
Old friends are the best. And with the good ones, it all can just fall back in to place, even if it has been years since you’ve really hung out. All you need is a car, a half-assed plan and the open road. And a faulty K-Tag. And a craving for some hometown grub.

And so ends the #RABroadtrip2010...@trustthedust and I are totally awesome.

Summer beer doesn’t hurt either.

One summer beer down. Woop woop! @trustthedust

Back in the day (when I was young, I’m not a kid anymore, but somedays, I sit and wish I was a kid again)

Even since I finished the latest redesign of this site, I’ve been fumbling around with my archives, trying to create a cohesive way to organize six years worth of content. And yes, I use the term “content” rather loosely. Last night, I was screwing around yet again, attempting, with my remedial web design skills, to find a good way to provide archive links, when I found myself pouring over content from the first real year of writing here on Crazybananas. I mean, 2004 was technically the first year of this experiment, but most of those posts were solely dedicated to my time in Italy, and were written like an email to my mother (see here or here).

But around mid-Spring 2005, I started writing here in a style that can only be described as totally insane. Instead of lovely letters home to mother, I started using the word “fuck” way more often than necessary. And I had no boundaries. None. Everything could be written about. And there was no Twitter or Facebook, so every little thing I thought was funny (and sometimes not so funny) was written here. For better or for worse, I shared it all. The sad stuff, the fun stuff, the scary stuff…and my filter, well, it wasn’t so great.

These days, my filter is thicker then the Great Wall of China. I have many, many stories I’d love to share, and would surely get a laugh, but something in my brain tells me to wait and reconsider before I hit the publish button. When I went back and read some of those early posts, I was equally amazed and appalled with myself. I was so young. So oblivious. So much funnier to read.

I don’t really know what the purpose of this post is. Do I want to go back to that style of writing? The whole, fuck you, fuck me, fuck the world mentality? Probably not. But I kind of miss it. I miss just saying what I mean and not sugar-coating it. I miss the honesty of it. The reality that things are not perfect, and it’s okay to share the imperfections along with the good stuff.

I don’t know. But I do know that I found a few posts I wanted to re-share with you. And maybe you could let me know, should I go back? Could I go back? After being a mom and a wife and a responsible (read: not completely drunk) human for a few years…is it possible to be that person again. Even a little bit? Am I actually still that person? Am I just censoring myself?

Either way, this shit be FUNNY.

(Note: Along with the posts, you must read the comments. You’ll recognize some familiar names, and they are nearly, if not more so, funny than I am. Lawd mercy.)

Crazybanana’s Hits of 2005

– That one where Mikayla and I discussed birth control…loudly, at a bar, in front of our boyfriends.

– That one where I got all mad at Heath for never leaving comments anymore.

– That one where I basically just ranted for five minutes.

– The one where Mara went batshit crazy.

– The one where I explained “The Grumples.”

– The one where Trent wouldn’t pick up his damn pants.

– The one where I got drunk and stuffed media kits.

– The one where I revealed my pregnancy.

– The one where I listed everything that made me cry while hormonal and pregnant.

– The one where the lady at Taco Bell said Trent looked like Dennis Hopper.

Raising the RoofWho likes scarves?10:45 AM: Isn't That Refreshing?

Me, Circa 2005

Song of the Moment: Local Natives – Wide Eyes

Smile, damnit.

The Jayhawks lost. The Teabaggers got all racist up in this piece. I somehow convinced myself the husband was coming home from a few days away this afternoon, when it’s actually tomorrow afternoon. Alex Chilton died. My brother cancelled his trip to KC, and I was really looking forward to seeing him, and his lovely family.

Basically it’s all “wamp wamp waaaammp” over here.

So here. Smile. Be happy. And be glad you’re not at home with H1N1 (like poor, poor KT).

1. First up, hula hoops! Dancing in the halls! And Zooey Dechanel, firmly cementing my ongoing girl-crush.

2. I booked my tickets to NYC in May! Can’t wait to see these lovely faces!

NYC Peeps

3. Yay for healthcare reform!
And a special “yay!” for my Rep. Dennis Moore who was the only Kansas legislator to vote for it. I so wish he wasn’t leaving Congress. (Also, thanks to my former Missouri representative, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver for voting yes.)

4. MGMT has a new album out…you can listen to it for free here.

5. And also, this.

The end.

