A Tiny Little Rant

I don’t really know where to start this whole thing. I’ve been having this argument in my head for weeks….I should post this. I shouldn’t post this. If I say what I’m feeling will I make someone else feel bad? What if saying this changes people’s opinions of me? What if people think I’m a bad mother?

Whatever. Let’s do this.


I don’t believe in mom guilt anymore. I mean, I understand lots of moms feel guilty, and I obviously understand at one point I felt horribly guilty myself, but today, I don’t. I’m not sure when it happened, all I know is one day I was leaving Lucy in daycare in tears and a few years later I left Tate behind without a single negative feeling.

My children are so happy. They smile and laugh and love like no little people I’ve ever known. I know it sounds like I’m trying to justify my choice to work…I’m sure that’s what many people reading this will think. But it’s more than that. I don’t have to justify my choice to anyone, not even my kids. Millions of babies are born around the world every day. MILLIONS. So many of those millions of children don’t have a good home or a happy family or food on their dinner plates. My children do. My children want for nothing (excepting maybe that American Girl doll accessory Lu keeps whining about). My children’s lives are filled with people who love them, care for them and bring positivity to their days.

A while ago, I was told by another mother that the way I parent is cruel. I won’t get into specifics, but we obviously have an idealogical difference of “cruelty.” Megan from five years ago would’ve burst into tears. She would’ve felt insecure and guilty and sad and like a failure.

Megan from today? She told said person to shut it (politely of course, she’s not an animal). She spoke of her fabulous almost six year old daughter and how despite any decisions, good or bad, that have been made, she has turned out fantasically. She talked about her beautiful son, who loves her wholly and with no pretenses. She said, quite firmly, that no matter how you mother, if you’re doing what is right for your family, you have no reason to feel guilty.


And I don’t.

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012

Happy 2012!
{Photo via Flickr}

I know, I’m a few days past the new year. But I was driving many hours with two little kids and then my husband had surgery and now my eyes are about to close……what?! I’m up!

New Years Eve weekend was a fun one for my little family, as we packed up the whole crew and went on a roadtrip to Boulder, Colorado to celebrate the many birthdays we have in the next few months. While we were there we took Lucy ice skating for the first time! We also saw movies, ate cake and drank a bucket or two of wine. I even carried and tapped a keg with my brother-in-law (to be), the first time since I was about 20! The family kept joking about how they have finally discovered my talent.

2011 was an incredible year for me, filled with mostly highs, with a few lows sprinkled in to make things interesting. We started off in a sleepy haze, still getting used to Tate joining our family. I spent most of my early days of 2011 tucked into my bed surrounded by babies and children and guests. Lucy cut her own hair and I cried because I was a hormonal mess. Then I cried because my website was down for weeks.

Later Justin Bieber almost killed me and Lucy joined a soccer team called the Beaver Girls. Both of these things are true. My wonderful friends threw me a sip and see baby shower. I went back to work after a blissful maternity leave and missed napping almost more than I missed Tate (I said ALMOST!). I made “to do” lists and shared my working mom must haves.

In late spring we surprised Lucy with a trip to Disney World for her birthday and she danced in her first real recital. Lulu turned five and Tate grew and grew and grew. I took my annual sabbatical from the Internet, despite grumbles from my adoring fans.

Lucy and I went shopping for school supplies and ended up making an advertisement for Target. We said goodbye to my favorite person ever, our summer nanny. I became a lunch box packing MACHINE and turned 29-years-old.

I wrote about beauty and in turn was quoted by one of my blogging idols. I was asked to curate a slideshow for Kirtsy featuring fall weddings. I decided to run ads on this site, after a four year hiatus. I started riding horses again. I dressed my kids up as Star Wars characters for Halloween.

I ran my first race, a 5K with my dad. My BFF, Abbie, wrote candidly about the Penn State scandal and the real issues behind the abuse of children. We took some incredible family photos and spent Thanksgiving in Rigby, Idaho, where I met the real life Ranger Joe from Full House.

I shared my holiday gift guide and wasted time on Pinterest. We visited the Christmas House (twice). Tate turned one and Trent turned 30. I petted a stuffed bear wearing a sombrero at a holiday party. We rolled credits on 2011.


Oh, 2012, how will you ever compare?


We spent the holiday of thanks away from cell phone towers (hence the lack of posting) in a little place called Rigby, Idaho. I must say, it’s pretty damn beautiful. Can’t wait to go back.


{At Craters of the Moon National Park, where I met the real-life Ranger Joe, ala Full House. Complete with puppets.}

I’m so thankful for:
– My family
– My in-laws who let me crash at their home and dealt with my hatred of board games
– The owner of “Rigby Bowl” who wears a visor with an attached hairpiece
– My “future” sis-in-law’s awesome taste in music/decor/everything and her encouragement in buying my first set of china even though I had no way of getting them home
– My mother-in-law for getting the china home
– My brother-in-law for his attempts to get my crabby baby to stop screaming during our mountain excursion
– My son for his patience and his high pitched screaming
– My daughter for her belly laugh
– My husband for his toleration of my bad jukebox selections

Bring it on, holidays! I own you.

I Did It! And my dad’s hair is epic.


Goals, man. They are pretty awesome. I ran my first 5K last Saturday and I was lucky enough to have my dad join me. I ran way, waaaaayyyy better than I expected and my dad ran his best race since 2007. It was surprisingly emotional for me, especially watching my dad finish strong. It’s incredible to think a little over a year ago he was living in my basement during cancer treatment. He’s such an amazing guy. Damn, now I’m all choked up again.

Before I start blubbering like an idiot let’s move on to my key running tool, music. Specifically, embarrassing music. This is my 5K playlist. In order to avoid freaking out about normal race related items (I’m going to fall over dead on the side of the road and it’s going to be so awkward for the other runners to jump over me), I spent a stupid amount of time crafting the perfect playlist. I wanted it to reflect how I’d be feeling throughout the race, starting slow and even, then pumping me up at the end so I’d finish strong. I timed it so as I crossed the finish line, my girl B. Spears would be blasting in my ears. Classy, I know. But it worked. So if you are planning a race soon, I recommend listening to as much Britney as possible. Actually, you should be listening to as much Britney as possible regardless of your race status. Duh.

I’m Bored

Ever hear that one? Yeah, well, as my niece learned, when you say “I’m bored” in my house, we tend to go a little crazypants.

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