
So, I meant to write a HUGE, GINORMOUS post by today. I really did. It was going to have beautiful photos and illustrations and unicorns and rainbows would come out of your computer screen and you’d hear angels singing and the snozzberries would taste like snozzberries…but I digress. Instead, I spent most of my evening and night and early morning with my baby girl who has a cough so bad that it makes her puke. Seriously. I might add that this is another thing I wasn’t warned about in child care class. Can I have a refund?

Last night around 6:30 Lu was sitting in a pile of all of her toys right next to our dining room table when she started hacking uncontrollably (as she has been for a day or two). All of a sudden, the hacking turned to hiccuping, turned to gagging turned to puke all over the freaking place. This senario repeated several times throughout the night.

So after lots of clothes washing and sheet changing and cleaning the puke out of my hair, I had to get up and go to work early so I can leave early enough for Trent to get into work. And my normal work day starts at 6 a.m., so you can imagine how early “early” is for me. I’m sure you can also imagine how crabby I am, as I am normally a crab, but lack of sleep adds about a million on my crab-o-meter.

Long story short, no big ole’ post today. But in my sleep deprivited state, this post made me laugh for about 10 minutes straight. An exerpt:

So I swing the door open, grab her before she has a chance to get away, and then walk back into the living room where Leta is still crying and Jon is actively acquiring more Star Bits. And I’m standing there with my parts peeking out the front of this giant coat, a snow-covered puppy wriggling violently in my arms, her poop-scented tongue licking my forehead. Sometimes life is such that it’s too much to ask for them all to sit still so that I can take ten seconds and put on a pair of panties.

Photo Upload = Brain Implosion


I’ve done it.

All of the photos from November thru yesterday are uploaded to Flickr.


In the upcoming days I plan to write about some of the photos and our whole holiday season (minus Thanksgiving, when I forgot my camera). I’ll also send out one of my mighty email updates. But tonight. I rest.

Click on the Most Recent Photos icons on the left side of this page to view, if you just can’t wait another day.

A Little Bit O’ Spam

My replies are in italics…

Hi dude! Very interesting site. Hope it will always be alive! The Friends, who heard what your opinion on the viagra research about the buy viagra ? cheap viagra cheap viagra free viagra viagra information viagra online and else branded viagra for attention thank you

Why you’re welcome…and I had no idea that Ross and Rachel were reading my blog. Could you tell Joey he looks a lot like my husband and ask him why he eats so many sandwiches. And also, why is he doing research on Viagra? Is this about Chandler?

Polaroid T737
Nice comment.
I know you’ll surf on our website..
Thank You

Oh DO YOU, Mr. Polaroid T737?! Well, aren’t you intuitive. Just this morning I thought to myself, “I must surf Poloroid T737’s website.” You must be psychic.

Good Credit
Hi guys! I need help. My credit score is 550. Is there a credit card for me? I have already applied for one and was denied. Yesterday I searched for good credit card sites and have found one with various credit cards. But how could I know what credit card is right for me? Please help. Thanks beforehand.

OK, spammer man, you may be surfing the wrong blog, as I know nothing about money, except that I like it and I want some more of it. But, you should probably sign up for one of those card applications you get in the mail, then buy a new car on it. Good luck!

I wish to offer extra services to find drugs.
Forgive me for my English

You are forgiven, but I have no drugs. I apologize. You may want to try someone younger or more hip, or with less children.

IGNILIPTOTS Britney Spears
It’s lindsay lohan pictures Great! lindsay lohan photos Look jessica alba skyblog Great! britney spears crotch look at it lindsay lohan fashion


Dear Ikea,

Hello, Ikea. Have you missed me? I miss you greatly. I miss your very high ceilings and your play area for kids. I miss your extremely low prices. I miss this bedding. And this chair. And these plates. And all this stuff that would be perfect in Lucy’s room. I wish you would move closer. Then I could throw a dinner party for under $200. Which would be nice, as I am very poor. Have I mentioned that, Ikea? Maybe it would be some sort of tax deduction if you moved here. You should check that out.

Your loyal admirer,

P.S. If you refuse to move here, the least you could do is beef up your online store. Unless you want me to live with my husband’s shitty dresser he’s had since sixth grade and my bed on blocks until I’m 30. Which is just plain mean.

P.P.S You’re coming to West Chester, Ohio and not here!!!!??? Damn you, Ikea. Daaaaammmnnn yooooouuuu!

Desktop Design

Since being less blond (aka less ditzy, more organized) is on the agenda for 2008, I’ve spent some time looking for ideas that can actually get my excited, instead of just plain overwhelmed. I think I should start with my desktop (via Mighty Girl). When desktops dance, another angel gets 20G of hard drive space…huh?

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