
#onefunthing Throwing around baseballs with this guy.The parent tunnel is by far her favorite part of #soccer.

This is a list of things that are true:

1. My kids have the same joyful belly laugh, although Tate’s sometimes sounds a bit more like a growl.

2. Actually, almost everything coming out of Tate’s mouth these days sounds like a growl. If you ask him what a cow says, he growls “Mrrrrroooooorrrr!” and then laughs maniacally.

3. We are pretty sure Tate thinks he is a dinosaur.

4. Lulu’s favorite things about soccer are the parent tunnel at the end, water breaks and snacks. Her least favorite thing is actually playing the game of soccer.

5. My gluten/dairy experiment is over, so I ate bread sticks from the Olive Garden and now I feel like I might die. Apparently I should have eased into it a bit more.

6. I haven’t slept more than five hours a night in over a week due to lots of projects and fun things. I am happy, but very tired.

7. I found a new favorite (lazy) hair tool.

8. We are contemplating a real change in our home/lifestyle/career path as a family and it is really scary. I am spending way too much time feeling scared. I can’t wait to make a decision so I can just own it.

9. I am currently obsessed with this song. It will make you want to get to work.

10. I think we are entering a fleeting golden period with the kids. Lucy is sweet and hilarious, while Tate is joyful and happy (most of the time). Before I know it Tate will hit the the two-year-old slump and Lucy will start the sassy mid-elementary school stuff and I’ll look fondly back at this period full of bedtime dance parties.

11. Being a “lifestyle” blogger is strange business. All of a sudden this blog is being read by people who don’t know me in real life. I am so grateful for all the opportunities headed my way, but it’s weird to have people who only know you from what you put out there on the Internet. I often wonder if who I am on here is the same as who I am in person. Like I said, it’s a strange business.

DRF Tate Running Goats

{This is me in real life. With goats.}

Don’t Cry, Shopgirl


I know I’m a bit late in posting about the wondrous Miss Nora Ephron, but, honestly, I wasn’t quite sure what to say. It’s been a few weeks and as I’ve read the tributes online and elsewhere, I can’t help but want to add a few of my own thoughts about her legacy.

Nora Ephron wrote movies that I knew were fantasy. Yes, going to the top of the Empire State Building to find a man you’ve never met, but have sort of stalked via the radio, is insane. I know. But I didn’t care. It wasn’t about a pure reality for me, it was about all the parts and pieces in between. I loved that all the women in Nora Ephron’s movies were working women. I loved that it was never really brought up that they were working women. They just were, and no one ever questioned or challenged them about it. I loved that they were pretty, but not unattainably so. I mean, of course Meg Ryan is a beautiful woman, but she looked like someone I could be friends with. I loved that the men were funny and good at heart, even if they made stupid mistakes and acted like jackasses sometimes. I adored the emphasis on friendships and how important they were to her characters.

I loved how Nora’s movies made me feel. I am a rom-com sucker, and let’s face it, the genre has been in a pretty sad state for awhile now (I blame J. Lo). Nora’s movies are somehow timeless, even when they are based on ten or twenty year old technology. That’s pretty incredible.

Also, Nora made me fall in love with New York. Every time I’m there, I quietly imagine myself walking through a Nora Ephron movie. “Oh, don’t you love New York in the fall? If I knew your address, I’d send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils.”

Thank you, Nora.


Here are a few great Nora reads and tributes I’ve seen in the past week or so….

A lovely list Nora wrote about the things she would and wouldn’t miss after she died. (via A Cup of Jo)

This great interview she did for NPR’s Fresh Air a while ago.

This sweet tribute via the Monkey See blog really hit the nail on the head for me. When talking about Sleepless in Seattle, she writes:

It’s about leaning on your friends: Meg Ryan and Rosie O’Donnell have a quick phone call where, at the end of it, they say, “I love you,” and “I love you, too.” I was so struck by that, I remember – that in most movies, you’re lucky if people say goodbye before they hang up, but this one knew that with your best friend, when it’s important, you say, “I love you,” and “I love you, too.”

This post by Natalie is just perfection. (via Nat the Fat Rat)

i think the thing about nora is, she was not afraid to be a woman. her strengths as a writer, her characters’ strengths, all come from the fact that they are unapologetically girls. sally with the hair spray in the car in the parking lot of the diner, annie and her over-watched copy of an affair to remember, marie and her rolodex full of dateable men, tabbed in the corner if married. kathleen and her daisies. nora’s women are soft but that doesn’t mean they aren’t strong. why don’t more people see femininity the way she did? nora’s girls aren’t like men and they don’t care to be. it’s refreshing. it’s inspiring. i’m so sad to see that brilliant spark of feminism missing now that she’s gone.

