My Favorite Dancer : A Birthday Photoshoot

I’ve talked a little bit before about my talented niece, Sloan, who has been studying dance for many years. Well, my not-so-tiny dancer is turning 13-years-old tomorrow (!!!!) and for her birthday, she asked that I take some dance photos of her and her best friend. Both Sloan and her friend Caitlyn are serious dancers, and their talent blows me away. Sloan has spent the last few years working spectacularly hard on her craft, and I’m so proud of her dedication and grace. She loves dancing so very much, and her goal is to attend Julliard some day. I don’t know much about the art of dance, but I know when I watch her, I am constantly amazed by how easy she makes it look, when I know for a fact it’s incredibly difficult. And it’s pretty fun to watch someone you love do something they love to do. There isn’t anything better in my book.

We decided to do the shoot at the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City, because it is such a versatile location with the museum and the gardens surrounding it. We had a blast at the shoot, since the girls came equipped with tons of ideas and lots of enthusiasm. I feel grateful I was able to capture these two doing something they enjoy so much, and that I was able to contribute to a rad 13th birthday!












Preschool to Big Girl Room Makeover featuring The Land of Nod

Lulu has grown up so much in the past few years, sometimes I find it difficult to keep up! This week she loves Justin Bieber and yesterday she still loved Dora. A year ago she insisted her favorite color was not just pink, but PINK!!!!! Now she refuses to wear the color and wants everything around her to be blue, blue, blue. She is opinionated and feisty, and I wanted her room makeover to reflect that. We moved to our suburban Kansas City home when she was still in preschool, and her room was a mess of a couple of styles and thrown together looks. Her twin bed actually still sat on the floor instead of on a bed frame, from way back when she’d roll out of it every night as a toddler. For her 7th birthday, Lucy asked if I’d redecorate her room to better reflect her personality, and I jumped at the chance. With some help from The Land of Nod, I was able to make her “blue mermaid party” room a reality!

Before Bed

Before Dresser & Craft Supplies

The before photos of the room really are sort of pathetic, aren’t they? Originally that tent was fashioned to be a cool hideaway and book area, but it was unfortunately way too big for the space. We tried hanging it over the bed, but the darkness scared her at night and it just looked kind of ragged. The wall hangings over her bed were added later, but they were all mismatched and didn’t have any coherency to them. Her craft area was basically a Rubbermaid tub filled with paint and markers, with no real space to create. Her dresser was one I had in college, but attempted to fancy up using nobs from Anthropologie. The block letters spelling out her name were made by a friend for her nursery, and though we loved them, it was time for them to go.

After Header - Bed

Lucy requested her room be blue, her favorite color. The color she picked out was a VERY bright turquoise, but we convinced her to tone it down a bit. She picked out the mermaid bedding from Land of Nod and we designed the room around it. Lucy loves to swim and dreams of being a mermaid herself, plus the reason she loves blue so much is because it reminds her of the ocean, so the bedding is perfect for her. Early on in this process, I created a moodboard to give us an idea of where we wanted to go with the design. Once we were inspired, it was easy to pull together an updated room that was fun and perfect for a seven-year-old mermaid in training!


Lucy’s poster bed was mine as a child, then was handed down to my niece, and now finally to Lucy. The beautiful blue moth wall decal from Land of Nod is one of Lucy’s favorite parts of the room. She angled it just so, as she wanted it to look like it was flying across her wall.


The sidetable, chest of drawers and dresser were all purchased from a local furniture store. The bedside lamp was bought at Wal-Mart, and the sketch of a mom and daughter was purchased for $3 in the frame at a local thrift store. The L and the P (her initials) were in her stocking at Christmas a few years back.


After Jewelry Box


The dresser and giant mirror were specific requests from Lucy. She wanted a space where she could get ready every morning in private, as her two-year-old brother has started to impede on her space. We fancied up the plain white with some fun paper letters spelling out her name from The aged jewelry box was given to Lucy by her aunt, and although the original plan was the polish it up, Lucy decided she liked it better as it was. I agree!


After LON Coloring Organizer

The desk was purchased at IKEA, and my mother-in-law painted an old chair with a sample of the VERY turquoise paint that Lucy originally wanted for her walls as a compromise (Can you imagine that on the walls? Yikes!). We pulled in a lot of the turquoise detailing throughout the room, from picture frame to her lava lamp, which her super-cool dad bought her as a nightlight. The pendant desk lamp from Land of Nod brings it all together, using almost all the colors that are featured throughout the room. The yellow art caddy gives Lu a space for her art supplies that she uses on a daily basis, and it can be easily stashed away in her desk cabinet when little brother’s grubby hands are looking for some crayons to color the walls.

After Desk Chair AG Doll


After LON Print

Here is a little warning to all you DIY mamas out there…make sure your husband knows your DIY plans! Originally, the cork board and the frame for the incredible art print by Lucy’s desk were decorated in fabulous washi tape that I used to cover up their bland black and brown edges. But when I asked my husband to hang them for me, he thought it was protective packaging tape and ripped it all off! Oh well, they still look nice, although I probably will update them again at some point. It wouldn’t be an at home makeover project without a hiccup or two!

After Chest Top with Books

The details of the room are my favorite parts. I am in love with the floor bins I found at Land of Nod, as Lucy is a bit of a clutter bug, and they make clean up easy and stylish. The rainbow felt garland brightens up the darker blackout curtains, which Lucy originally hated, but once they were hanging with the garland, she loved. We found some amazing art on Etsy that we hung on the walls and personalized the space with lots of family photos. Lucy loves reading, so we made a space where she could display her favorite books of the moment on her chest of drawers. The cute XOXO bookends are from Target.

Creating this beautiful space for Lucy was such a pleasure and a joy! I am so happy she finally has a real, put together space to call her own, which truly reflects who she is. I feel like this room is child-like, but will grow with her through the years.

