I Heart KC – Mother’s Day Edition

This year on Mother’s Day I told my family all I wanted to do was hang out with them. They were skeptical (even they know their reputation as first class trouble makers), but it really was true. With our work schedules and extra curricular activities, we hardly ever get time to just hang out as a family, and I wanted to make sure my Mother’s Day was full of that.

We started out the day with a Mother’s Day brunch at Urban Table which was AH-MAY-ZING. Everyone left stuffed and happy. Trent had never been and I think he’s now a fan for life. Lucy had banana french toast with chocolate syrup, so it’s safe to say it’s now her favorite place to eat. Tate had the french toast and bacon…and while much of it ended up on the floor, he seemed satisfied as well. Myself? I had half of Trent’s eggs benedict and half a frittata…plus deviled eggs with salmon for the first course. And a bellini. And a chocolate tort. Don’t judge me, it was Mother’s Day.

After a drive through some of the wealthier KC neighborhoods where we grabbed for sale flyers and made plans to buy certain homes in approximately 1 million years, we headed down to Loose Park, one of my favorite places in the city. We played on the playground, visited the Rose Garden (where Trent proposed for the third time many years ago), and hung out at the duck pond.

My one beef with this place is that all these people (tourists?) bring bread to feed the ducks and enormous fish that reside in the pond. Which, I mean, is not only gross, but super annoying. There are signs posted everywhere telling people not to feed the ducks, and there is a reason!

We watched one family totally get attacked by a flock of geese trying to grab their loaf of bread. Everyone who was trying to feed the animals ended up with an unruly hoard of quacking and honking beasts lunging at them. By the end of our visit, Lucy was officially terrified of geese. Which sucks.

After Loose Park, we ended up at the Country Club Plaza for some shopping (strangely, I didn’t end up buying anything, but everyone else scored big time) and a late lunch. A fun surprise was the nice lady who walked up to me and handed me a flower saying “Happy Mother’s Day from the Plaza!” Nice touch, Plaza. I heart you.
After our long day, we headed home for naps. All in all, a pretty great day for this mama.