Keeping Up With the Outdoorsy Cousins, Part 1

The vacation photos are starting to trickle in to my email inbox from the rest of the family, which explains why I have access to these shots at all. You see, when certain outdoorsy people ask if I want to get up at five in the morning to go fly fishing in 40 degree weather, I tend to think, “Um, are you nuts? Hell no. Emphasis on the no.” Add in the six mile traverse they had to climb and, well, you could bet I was snuggled under my covers when these shots were taken. But thanks to Trent’s Uncle Swift, I can share them with all of you, as if I was actually there and not sipping coffee while watching PBS Sprout.

See those ropes they are holding? It’s because the hike (traverse) was so difficult, they needed those just to make it up the hill with their gear. Did I mention Trent attended this event? And spent the rest of the day soaking in a hot tub? It probably didn’t help that he didn’t catch a fish, just some sticks and his own hat.

This is Trent’s cousin, Swifty. He is the most outdoorsy person I’ve ever met. He’s like survivor-man, in fact, his summer job was treking through the wilderness with little kids and teaching them how to survive with hardly any supplies. I think. When he starts talking about his excursions I tend to act like I understand when I actually feel like Elle Woods. Just nod and smile…

Maybe next time I’ll be able to see the morning mist in person. Until then, you’ll find me in my bed.

Rocky Mountain Hiiiigghhhh, Colorado

Last Tuesday I packed up what I could into one fifty pound bag (thank you, airline industry) and headed off for my first vacation longer than four days in over three years. Even with the 11 hour layover in Salt Lake City, I knew the trip was going to be fantastic. Speaking of Salt Lake City, that airport is the absolute shit if you have kids. Playground areas in every terminal? Yes, please. We sat at one for three hours on our way back and I barely had to move a muscle the entire time, since all the little Mormon kids were so nice and sweet to Lu. Yea, Mormons!

The trip was definitely a family excursion, as it was a reunion to celebrate Trent’s grandmother’s 80th birthday. The trip organizers (thanks Aunts and Uncles and In-Laws!) rented out a huge house mansion outside of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We arrived after a good 18 hours traveling in the dead of night, and this is what I awoke to the next morning.

View From the Bella Vista

Um. Yeah. I know. Insanity.

Although I resolved to spend most of the vacation sitting on my fat ass eating greasy food and drinking beer (which I did a lot of), I did manage to get out and about some. I definitely didn’t take as many photos as I wanted to, mostly because of the two-year-old clinging to my leg the entire week. But the few photos I did get definitely show the overall mood of the trip. My wonderful, talented sister-in-law (technically not, because she and Trent’s brother aren’t married, but I don’t care, it counts anyway) took a gazillion photos and hopefully she’ll let me share some of hers as well, since they are much better than the shots I got while fending off the aforementioned two-year-old. By the way, to all you parents out there, how do you get a two-year-old to sleep on vacation? It kind of takes the “vaca” out of vacation when you spend every night with two tiny feet kicking you in the head and one little voice saying “Mama, read book!” at two in the morning.

So, enough babbling, right? Here are a few pictures I’ve actually had time to upload since my return. Hopefully I’ll get some more on here in the upcoming days weeks, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. These days we’re lucky if I remember to put on deodorant in the morning…

Scooter and E.

This is my lovely sister-in-law (sort of) and Trent’s brother. Let’s call them E. and Scooter. Why? Someday I’ll let E. explain that to you. They are going to kill me for posting this picture, but it truly captures the essence of them as a couple. They have so much fun together and are so effing goofy, it’s hard to believe they work at big NYC jobs and kick major ass on a daily basis. But they do, because they’re awesome like that.

Scrabble Love

One thing I DO NOT have in common with Trent’s entire family is their insane love of board games. I have a confession. I hate board games. Please don’t stone me or throw me to the lions. Board games are so long and boring and awful, but I try to suck it up and play because everyone loves them so much. Most times, I do end up having fun, despite my grumpy demeanor. But this particular game night, I spent most of the time spelling three letter words (sod, for four points, yes!) and getting pissy. The next morning I woke up and saw the board like this. In case you can’t read it, let me translate:

Dear Megan,

You’re like spelling the word quizzical (which, according to Trent means, “You are worth a lot of points”), but every day is awesome.

Also, you have nice boobs.

Man, did I marry a romantic, or what?


These are all of the grandkids of Trent’s generation. E. and I, being exceptional photographers, asked them to take a silly picture. They didn’t disappoint. And I’m sure all the ones in high school will be posting this as their MySpace profile picture in exactly two minutes. I mean, Facebook. Or will they send it via text message? Or picture message? Or via laser rays? Ah, kids today….

And my butt is very sore

What I’ve been up to this past week:

– Swimming in 40 degree weather
– Soaking in a hot-tub that has a built in lounge chair
– Taking photos in an old time photo booth
– Losing at Scrabble
– Cosmic bowling
– Watching Olympic sports I didn’t know existed in HD
– Riding horses through the mountains
– Eating everything under the sun
– Visiting the waterfall that is on the Coors Beer commercials
– Attempting to keep up with Trent’s “outdoorsy” family
– Failing miserably at keeping up with Trent’s outdoorsy family
– Drinking beer, lots and lots of beer
– Consequently, gaining 10 pounds
– Taking lots of photos, though many less then my sister-in-law who is a photo taking machine
– Attempting to dunk a basketball
– Avoiding the Internet

The Photographers in Matching Outfits

I’ll be back in full force by the end of the week. Hopefully by then the stabbing pain in my poor, city gal body will have subsided and I’ll be able to form coherent sentences. Small hint, when family members who canoe through the Artic circle on a regular basis ask you to join them in any outdoor activity, abstain or bring lots of Advil.


Saturday Morning

Song of the Moment: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz

A Splash of Summertime

Yeah, I’m still reading. OK, let’s keep it real, I’m re-reading. Because I’m an idiot. So while I’m doing that, you guys can watch this video of Lu and I going down the pool slide for the one-hundred-and-twenty-first time last weekend. Try to ignore my giant, white behind, please.

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