we’d make it this far? Okay, put your hands down. Really, put them down. If you would have asked me how long this thing would’ve lasted, I would have told you a month, tops, but here we are, 181 days later, and still going strong.
Granted, we have fudged some of the rules a bit. No longer does each picture have to be taken before noon (a year of mornings…yeah, wasn’t going to happen), and some weeks we get pretty behind in uploading. Really, the only rule is that we take a photo each day, and even if it doesn’t get posted for a week, it still counts. I think giving ourselves this kind of stretching room has helped the project to continue. Our goal is to make it through an entire year, and while it isn’t easy, I think we just might make it.
For those of you that find themselves forgetting to click on the icons on the left sidebar, which lead you to the project, here are a few of my favorites:
To me, this looks like they could be at the same party, laughing at the same joke.
Is Lulu watching the carriages?
A city scene, and a country scene.
A color celebration.
Can I borrow some change?
Rain and sunshine.
Truly, you should check out the archives. There are rainbows and weddings and flowers and kids and babies and cityscapes and dancing and food and everything else you could ever imagine.
Even my dad, the Dean, has checked it out. His exact words:
Very cool, and an interesting concept! I like it. In some pairings, you’d almost think that you two have switched sides, but it reclarifies in the next pairing. I’ll have to monitor it periodically ‘til its done (if I remember where I put the linkage).
So you should check it out. The Dean says so. That is, if you remember where you’ve put the “linkage.”