
On Friday I completely lost my voice. Not just a case of scratchy, winter cold, but absolutely no sound when I opened my mouth. At work, everyone kept asking if I was trying to keep a secret, due to my incessant whispering. At home, Lucy kept asking me why I couldn’t just “talk loud” because she couldn’t hear or understand a word I was saying.

And while it totally sucked, I sort of felt like a third grader playing hooky. Technically, I actually felt much, much better than I had earlier in the week, I just sounded worse. So when my boss came into my office at work and told me he wanted me to go home, I willingly obliged. I spent Friday afternoon cooking up a massive amount of treats to give away to friends and neighbors, for once actually ahead of schedule. Our Saturday was supposed to be filled with playdates and Christmas parties and gift exchanges, but instead I spent the entire day in my jammies, my voice slowly gaining strength until I sounded a bit like a cross between a goose and a donkey. I took two naps, one when Trent took Lucy out for lunch and another when she was taking her own nap. Lu went to bed early and Trent and I watched The Hangover while feasting on Gatorade and soup. Though I was sad to cancel plans with friends, I sorely needed a lazy Saturday, and it was totally glorious.

And on Sunday, when my voice was mostly back (though still nasal and cracking here and there), I somehow convinced Lucy that when she is naughty, my voice goes away. I know, right? Awful. But effective.


Happy Winter Solstice everyone! The days will only get longer from here, and hopefully the extra sun time will help us all get healthier. Or at least, happier.

Follow Friday

If you use Twitter, you already know about Follow Friday (or #ff), which is when everyone on Twitter recommends people that others should follow…and they do it on…wait for it…a FRIDAY. Get it? Follow Friday? Twitter is smart.

So as I try to get myself back into the swing of writing here daily-ish, I wanted to come up with some weekly things that can give me a writing nudge when topics don’t come as freely. So here, my gentle readers, is the first Crazybananas Follow Friday, where I’ll share in more than 140 characters things I’ve tweeted or things that I just want to share with you from around the web. Let’s give it a whirl, shall we?

For your ears:
I’ve spent most of the week holed up with this insane super-cold, which has officially taken my voice, my chances for sleep and my dignity (when I was in a meeting and someone compared the sound of my voice to Darth Vader). So listening to something sweet has made me feel a bit better, and what is sweeter than Regina Spektor? Exactly, nothing.

For your heart:
Lately I’ve been pondering the whole “love” thing more than a cynic like me probably should. Those of you that know me personally and not just through the Internet, know Trent and I have had a crazy few months, with medical tests coming out of our eyeballs and medical bills arriving out of thin air. That, coupled with the heartbreak of a few friends, both close and far, has had me sitting around like a 16-year-old emo kid, sulking in history class, asking the Universe questions it surely will never answer. But today I read this, and something just clicked. When the writer asked Twitter, “How did you know you were really in love & how long did it take before you knew?” the responses spanned the entire romantic spectrum. But the one that just kicked me right in the face? Was this:

@Anyabeth: when you know that he is an asshole but he is “your” kind of asshole. And that he doesn’t mind that you are an asshole too.

This. Just. This.

For your body:
Am I the only one on the planet that didn’t know about Mod Cloth? Because seriously? I COVET IT ALL!

Mod Cloth

Ummm…vintage. $60. Whaaaaa??!!!!

Honestly, I’m amazed I even shared this site instead of greedily keeping it to myself, but since you probably all shop it anyway, it’s all good.

For your blogroll:
I’ve recommended her before, but Rebecca Wolfe is an insanely good writer, so I’m telling you once more to check her out. And she also inspired my bangs. Just, you know, in case you care.

For your opinion:
Speaking of my bangs, I’m at that stage of bang growth where I have to decide whether to stick with the blunt bangs or grow them out. What do you think?


And thus concludes my first Crazybananas Follow Friday. I think I’m gonna take a nap now.

Someone in this room needs a Nyquil IV drip

5 Things That Are Annoying Me Today
1. My nasal voice and the throbbing above my eyes (f’ing colds and their f’ing mucus).
2. The fact that every pregnant person I know is having a boy so I have no reason to buy this (any takers?).
3. The fact that Glee is over until April.
4. Facebook…it bugs me. I don’t like it anymore. But I’ve been told it’s “social suicide” to quit.
5. The four proposals I have due at work, which means I probably won’t be able to take any extra time off for the holidays.

5 Things That Are Cheering Me Up, Despite My Best Efforts to Stay Crabby
1. The new season of Chuck is quickly approaching and it’s supposed to be awesome!
2. This video of Glee’s Mark Salling serenading his cast and crew. Half the reason I love this show is that it’s actors seem so down to earth and genuinely appreciative of their success. Check it:

3. The fact that my boss just “punted” a proposal because I don’t have time to do it. Yay for deadlines that no longer exist!
4. I finished my Christmas shopping!
5. NYC + KC is still going strong….over 300 days completed, I’m as amazed as you are!

Day Two Hundred and Fifty Five

Day Two Hundred and Eighty Three

Day Two Hundred and Sixty Five

Now, can somebody please bring me a cookie and some hot tea? And a personal assistant? And a full sized cutout of Edward Cullen? Please and thank you.


I have this service called Photojojo, which I’d highly recommend to anyone who uses Flickr to store their photos. Their site has photography tips and tricks, random wares for purchase (old seatbelts refurbished into camera straps?) and a forum where you can chat with other photographers. But the best part about Photojojo, is their Time Capsule.

Every two weeks, I get an email from Photojojo with the subject line “You’re Old Photos Are New Again!” In that email are pictures that I uploaded to Flickr exactly one year prior. I tend to forget that it’s Photojojo day, so I’m always happy to get a sweet surprise in my Inbox. Today’s looked like this:


Have you ever seen a more awesome sight than this? My bestest friends in the whole wide world, gathering to rock out to some NKOTB live one year ago. I miss these girls (except for Mara, I don’t really miss you, I see you all the freaking time). Has it really been a year already? How does time go by so quickly? And when, oh when, are we going to do this again?

Your Bestie,

Vintage Crazybananas: Further Humiliation (Attention)

At the request of my dear Abbie, I’ll be randomly re-posting some of my favorite past entries on this here website. When will I do this? Well, probably whenever I’m having a lazy blogging day (read: today) or whenever I spend a majority of my day mainlining Nyquil while attempting to wrap Christmas presents as my three-year-old smashes every ornament she can find (read: also today). This was first posted on July 5, 2007:

You think I like the attention, huh? Or else why would I continuously beat the dead horse that is my time spent at Space Camp. But no, I just keep writing about it. I first mentioned it here. Then here. And now…

Space Camp

Did I mention I was kind of slutty at Space Camp? Wheeeee!

Space Camp

You can tell I’m very upset the rest of my group did not inform me that we were all wearing our flight jackets that day. Seriously, dude, don’t even look at me! I’m hideous without my flight jacket!

Space Camp

Where do you go for awkward, sweaty hand-holding at Space Camp. A replica of the Apollo pod, of course! And boy, do we look pissed we were interrupted.

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