The most recent book she wrote and this one from a few years back, which are now patiently waiting in my Nook queue.

And for you trivia lovers out there, Pioneer Woman is having a Nora Ephron movie quiz tonight, so go enter!

It’s the 3rd of July…

Why are you reading this? Why aren’t you headed off to some lakeside cabin or beach cottage to celebrate the birth of our country? Aren’t you a patriot? SOCIALIST!!!

OK, you might just be stuck at work like me. I mean, whoever invented holidays occurring on a Wednesday should be soundly scolded. Trent and I both have to work Thursday and Friday, not to mention today, so we aren’t headed anywhere for this big holiday. Our plans include sleeping in, sparklers and grilling out in the backyard. We might even head to the pool, but that’s only if things get crazy. So in case you’re the only person in your office and need some links to get you through the day, I’m here to help!


Best 4th of July Playlist: An Evening In, By Maggie Mason

Best 4th of July Party Idea: A Backyard Movie Night (Tutorials here or here)

Best TV Series to Catch Up on During Your Day Off: The Newsroom just started on HBO, so I, of course, won’t really get to watch it until next year when it comes out on DVD, but you can catch the first episode online. It’s pretty dang good so far. P.S. This preview is TOTALLY NSFW so don’t watch at the office without headphones (just language stuff, nothing smutty).

Best Back-up Series in Case You’re Like Me and Don’t Have HBO (waaaahhhh): Thanks to Netflix I have finally started in on the first of the many seasons of Friday Night Lights, and good lord, it’s freaking fantastic. The below preview has some spoilers, so don’t watch if you’re like me and are catching up five years later…

Best Firework Photos So Far: Photos of the Kansas City Country Club’s exhibition this weekend are at Ramsey’s Blog

Best Fun Beach Read (even if you’re miles from a beach): Messy, by the Fug Girls

Best Swimsuit for Moping at the Local Pool Instead of on a Yacht Somewhere: The Poppy Bikini over at J. Crew.

Best Grilling Tip I’ve Found and Used via the Internet: How to Grill a Steak

(Photo from July 4, 2011…when we actually had the good sense to take a few days off. Harumph.)

Lazy Mom’s Guide to Being Awesome

Did I mention a few weeks ago that one of my besties, Miss Lane, gave birth to her first baby?! Oh, it is so exciting to know Lane is a mama now, and I can’t wait to trade stories of poop in the bathtub and how to wrestle the remote control away from your toddler while you’re trying to watch an ABC Family marathon (don’t act like you have no clue what I’m talking about…ABC Family is amazing!). But for now, I wanted to bring a nice meal to my dear friends who are surely living the crazed, sleepless life of first time parents. A total bonus? If you bring food, you get to snuggle baby E!

But then the week of the meal drop off came and things exploded around here (as they tend to do pretty much anytime I have anything planned ever). I quickly realized creating some major meal was not going to be in the cards, so instead I went the lazy mom’s way out…


This is a great idea for those of us with little time or little talent when it comes to cooking a fab meal (ahem, I am both of those things). I picked up a cute, reusable picnic basket and those great, colorful cartons to hold fresh fruit and summer veggies from Target. I used pre-made pesto from Whole Foods along with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes on baked bread to make caprese sandwiches, which Lu and I then wrapped in craft paper. We decorated the craft paper with colorful Kids Made Modern tape, and then made cute little utensil wraps using yellow paper napkins, plastic forks/spoons, a colorful straw and, of course, a paper umbrella to spice up their drinks. We wrapped this in the tape as well and stored them in a turquoise candle holder I got from the Target clearance rack. We threw in some Izze’s and flowers, and topped it off with fresh macaroons (also decorated in craft tape) from a local bakery. All in all, it took about 20 minutes to put together, not counting shopping. Lazy moms, hurrah!

Why I Don’t Have Time to Post…


Every day I’ve been trying to fight the summertime working mom “guilt” (I hate that word, boo!) by doing some summery activity after work. I pick the kids up from daycare and then we’re off to the pool or sprinklers or baseball games or somewhere else where I can take photos of them so someday they can look back and feel like they had a good summer. Or maybe it’s so I can look back and feel like I gave them a good summer. Either way, we’re hot, tired and satisfied. Posting may be light for a while as we get our summer routine going and I wrap up some big projects at work, but I’m sure you all understand. Instead of reading, you can just get outside and soak up some sun, like we are. Just remember, SPF 50+ for us pale, freckled folk!

(You can follow me on Twitter (@Crazybananas) or Instagram (@Crazy_Bananas) for real time updates of our summer fun!)

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