Crazy Bananas and Deathly Obsession with Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

I don’t think it’s much of a secret that I’m sort of in to the Harry Potter series. Sort of. Just gander over to the left hand side of this page. See that countdown button? Yep, I’m just a teeny, tiny bit excited about what Trent’s been calling “fucking Harry Potter week.” Which I think is a bit misleading, since everyone knows that if I was doing the nasty naked dance with any member of the Harry Potter clan, it would obviously be Ron. I have a thing for redheads.

As if I couldn’t get dorky enough, I mean, even with all of the Space Camp pictures and bad jokes and crushes on 18-year-old boys, I love me some Harry Potter. I began reading the series by chance. A few years ago I was a camp counselor (no, not at Space Camp!) in upstate New York. About mid-summer, I realized I’d read through all the books I’d brought with me, so while I waited for my mom to send me some more Nicolas Sparks (God, I’m a literary genius!) I borrowed the first Harry Potter book from one of my 7-year-olds.

I. Was. Hooked. I read through the first three (and, at that time, the only) Harry Potter books and was just itching for more by the end of the summer. But, alas, J.K. Rowling, that minx, waited to publish the next book until the next year. A whole year! But Harry Potter is like crack and I NEED MORE!

The day the fourth book came out I had been babysitting for my sister’s kids. On my way home, I casually drove past a Hastings and decided, why not? I’ll just go in and pick up a copy. Course, I did not think through this entire plan, as there was a line out the door and about 200 little kids in capes and robes with lightning bolt shaped scars drawn on their foreheads with permanent marker. So I stood in line until about 2 a.m. until I had my very own copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Then I went home and read the whole thing that same night. Because Harry Potter is like crack and once you start YOU CAN’T STOP!

The next two books I preordered, because, let’s face it, it’s much easier to sit at home all day waiting for the UPS guy than it is to stand in line at midnight with a hundred little ones all hyped up on sugar and soda pop. And that’s the same approach I’ve taken for the book coming out this weekend. Although I actually do have to leave the house for a 6-year-old baseball/t-ball double header, but so help me GOD, if I miss the UPS guy and don’t get my book until Monday.

I have my own ideas of what will happen in this final chapter of the Harry Potter story, but I think I’m going to keep them to myself. I know at least one of you readers is a Harry Potter fanatic (Mara!) and I really don’t want to encure your wrath if you don’t agree with my observations. Although I did take that Harry Potter class in college, so if anyone does want to discuss the cultural ramifications of the Harry/Voldemort struggle, I’d be happy to oblige.

Here is a link to another blog site that asks some very interesting questions about what will happen in the final book. If you haven’t read the last few books and have just been watching the movies (blasphemy!), I wouldn’t click, as it’ll give you some spoilers.

To tide me over, I went last night with my Harry Potter buddy, (and frequent commentor) Mara, to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. And yes, I wore the T-shirt, despite Trent commenting “We get it, the t-shirt is cool, but it’s not that cool. You may want to change your clothes once in a while!” In all fairness, I did wear it two days in a row. But it is cool. Damnit. The movie was (of course) not as good as the book, which Mara pointed out throughout the entire thing. Understood. The book is better. Just stare at Ronald Weasley and be happy, woman!

Harry Ron and Hermione

And to further embarass myself…
Yes, that’s Lucy as Ron. And Irene, from my office, as Hermione. And no, I did not do this. This little materpiece is courtesy of the person who did this. The same person who convinced me to yell at the end of the movie “Will the wizard in the front row please put down your wand.”

Don’t forget, tomorrow is Space Camp Thursday! Get excited!

(And then she wallowed in her nerdiness)

Joke of the Day

A papa mole, a mama mole, and a baby mole all live together in a little mole hole.

One day, papa mole sticks his head out of the hole, sniffs the air and said, “Yum! I smell maple syrup!”

The mama mole sticks her head out of the hole, sniffs the air and said, “Oh, Yum! I smell honey!”

