A Roundabout Love Letter

Did I ever tell you all how I won tickets to see Florence and the Machine back in December? A few weeks prior, the husband had emailed me and asked if I’d want to go see this particular show and I answered, “Um, hell yes” only to find tickets were already sold out. Womp, womp. This was especially sad because the husband never, ever, ever wants to go to live concerts, and the thought that he may actually want to go to one that I was dying to see was fairly awesome. Whatever, sadsies, I moved on.
Then, on the day of the show, a radio DJ who I have a slight girl crush on (and think we are best friends because we met twice at Rock the Vote events back in the day AND she follows me on Twitter…BFFs 4 LIFE!) tweeted that the first people to respond to her would get free tickets. And guess who won?
(If you didn’t guess me, then you are an idiot.)
It was an incredible show. Florence has one of those voices that makes you want to cry, it’s so powerful. At one point Trent said his ears actually hurt, she was so good. Plus, Trent and I hadn’t had a real date night like that in ages, and it made me remember how much I actually like the guy. I know, that sounds mean, but when you share a life and kids with someone, there are times when you can get bogged down in the day to day mundane-ness of existing. This is especially true around the holidays, when every day is a frantic race to get it all done. It’s so easy to forget about the good stuff.

Dear Husband,
Sometimes you drive me crazy and I disagree with everything that comes out of your mouth. But you’re the only guy I want next to me when I’m being accosted by a bear in a sombrero. Thanks for sticking with me and finding that perfect spot in the crowd so I had the best view of Flo. I love you.
Your Wife