The Land of Nod provided products for this room makeover project, but all opinions are my own. Thanks Land of Nod!!!

A Little Bit of Vinyl

This summer my in-laws decided to clean out a few sheds on their property that held pretty much everything under the sun. My father-in-law is a bit of a collector…and he does not like to throw things away. Add in the four children and all of their stuff that had amassed over the years, and there was quite a bit of treasure hunting going on.

When the dust settled, I was the proud owner of one mid-century modern-ish looking bedroom set, one pair of cowboy boots, a beautiful shelving unit, a giant canvas painting of a rooster (I have no idea how I ended up with that one) and one record player. And oh, how I love that beautiful, old record player. I started begging for one a few months back, and poor Trent loudly voiced his concern about me completely transforming in to a hipster with no chance for return. For proof of his endless suffering, here is a photo I took earlier this summer when I forced him to go in to a record store with me.

Trent is pretending to be a hipster.

It just looks uncomfortable, doesn’t it?

Anyway, apparently nagging works, because when three (or possibly four) record players were found in the sheds, I ended up discovering one had been placed in the trunk of my car without my knowledge. Trent arranged the whole thing and then set it up for me on our stereo at home. The only issue we’ve had is the audio output is a little wonky (probably due to it’s years in hibernation in an old shed in the country), so we can’t get the volume up as loud as I’d like. But I love it just as it is, wonky audio and all.

A few weeks ago I put the word out on the Crazybananas Facebook page that I was looking for a few fun record stores in Kansas City. I got a bunch of awesome recommendations, but guess where I ended up finding my first five records? Some amazing vintage store downtown? Um, no. I found my used vinyl beauties at a Half Priced Books next to my local Target. Hey, I’ll take what I can get.


I picked up a few used albums from classic artists like Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Simon and Garfunkel and Ella Fitzgerald. I also bought one new record by Joni Mitchell, just to splurge. The used albums cost anywhere from $2 to $7. Cheap, and beautiful.

I love the stories behind these records. Their old owners treated them well, and I find myself wondering about where they came from. Who was this Ralph person, and did he realize how unfortunate his last name was?


I plan on obtaining quite a few records as I go, and hopefully someday I’ll have a collection that I can pass down to my kids. My wish is this will be yet another memory they can hold on to from their childhoods. Every morning I try and turn on a record while I drink coffee and they have breakfast. Tate dances and Lucy sings, and I sit there in my happy spot on the couch, thinking, “Not exactly a hipster’s life, but I think this one is pretty damn fantastic.”

Happy Weekend : A Summer Carnival


A few weeks ago we attended the Annual 4th of July Celebration in the small town of Wamego, Kansas. We try and go every year, but this was the first time we were blessed with good weather and it was actually cooler than 100 degrees! In fact, it was a crisp 75 degrees, which is unheard of for Kansas in the summer. We took full advantage, riding all the rides we could at the carnival, and then eating as much salty popcorn and sweet fried dough as we could fit in our mouths. We are a gluttonous bunch. Here are a few photos from the day. I think since it’s technically our last weekend of summer (school starts for Lucy on Monday, boo!), they are pretty appropriate. Summer 2013, you were super fun.







Random, but I had a total moment of deja vu while watching Tate on the flying elephant ride. When we got home I ended up finding a photo of Lu doing the exact same thing a few years ago…on the same elephant! Cue the theme from “It’s a Small World.”


P.S. Special thanks to my sister-in-law Ashley for snapping a few pics of Lulu and I on the rides.

A Mile A Day

It's been too hot to run outside so I've been doing my #mileadayjuly at the gym lately. Boring. #selfie #run #workout

This July when I was on hiatus from blogging, I decided to take a few teeny steps back in to the workout game. Now, don’t get me wrong, I was telling the truth when I said earlier I didn’t set any lofty goals for myself over this blogging break. Instead of committing to eating salads for breakfast, lunch and dinner or losing 15 pounds, I decided to aim a little lower. I got the idea from Elise Joy’s blog to try and run one mile per day, every day. To help keep me motivated, I documented my runs on Instagram under the hashtag #mileadayjuly, looking for fun things to take photos of while out and about.


Here is the thing about running a mile a day, it’s totally doable! I mean, how long does it take to run a mile? 10 to 15 minutes for me, depending on the terrain (I’m no marathoner and my mile time is sort of sad…but it is what it is!), so I knew it wouldn’t take too much out of my day to complete. The whole time issue has been a huge roadblock for me as I figure out this new life and schedule. My child free hours for work are so limited, so I hate using the time when we have a sitter to complete a run. Taking the kids to the gym is an option, but packing them up, driving to the gym, dropping them off at the child care center (which can take from 2 to 20 minutes depending on Tate’s mood and clingy issues), then doing my workout, plus picking them up afterward and getting home, can end up taking over an hour or two! My solution was to get up a bit early and run before the kids woke up on the trails around my house. This was a great plan until Tate stopped sleeping at night and I was way too exhausted to go running first thing in the morning. Also, we went through a crazy heat wave for a few weeks, so my workouts were forced to the air conditioned gym. I know, I know, first world problems, right?

All in all, I ran almost every day of July, but certainly not every single day. There were the four days Tate and I had the summer flu, for example, when there was definitely no running going on. But I still feel like I jump started my workouts again. I had been living like a slug since around March, so just getting out there and doing anything at all was a huge triumph. This month I have been continuing my runs, but have also added on a bit of weight lifting and have been cutting some sugar from my diet. Next month, when we get back into our school/work routine and both kids are back on a normal schedule, I plan to start going to yoga again as well. Or not. It depends on if that darn two-year-old remembers how to sleep at night. But that’s for another post…

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