I have become the laziest form of an ADD patient. I cannot remember a THING I am doing two seconds after I have started doing it. Case in point: I have no idea what I was going to say in this post, but I’ll just keep going with no general direction or cause and hope that my reader (yes, singular, HI MARA) won’t get too annoyed and move on to people.com to look at pictures of Lindsey Lohan’s crashed Mercedes.
Random Babbling:
1. I have an eye infection and I broke my glasses last week so I am wearing Trent’s glasses that are a bit to big for my head so they keep sliding down my nose. I look like a 24-year-old librarian. Which is strange, because I’m only 23? I guess the glasses add some years.
2. There is a very nasty smell in my office right now and I just may vomit. And if I do, there will be an even nastier smell. No one wins.
3. I have never craved caffiene, cigarettes and alcohol more than this very moment. I think I would possibly traffic cocaine to Peru for one drop of Diet Coke.
4. I bought a tub of yogurt today at the grocery store. Apparently, I think I will eat a tub of yogurt by October 16. I will take before and after pictures for everyone.
See…I’m losing it!