Lemmings Are Cool

As all seven of you that read this site know, I’ve finally jumped off the cliff and joined Facebook. For anyone else out there, like maybe my mother, who don’t know what Facebook is, it is basically My Space for college kids (yeah, because my mother will understand that comparison) and it has now opened up to the rest of the Internet population. I joined because I just didn’t feel that I was exploiting myself or my family enough on the Internet. Now there are two places where people can go to read about my boobs.

Speaking of my boobs and Facebook, today the two joined forces. Again, another reason why I shouldn’t have joined, but nothing I can do about it now. Pictures have officially been posted of Hayley’s wedding and the aftermath, which included some crazy dance off’s.

Here’s a sweet photo to illustrate this fact:

Cabbage Patch.jpg

Now that looks like a circle of fun. Or as the owner of the photo captioned it (thanks Dustin) “Chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup and a soda on the side.”

Must point out the fabulous mustached Doug Coleman, father of Hayley. He is not a fireman.

Incest? Possibly…

cialis domingoproducefl.com Please look at the lower left hand corner of this image.

Mara Facebook Screen.jpg

I think Mara may be a bit confused about our relationship. Or maybe not…he he he.

Random Observation

Why do all firemen over the age of 35 have mustaches? Although the mustache seems to have lost some steam in the general population (save my father-in-law who rocks a fabulous ‘stache), the number of middle aged fireman with mustaches seems to be on the rise. Is ther some sort of requirement by the fire marshall? Does it help keep their noses from inhaling smoke? What is it?

Not Geek-tastic

Blond girls should not attempt to fix their own CSS templates without the supervision of a registered geek. That is how I am explaining the weird look to my site at this moment. Trent can’t fix it remotely, so it’ll be up until at least tonight. OK, I’m stepping away from the keyboard now, so I don’t break anything else.

Double Delightful

Today I finally drug my butt out to do some birthday shopping. I received a few gift certificates for the big two four, but I refused to go out and try on anything. I hate shopping anyway, add on that I have no idea what size to even try on, well, I was just avoiding the whole fiasco. But today I packed up the baby and headed down to the Plaza to spend mulah at the Gap and Victoria’s Secret. A conversation came up this weekend at my friend’s bachelorette party about bra sizes and when I revealed that I was a 36-C, I was told that I may, in fact, be a complete idiot. Apparently there was no way I was a C cup. So today I went to get fitted for a new bra, and I have to say, I am a complete idiot. But I’m a complete idiot with double D sized boobs!

Betcha really wanted to know that, didn’t you.

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