Now baby mole is trying to stick his head out of the hole to sniff the air, but can’t because the bigger moles are in the way. This makes him whine, “Geez, all I can smell is….


Mandy Moore Movie Night

As I’ve mentioned on several occasions, I am totally awesome. Really. The coolest.

If there was any doubt in your mind, I’d like to present to you a visual representation of my Saturday night. Trent was out of town on business and I was supposed to have a movie night with someone (AHEM, Mikayla!), but at the last minute she changed her mind and decided to go out barhopping. I am not jealous. I swear. I’m not. Stop looking at me. I am not jealous!

How could I be? I ended up having movie night by myself. And not just any movie night, Mandy Moore Movie Night (MMMN).

Did I mention how awesome I am?

Let me present the players. The first tool needed for MMMN is a collection of required reading. These were provided by my daughter’s babysitter.
Required Reading

Next, make sure you have a ferocious guard dog in case of a burgler or in case you don’t feel like getting up to go to the kitchen, but you have a dirty plate full of salsa and cream cheese that needs to be cleaned.
Also, note the pink carpet.

For MMMN, you must stay hydrated! Additionally, wine helps make cheesy dialouge much more profound.

Keep arts and crafts handy, as MMMN films don’t always require a large use of brain cells. These will keep you busy enough that you won’t notice the lack of plot or realistic premise. I prefered to use the baby book I’ve been trying to make for Lucy since she was born.
Lucy’s Baby Book

Lucy’s Baby Book Inside

Lucy’s Baby Book Again

Now lets get to the real deal. MANDY!
Walk to Remember
TBS seemed to be aware I was hosting a MMMN party all by my lonesome and felt it would be a good idea to contribute an airing of A Walk to Remember, starring homely Mandy who is just screaming for a Hollywood makeover.

Presenting… the Hollywood makeover!
Mandy’s Makeover

First cute MMM boy of the night.

Moving on to Chasing Liberty and the second MMM cute boy of the night.
Was his name Ben?

Then Mandy got a little slutty.

And now, the big finale! The hands down cutest boy in a MMM and therefore the unofficial winner of MMMN (You didn’t realize there was a winner, did you?! Could this event BE more fun?)……
from Because I Said So.

Uh oh, looks like Johnny thinks it’s time for bed…and I agree. And no, I’m not drunk. OK, maybe a little.

Hypocrisy (not hypocracy, I looked it up)

I’m a freak about money. A total freak. It’s not that I know anything about financing or saving or anything having to do with managing one’s assets, I just know that spending money means less money for me. So I’m a freak. I obesses over every single purchase I make and I never, NEVER, buy anything without asking at least 10 people if I think I should, then waiting a few days to make sure I really want it. I don’t even go to Target anymore, because their strategically placed materials tempt me to buy things I don’t need like tiny packages of Wet Ones (I should get some, germs are bad) and light-up key chains (how convenient if you have to find your keys in the dark) and all of the cheap shoes (who cares if they’re horribly uncomfortable and fall apart in 17 days). I’m constantly checking our online bank account, then calling Trent to discuss his online purchases, scolding him for his lack of thought when splurging on a computer what’s-it. I once pined over the purchase of a bottle of perfume for days, long enough that my travel buddy finally had to pull me aside and tell me that I MUST PURCHASE THE PERFUME as I’d been obessing about it so long and it was driving her crazy. Celebrate Megan-dom, she said.

Yesterday I celebrated Megan-dom. In the worst way. T-shirts are good. Online temptation is bad.

T-shirt Spoiler

Just in case you need some more

Click here to read my new About section, 20 Questions. Gain insight into the complex emtional persona that is Crazy Bananas. Win a million dollars! Grow chocolate in trees! Learn how to train your pet to get you a beer from the fridge! Become a reality TV star! Learn the location of the fountain of youth!**

**Reading 20 Questions will not actually get you any of these things.

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