
After the dull, gross, greyness of a Kansas winter, there is nothing more awesome then the blue skies of spring. After what has been a pretty insane, heartbreaking, confusing couple of weeks, nothing felt better then hanging on the swingset. I never wanted to leave.

Plus, Lucy has the best laugh ever.


The cuteness factor in my family is overwhelming...love these kiddos!

Whenever the children of my sibilings get together I always find myself amazed. Blood runs deep, it seems. And the look on Lu’s face is exactly how she feels when any of these kids walks into a room. Lucky girl, that Lu, to have all those awesome cousins to take care of her. Lucky me, to have them to take care of.

Song of the Moment – Cousins by Vampire Weekend

Modesty Runs in the Family

Found in the notes section of my phone after my lovely niece ran off with it:

Sloan is awesome.

That’s no lie.


Growed Up

My baby is huge!

Big Girl

Apparently this is what happens when you wait three years to return somewhere. Your kid grows in to a giant.

(See my previous post for the original photo, and to see how different the light is in Boulder in the summer…so warm!)

We’re back from Colorado and work has swallowed us whole. When I have a chance to come up for air, I’ll post some more pictures and a full explanation of why three somewhat intoxicated family members tried (unsuccessfully) to teach me to play card games. And how Trent apparently has magical powers. The two are mildly related.

There Shall Be Hippies Everywhere, And It Will Be Good

The last time the Peters fam visited our dear sister and brother-in-law in Colorado, we took our baby to the park.

Lucy at the Playground

And, well, yeah. That was obviously A LONG TIME AGO.

It was back when I used to think that photos taken at an angle were “artsy” and I totally overused my Photoshop smoother action.

Alli, Steve & Lucy

Dear Allison and Steve (and Lucy),

Sorry I thought things looked better crooked. They just look strange. And also, sorry for making you look all glowy and slightly creepy. I thought it was pretty. I was a dumb blonde. I’ll do better next time.

Sorrowfully yours,

We’re headed back to Boulder for some R&R, possibly some snowboarding (with minimal injury), and good ole’ quality family time. We couldn’t be more excited!

And I promise to hold my camera straight this trip.

Oi vey.

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