Postscript: I Wasn’t Kidding About the Figure Skating Movie Marathon

Just in case you doubted me, here is proof. A transcript of my day of text messaging with KT regarding ABC Family’s Cutting Edge Marathon:

Cutting Edge: The Original

M: Cutting Edge marthon is on!!!!
M: OMG…best music/outfits ever!!!
K: The french braids! At a black tie event!
M: Pamchencko!
K: Gotta love the finishing kiss for the gold. Oy vey.
K: Wait, did they even get the gold?

Cutting Edge: Going for the Gold

M: Oh, good good, there are surfers in this one.
K: I’ve never seen this one…who is that chick? I’ve seen her before. The Jackie main chick, I mean. And is that Oksana Baiul?
M: No idea who that chick is…she reminds me of Miley Cyrus.
K: She was in some teen Nickelodeon show I think (oh god, my true colors are showing).
K: She was on Even Stevens (thank you IMDB)
M: Dude, this boy is cute, but he sorta reminds me of Spencer Pratt.
M: Gah! Puffy sleeves!!!
K: Puffy sleeves!!!
K: Good god.
M: Gold lame bra top!
K: That is one ugly outfit.

Cutting Edge: Chasing the Dream

M: Okay, starting CE3.
K: Um, CE3 has the steamy guy from the new 90210.
M: Hmmm…I’m seeing a theme here.
K: Uh, yea.
M: Are pairs ice skaters actually so popular that they are watched by the papparazzi?
K: Um yeeeeeeaaaaaa, they are the coolest.
M: Trent is now watching with me. He has already predicted the entire movie. “Dude, just go do the Russian chick.”
M: “Oh, she’s mean, I can’t skate with someone who’s mean!”
K: She’s a man eater!
K: Gag me.
M: Trent has laughed out loud way more then I have. I think he is secretly loving this.
K: He would. Him and his LAN parties.
M: Random note: I need to find a profession where my job is to stay in kickass shape.
K: Agreed. Can I be your assistant to that job?
K: You’ll never guess what makes a return in this one.
M: PAMCHENKO!!!?????
M: Wait, so apparently it didn’t work out with Jackie and her surfer/in-line skater, right?
K: Yes. Tear.
M: Dude, he kicked her in the head with his skate on?!
K: Trent was right, the Russian is a bimbo.
M: Return of the french braid!
K: Ah, the talk before the big skate. Now where have I seen this before?

Cutting Edge: Fire and Ice

M: Starting CE4!!!
K: He is so freakin hot.
M: I know!!!
K: I like the little gap in his teeth.
M: I know, he’s not pretty, but so hot.
K: He looks like he should be on Star Trek with that outfit.
M: Maybe it’s a tribute to his alien beginnings.
K: Mmmm, but me likey the polo+hoodie+blazer combo he’s got goin on now.
M: Hothothot!!!!
K: Looks like she’s got a little more junk in the trunk since the last movie.
M: Shirtless!!!!!
K: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa speechless.
M: Who plays strip poker?
K: Humanah Humanah Humanah
K: Um, HELLO!!!
K: I want chocolate chip cookies.
M: So hot. Just. Wow.
K: Tiny. I mean tiny cartoon undies. Hello.
M: I am officially dubbing him “the hotness monster.”
M: OMG!!!
M: The hotness monster strikes again!
K: ABC family whaaaaat!
K: Megan is now hiding.
M: Shut it.
K: hahahahahaha
M: That happened way too early, something has to split them up before they skate. It’s the Cutting Edge way.
K: Aaaaaannndd cut to old partner.
M: Don’t be sad, hotness monster.
M: Ruh, roh….enter bad decisions.
K: “Doesn’t that involve reading or something?” *ick.
M: She’s not even cute!
K: At all. Bad hotness monster. Bad.
M: Nooooooo!!!! Mean hotness monster!
K: Awful hair ribbon.
M: Is that a skirt of fringe?
M: They get to skate!!!! And he’s still extremely hot!
K: Rawr.
M: Betcha wanna watch Roswell now
K: Uh yea. I’ll be picturing him like this though.
K: Cue Megan hiding.
M: Good grief.
M: And goodnight, hotness monster.

Modesty Runs in the Family

Found in the notes section of my phone after my lovely niece ran off with it:

Sloan is awesome.

That’s no lie.


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