This is a list of things that are true:
1. My kids have the same joyful belly laugh, although Tate’s sometimes sounds a bit more like a growl.
2. Actually, almost everything coming out of Tate’s mouth these days sounds like a growl. If you ask him what a cow says, he growls “Mrrrrroooooorrrr!” and then laughs maniacally.
3. We are pretty sure Tate thinks he is a dinosaur.
4. Lulu’s favorite things about soccer are the parent tunnel at the end, water breaks and snacks. Her least favorite thing is actually playing the game of soccer.
5. My gluten/dairy experiment is over, so I ate bread sticks from the Olive Garden and now I feel like I might die. Apparently I should have eased into it a bit more.
6. I haven’t slept more than five hours a night in over a week due to lots of projects and fun things. I am happy, but very tired.
7. I found a new favorite (lazy) hair tool.
8. We are contemplating a real change in our home/lifestyle/career path as a family and it is really scary. I am spending way too much time feeling scared. I can’t wait to make a decision so I can just own it.
9. I am currently obsessed with this song. It will make you want to get to work.
10. I think we are entering a fleeting golden period with the kids. Lucy is sweet and hilarious, while Tate is joyful and happy (most of the time). Before I know it Tate will hit the the two-year-old slump and Lucy will start the sassy mid-elementary school stuff and I’ll look fondly back at this period full of bedtime dance parties.
11. Being a “lifestyle” blogger is strange business. All of a sudden this blog is being read by people who don’t know me in real life. I am so grateful for all the opportunities headed my way, but it’s weird to have people who only know you from what you put out there on the Internet. I often wonder if who I am on here is the same as who I am in person. Like I said, it’s a strange business.