Happy Weekend! (Plus a little more Go Mighty fun…)

Oh, hey, it’s Friday! I’m so excited for this weekend. After so many grey, dark months, it finally, FINALLY feels like spring outside and we plan to take full advantage. We have Lucy’s first soccer game and I’m sure we’ll be spending lots of hours cleaning up the yard and starting some garden projects. I am stupidly obsessed with the sunshine this year…not sure why it’s so different than years past. Probably because when I was working crazy hours, I never saw much sunshine, regardless of the season! But this year it feels like there are so many possibilities just waiting for us. I really can’t wait.

I was going to share some links with you, but instead, I think you all should turn off your computers, go outside and lay in the grass for a few hours. If you want to participate in something fun, head on over to Nat the Fat Rat and learn more about her rad project with Go Mighty. She is trying to get 500 tweets, Instagram photos or other social media posts that focus on sharing compliments about others. If you want to participate, just tweet or Instagram something awesome about someone you love and appreciate, and tag the post with #mightylove. If there are 500 in one week, Nat will get to donate $500 to a battered women’s shelter in NYC. Here are a few that I’ve posted over on Instagram

Hey, @mikaylastover, you are one of the best moms I've ever known and I'm endlessly trying to emulate your patience. Oh, and you're an incredible friend to boot! #mightylove @natthefatrat
Hey, @mikaylastover, you are one of the best moms I’ve ever known and I’m endlessly trying to emulate your patience. Oh, and you’re an incredible friend to boot! #mightylove

@maralynntho You are one of the only people on earth who can handle my weirdness and I love you for it! Thanks for always being there for me and holding my hand. Love you! #mightylove  @natthefatrat
@maralynntho You are one of the only people on earth who can handle my weirdness and I love you for it! Thanks for always being there for me and holding my hand. Love you! #mightylove

@abbienyoung Thank you for always being there to listen to my troubles and tell me bad jokes to make me feel better. Your an amazing mom and person and Eminem impersonator :) #mightylove @natthefatrat
@abbienyoung Thank you for always being there to listen to my troubles and tell me bad jokes to make me feel better. Your an amazing mom and person and Eminem impersonator 🙂 #mightylove

@nicolecoleman You are such an incredible mom and friend! Thanks for always inspiring me with your impeccable taste and for documenting my little family in photos. We miss you!!! #mightylove @natthefatrat
@nicolecoleman You are such an incredible mom and friend! Thanks for always inspiring me with your impeccable taste and for documenting my little family in photos. We miss you!!! #mightylove

A couple of these were featured on Go Mighty, and that makes me super, super happy! Spreading the love really does feel pretty fantastic. Have a great weekend!

Easter in the Mud


I know I’m a few days late, but I wanted to share a few photos from our family Easter at the farm. We had such an incredible time, mostly due to the fact that it finally felt like SPRING! After all the snow we’ve had the past few months, it was so lovely to be out in the sunshine for two entire days. We worked on Lucy’s tree fort, dug in the mud for worms, ran around in circles until we were dizzy, laid in the grass watching the clouds and stomped around the lake shore in our rainboots. In fact, we spent most of the weekend in our boots, since along with the snow melt, we had a glorious thunderstorm on Friday night. I am in constant awe that my children are growing up with memories of this beautiful place and watching them live out their childhoods at the farm is so magical. I hope you had as much fun during your holiday and ate approximately 300 jellybeans (like I did, whoops!).



Easter Blog2



Easter Blog



My First Piece in Sweet Lemon Magazine!

Sweet Lemon Screen Shot

I’m so, so excited to share my first article published in Sweet Lemon Magazine. I wrote a piece about a fun DIY I’ve been wanting to share for ages. I hope you head over to Sweet Lemon Magazine and check it out! While you’re there, take a glance at the amazing relaunch of the site and the new branding that is all over the place. The Sweet Lemon team worked so hard on this redesign and I think it looks pretty darn fantastic!

Currently Listening To : Kacey Musgraves


Photo by Kelly Christine Musgraves

I’m about to blow your minds, people. My current favorite artist is a COUNTRY SINGER. Yes, country. Yes, me. I know, I’ll give you a second to compose yourselves.

Alright, now let me explain. Last year I contacted an incredible artist on Etsy who ended up doing an amazing family portrait drawing that I used on my holiday cards. Just in case you need a reminder, it looked like this…


Well, this artist is also a photographer, and I started following her via social media. From this I found she has a super-talented sister (seriously, the genetics of this family amaze me) who was an up and coming country music artist. Her new album “Same Trailer, Different Park” was just released last week and it’s number one on the country music charts. And for good reason! Her talent as a songwriter and storyteller are incredible. She’s thoughtful, poised and just fantastic. Apparently I’m a country music fan now.

Her lead single is “Merry Go Round” (which I love), but my current favorite song on the album is “Follow Your Arrow” because I’ve literally NEVER heard a country song like it. It’s so open and smart and perfect.

So, from me to you, get out and buy this album…and not just a song or two on iTunes, the whole shebang. Close your eyes, turn up the volume and be amazed.

(This video of Kacey hearing her song on the radio for the first time makes me love her even more!)

Spring Break : The Omaha Zoo

Hello friends! I’m checking in quickly in the midst of our “at home” spring break. This year I decided to try and make our lame, no beach spring break a bit more fun, so I enlisted my mother-in-law on a road trip. She had no idea what she was in for…but a few hours north (and a few episodes of Jake and the Neverland Pirates too many…yo ho ho my butt) we arrived in Omaha, Nebraska, where we spent two nights. We stayed in the Old Market area of downtown and LOVED it. We can’t wait to go back in the summer when it’s a bit warmer and there is more time to explore.

Our main reason for visiting was to see the Omaha Zoo, and although it was cold, we had a great time. I only ended up with photos of the aquarium and the cat complex, mostly due to a certain two-year-old in our midst. He loved the aquarium, so that was easy…then he fell asleep right before the cat complex, so that worked out too. Other than these photos below, you’ll have to follow our trip through the lens of the iPhone on Instagram, under the hashtag #springbreakin. It’s much easier to whip out an iPhone when you’re wrangling a cranky toddler through an indoor rainforest than it is a giant DSLR. The more you know…

We adored the zoo, and the kids are still talking about our trip. Lu can’t stop talking about the penguins and the baby lions (photo below…they were so cute, walking around like drunk, lion toddlers!) and Tate keeps talking about the hippos and monkeys. I was a huge fan of the tigers, as you can see below. And the gorillas were incredible! One baby gorilla and her mama spent about 15 minutes trying to communicate with Lu through the glass. It was such a surreal and incredible experience. It was cold, but many of the zoo’s exhibits move indoors for the winter months, so there was still a lot to see. Trent’s mom (Grammy) went with us and not only slept on a hotel couch-bed, but also took Lucy swimming in a questionable hotel pool while I napped with Tate. We are so lucky to have her in our lives.







I hope you are all enjoying your spring break, and hopefully it’s a bit more springy where you are! I’ll have some more updates on the rest of our break later in the week, including our inaugural trip to the Great Wolf Lodge Indoor Water Park and Hotel. Ack!

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