Thankful Times a Zillion

Right now I am stuffed to the gills with delicious food from our first Thanksgiving at home. Similar to last year’s pajama Christmas, this year, as I’m about to burst with baby-ness, we decided that any trip out of town was out of the question, and spent the day just lazing around the homestead. Trent made his first turkey (on the grill, of course) and Lu and I spent the day putting together a bunch of sides. Then we made nametags for the table and pilgrim hats and headresses and glittery bonnets. It was awesome.

Trent and I both mentioned how crazy this whole day felt. Like we were pretending to be grownups, making our own big dinner and starting our own traditions. We probably won’t have another Thanksgiving at home for a while, but it was so nice to have this one, relaxing day of thanks before our lives are turned upside down. We needed it, and I’m so glad we took advantage of the opportunity.

My favorite memory from the day? Mid afternoon, I looked down in to our living room from the kitchen, and found Lulu passed out on the couch, wrapped out in blankets, a fire in the fireplace. It was quiet and warm and she succombed to the comfort of it all. It was a lovely moment.

I hope you all have as much to be thankful for this year as I do. And if this wasn’t a great year for you, I hope you still have a happy enough heart to know it will get better. And if you need some pie, we have tons of leftovers. Come on over!

A Decade

10 Years Ago

10 years ago I was in a hospital holding your teeny little bodies.

9 years ago I was driving back and forth from college to babysit.

8 years ago I was wrangling three two-year-olds who wanted nothing more then to destroy me.

7 years ago I was spending New Years Eve watching the Tellatubbies because I really am the best aunt ever.

6 years ago you cried when I left for Italy and were very angry with me until I returned. With presents.

5 years ago you walked down the aisle at my wedding.

The Wedding Party

4 years ago you held my first child in your protective older cousin arms.

3 years ago you became better dancers then me.

Sloanie & Lulu

2 years ago one of you broke her leg and the others grew their hair out to unforseen proportions.

1 year ago I realized you were getting way too old, way too quickly.



Dylan Sporting a Princess Hat (as he does)

Cousins Join the Party


And now.

Now you’re ten years old.

Happy birthday, to my favorite little people. Who aren’t so little.

Happy birthday, to my favorite “almost” tweens. I will convert you from Taylor Swift yet. It is my life’s greatest goal.

Your Favorite Aunt
(At Least in My Own Mind)

Goodbye Summer

{Final Weekend at the Lake}

Classic Summer


Happy Cousins

It’s been a good one, but I’m ready for fall. Fall is filled with birthdays (my brother-in-law, my niece, my nephews, myself, Trent’s grandma), Halloween, college football (despite the sadness that are my poor, poor Jayhawks), leaves falling, hiring someone to rake said leaves, and continued baby growing.

Sicko (and vacation pictures)

Just now, in my office….

Boss Man: Hey, how are you doing today?! [Happy and excited because we won a project and he was delivering the news.]
Me: Awesome. [Cough, hack, wheeze, sneeze, sniff…groan.]
Boss Man: Eeeee….
Me: What? Don’t I sound awesome?
Boss Man: Yeah. I’m just gonna stand over here. [As far away from me as physically possible while still being in my office.]


Have you seen these pictures yet, from my family beach vacaton to South Carolina? You should. In fact, I’ll just put them right here. You’re welcome.

Get the flash player here:

I know I’ve mentioned it a bazillion times, but I thank my lucky stars on a daily basis for Trent’s family. They are just so lovely and giving and everything a family should be and more. This trip was a perfect break for Trent, Lu and I, and as per usual, his family made everything fun and easy for us. I could go on, but I won’t bore you with details. Suffice to say, although I feel like absolute crap-ola right now, I would take a summer cold (in a pregnant, can’t take Nyquil body) a hundred times over for another week at the beach with these people.

Family Photos by Nicole Coleman

For years I’ve been wanting to get some family photos shot of Trent, Lu and I, and for years I’ve put it off. Why? No idea. Probably a combo of money + time + convincing Trent to do it, but for whatever the reasons, we’ve always held off. So when my friend Nicole moved to KC a year ago, I knew I’d be asking for her services. You see, Nicole is a real photographer. In the very sense of the word. Not only is she super-talented and endlessly creative, she has been crafting her skill forever. You know that awesome picture of me as a modelesque 6-year-old that’s on my About Me page? Yeah, she took that.

So one ridiculously hot day in June we got together to shoot some family portraits. Except it was a Friday, Trent was grumpy after a long week of work, Lu was grumpy after a long week of school and it was (no lie) 107 degrees outside. And humid. Gotta love Kansas City.

The shoot was done in parts of the River Market area downtown, and then out at our favorite pizza joint by our house. And although it was so hot that Lu really wasn’t the sparkplug she usually is, I almost like these pictures better because of it. Nicole captured the serious Lu, which I just don’t think to photograph much. And I may be biased (obviously), but this kid, she is just gorgeous.


A few other favorites from the day:











I wish I could post all 50 photos so you all could oohh and ahhh like I’ve been doing, but instead I’ll just link to the Flickr set of the shoot here. Nicole is going through a business redesign right now, but you can find her old website here, and you know I’ll be linking to her new one once it’s completed. (It’s so good, y’all, you have no idea. Just wait.)

Thank you, Nicole, for capturing our family of three before everything changes. Thank you for making me look skinny. Thank you for dealing with my grumpy family. And of course, thank you for that lovely photo of 6-year-old me. It has nothing to do with this shoot, but is so awesome, you deserve heaps of praise.

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