Preggo Style – Day 4
I can’t believe we are on Day 4 already! Only today and tomorrow, and then the Preggo Style Project will be over. Wah. To battle our collective sadness, let’s check out Day 4 and laugh over how I make the same bored face in almost every single photo. I am so cool and above it all, can’t you tell? This look was one we put together for a regular Saturday, and if you’re me, your Saturdays are spent running kiddos to dance class, birthday parties, shopping, and every once in a while, getting some quality time with your male counterpart. With that in mind, onward!

From Katie, My Stylish Obi Wan Kanobi: O – M – G this is probably the look I most relate to because I love (love!) jackets, boots and those new whatchamacallits… oh yea, jeggings. Megan in her uber-chicness owns a pair of jeggings, which due to my spending freeze I have not acquired yet, but I hear (and see) they are must haves for anyone. Looking through the assortment of tops and sweaters scattered on her bed, I knew I wanted to get her in a jacket. She has numerous jackets, all of which I love and some of which have been complimented by celebrities…she hasn’t mentioned this yet, has she? The tan jacket is a favorite because of the ruffle detail and the heathered camel color that will go with just about anything. The shirt we chose to go under the jacket works because the print spices up the look and the neck line does not compete with the ruffle of the jacket. No jacket? I would suggest a vest or cape in its place.
From Megan: Ah yes, jeggings. I fought against the evil “leggings as pants” craze for so long, when I heard the term “jeggings” I immediately wanted to vomit. But mid summer I got a very thoughtful Gap Maternity Gift Card in the mail from my in-laws, and when I went online to check out some options, I saw these. They looked so “Fall” and like they’d be adorable under boots or with pumps or even ballet flats. Plus, the fact that they are jeggings make them so much softer and more comfortable then skinny jeans…I was sold. This is really the only expensive purchase, clothing-wise, I’ve made the entire pregnancy, and it was totally worth it. These jeans are great for weekends, for casual Fridays at the office, date nights…pretty much anything. They have a “back panel” fit, so you can’t even tell they are maternity, and they also feature an adjustable waist-band, so you can make them larger as you get larger. As they were a new style this year, they were hard to find on sale or on eBay, but I bet once winter is over, they’ll pop up here and there for a cheaper price tag. The shirt is from Anthropologie, and I got it online for $20 last year (thanks to GGC who posted about it on her site). The bottom has a great flare detail, so it’s still (barely) fits, although I have a feeling it will soon have to be retired until Taco John arrives. The jacket is from J Crew, and is a constant for me during the Fall, especially for work. The boots are the same Born models that we featured on Day 1.

From Katie: Meg’s a lover of big, bold, colorful purses (just like me… have you met my green “Michelleâ€?). Her yellow bag was a perfect complement to this denim look and the pleats and gathers reminded me of the of the Marni “Balloon†bag (with a much cheaper price tag). The look for her hair was a must needed messy chignon that she could just wrap and go, which makes 4 year old birthday parties and shopping much easier, wouldn’t you say? She owns a couple of curly-q swizzle sticks that make creating this look easy. Here’s a video explaining how to achieve this look, but I’m warning you, it kinda makes me cringe. Get to the point already lady! I do have to say that it was pretty helpful though. Go to the 1:58 mark and she starts telling you how to use these cool clips. Megan set the look off with a pair of aviators and simple, rose lip and she was ready to cruise.
From Megan: We went pretty simple with the accessories for this outfit, mostly because I felt like on a long weekend day, I wouldn’t rock too many pieces. If I was going to add anything to this look, it’d definitely be a quirky pair of earrings or maybe a big, gaudy cocktail ring. Instead, we chose to stick with simple, adding a pair of aviator sunglasses and one of my many giant suitcases purses. You mama’s out there know how much crap you have to cart around when you have kids, but I am not a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh diaper bags, so I tend to to buy giant, cheap purses and just use them until they are too gross and I have to throw them out. This one is from Target, but you can find similar pieces at any Old Navy, Forever 21, H&M, etc. The sunglasses are from the Banana Republic Factory Store (love the discounts…love!), and were slightly smushed during a roller-coaster incident last year. Eh, they still work, right? The hair was accomplished using the new Goody Spin Pins, which I discovered this summer and lived in during those humid Kansas months. They are a bit tricky at first, but once you get the technique down, they are an awesome alternative to a ponytail that doesn’t require too much maintenance.
And holy moley, everyone, that’s Day 4! I guess you could say this is the most expensive outfit we’ve featured so far, as the jeggings were purchased new and are about $70 retail. Granted, I paid for them with a gift card, so I consider them free…but whatever. Everything else featured is non-maternity and was already owned by me. Just shows you that one great purchase can make an entire outfit! Tomorrow is the last day of the Preggo Style Project, and we’re planning on going out with a fun evening look. I will even be sporting the red lipstick that makes me “look like the Joker, the latest one, the one that died.” You don’t want to miss it!