Confessions Take Two – On The Flip Side


One of the best things you can do for your marriage (or any romantic relationship) is ride a few carnival rides. When life feels too stressful, nothing is better than grabbing two tickets and hopping in a car on the Tilt O’Whirl. The two minutes of laughing out loud and screaming your head off will cure any emotional ailments.

I set my alarm twice during the holiday weekend in order to get up and watch the sunrise over the farm with my coffee. Both times I came up with an excuse and went back to bed.

My kid isn’t afraid of anything, except loud noises. Sometimes I feel like I’m failing her because she hasn’t yet overcome this fear.

I’m so incredibly happy that my daughter has amazing grandparents. Watching her with them is like every dream I ever had as a kid for a wonderful extended family. She is so lucky.

I missed Sandra Bullock. She’s funny. I’m glad she’s in movies again.

I registered in a contest online to win Harry Potter tickets. Then I registered again with my husband’s name. He hates Harry Potter.

I have a huge deadline at work, but instead I’m updating the blog.

My mother-in-law bought me a pretty polka-dotted dress this weekend, and when I had nowhere to wear it, I wore it to a Sunday matinee movie with a girlfriend I hadn’t seen in a year. Afterwards we played a few rousing games of air hockey. Best date I’ve had in a while.


My daughter ran off with our American flag the other day, letting it drag all over the ground and get covered in dirt. I think that may be illegal.

Mini Lady Liberty

Today I purchased a large floppy hat by justifying a vacation I might get to take (maybe) in August. Yes, a large hat. That is floppy.

I make fun of my mom for her QVC addition, but I can see how easy it can be to get in over your head. Online shopping is the devil.

My first kiss was so lovely and romantic, I hate remembering that it was with a total 13-year-old douchebag.

I sometimes wonder if I actually want more kids, or if we should just stay the happy little family we are now. Three is the magic number, or so they say.

Lately I have felt so uninspired, I haven’t wanted to write a word on this blog, knowing it would all come out negative. I’m afraid I might be all out of stories.

I have a very creative friend that wants to start a business with me. The thought of it gets me so excited, but then I remember that this family already owns a business and two entrepreneurs in one marriage could very well equal a crowd. But I can’t help wondering “what if?”

Wake up.


Here’s to the end of another week. May your weekend be filled with refreshing pools, baking in the sun, Michael Jackson tribute mixes, the smell of SPF 50, fresh fruit and lemonade. Happy summer!

Photo via NYC + KC. By me.

Nicey Nash Would Kick My Butt

I pride myself on being relatively organized. I like my space clean and simple, not too much junk cluttering my home or office. When things are cluttered I don’t think straight, I can’t focus, and I tend to get a bit crabby (just ask the husband, who is, of course, the most cluttered being on this planet). So today when I spent 10 minutes in downtown KC digging for my keys in my purse, I decided it should immediately be de-cluttered. And holy cow, I carry way to much crap in my purse! I am amazed I don’t have a hernia from lugging this stuff around all day. For example, in my purse right now (along with my keys):

– Small Shinzi Kateh notebook
– Note from Trent asking me to pick up food for dinner
– Lucy’s report card from school
– iPhone (with headphones)
– Package of tissues
– Wallet
– Business cards for work
– A check stub from a work event I attended last week
– Two Kashi cereal bars (mostly smushed from being in my purse)
– One tube of bright red MAC lipstick
– One tube of neutral Lancome lipstick
– One tube of Burt’s Bees lip gloss
– One compact of MAC foundation
– One travel sized bottle of Japanese Cherry Blossom body spray
– One travel sized package of baby wipes
– Two pens
– One bottle of Fekkai dry shampoo
– One iPod Touch (belonging to my mother-in-law)

And seriously, that is way to much crap. Especially considering how often I use some of it (read: never). So I’m de-cluttering. And I have a feeling my shoulders will thank me.

Lazy Blogging Continues

I know, it’s been nothing but pictures and links lately, but I HAD to post this, I’m contractually obligated.

Yes, that is Zack Morris on the Late Show. The real Zack Morris. And he even does a song from the most amazing band of the early 90’s, the Zack Attack. Awesomeness.

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