Resolution Update: I’m on a Horse

From age 7 to about 12 years old, I was an avid hunt seat horseback rider. I spend most summers, early mornings and evenings at a stable outside of town, learning every aspect of horse care. I have to admit, I was pretty lucky. For every girl who falls in love with horses as a kid, I bet there aren’t many who actually get to live out their dreams of riding, especially on a daily basis. When I started junior high, I had to choose between continuing my riding career (which would take up most, if not all, of my free time) or participating in extra curricular activities through my school (drama club, sports, etc.). I ended up choosing the latter, which was definitely the right choice for me, but I’ve always missed riding.

In college I was lucky enough to find a job as a companion to a young lady who had Asperger’s Syndrome and rode a therapy horse. I was in charge of taking her riding, and in return, the family allowed me free access to the stable and her gorgeous mare.

Since college I’ve ridden here and there, on trailrides in Colorado or with friends, but for the most part, I haven’t had the chance to get in the saddle. So as part of my 2012 resolutions to be furiously happy with my life (hat tip to the Bloggess for the term), I decided to find a stable and sign up for lessons. I was so lucky to find a ranch right by my work, and every other Friday I sneak out and ride for a half an hour. It’s been challenging, as this ranch specializes in the breed of Morgan horses that requires a style of riding WAAAAYYY different than my hunt seat experience, but I’ve loved being back. It seems silly, but finding something that made me happy when I was 10, and doing it again, really does make my life a more joyful place.

Now, without further adieu, a video of me sort of sounding like a jackass, but mostly being super excited to ride again. Major credit goes to the horse I rode that day, Miss Buffy, and my amazing instructor Nicole, who is cute as a button and is always super encouraging, even though after three months she still has to show me how to hold the reins correctly.

Dear Lipstick, I Love You


Charlotte Ronson Lipstick/Lipstain in Lola.

I am a lover of lipsticks, but have never found one that didn’t look ridiculous 30 minutes after applying. I am drinking buckets of water all day and all the no rub versions either rub right off or leave me with weirdly lined lips with no color in the middle circa 1998. And let me tell you, 1998 wasn’t exactly a good year for fashion (jean shorts, docs and brown lips…anyone?), so I’m trying not to recreate that time period.

This magical stuff not only seems to stay on my lips for hours, it is adorably pink and fresh. I was told more than once how awake and pretty I looked, which let’s just say, isn’t a regular occurance. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been told I look “awake” in the last year, and three of those were last week while wearing this lipstick.

Go out and buy it right now. You can get it online here.

Someone Who Has Searched for the Perfect Lipstick for Years and Now That She’s Found It, Needs Something Else to Obsess Over, Like Maybe Figuring Out How to Take Self-Photos Without Looking Like a Total Dumb Dumb, or How to Grow Out Bangs Gracefully

You’re My Sweetheart

(The above version is via Maggie, but I originally heard this song on the CW because I’m 13 years old and love the CW…and even though I have been told by my Valentine that my CW watching is “all that is wrong with the world” somehow he’s decided to stick around. The world is a strange place.)

I hope you all eat lots of chocolate and drink buckets of wine today, and remember how much you are loved. Especially by me. Thanks for being there, all. Mwah!

Big Ideas and Time Wasters


Oh, I am. Sorry.

I know, I am the worst blogger in the history blogging, excepting anyone on MySpace circa 2002. I want to write here. My brain is filled with ideas and stories and fun, but the problem with BIG IDEAS is they take some time to come to fruition. So there is this awkward in between time where people are milling around with their hands in their pockets just waiting for things to come together…and that’s about where I am right now.

Also, I’ve had too much Diet Dr. Pepper. Wheeee!

So, until I can tell you fun things about my big ideas, here are a few things going on around the Internet that are making me giggle today:

10 Ways the New Mad Men Poster Could’ve Been Less Offensive

– This is what Bon Jovi would sound like if it was covered by Bon Iver.

– Oh Mizzou, never change.

– The Chuck series finale was last Friday (sob!). Here is a great article on how the show changed TV, and particularly the role of the fan.

Shit Dowager Countesses Say is the best of this meme that I’m almost totally over. Well, and this one too (I miss my modem…).

Harry Potter themed TOMS? Yeah, I’d rock that.

– My style-themed Pinterest board is so ridiculous. Could I have more glasses or brunette envy? Ugh, so obvious!

All I Need is My Own Shopping Cart

Was just told I look like a homeless person. Not inaccurate.

Hi. It’s me. I rule.

No really, check me out. I’m a homeless hobo hoping for a nickel or maybe a hot cup of coffee. Spike that with some bourbon and I’ll give you a kiss. Yes, you heard me. A kiss. Smooch. Un baccio. Don’t lie, you are really excited, aren’t you?

If you are wondering if I left the house in this ensemble, the answer would be yes. Yes I did. I walked up the street to our mailbox and back. My neighbors peered out their windows and shuddered. I should add I was also wearing a knee length army coat with a fur hood, fleece sweatpants and Uggs.

I think I’m going to use this as my headshot from here on out. Set low expectations and then when people meet me in person they will be all, “OMIGOD YOU LOOK SO NICE!” or “You are such a underrated beauty!” or “Aw, did you find a warm place to stay last night with a shower?”

You know, whatever.

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