2015 : Love

A few weeks ago we closed the book on 2014, and it got me thinking about everything I learned this year. It’s overwhelming. I’ve gained so much knowledge about this person I’m becoming and about the universe that surrounds me.


The biggest thing? Probably the knowledge that I am not one thing, and I don’t have to be. I can be strong AND smart. Beautiful AND ugly. Silly AND serious. Creative overachiever AND a fan of “good enough.” I can believe in the power of words AND the power of silence. I can be pro gay marriage AND pro God (of my understanding). I can be adamant that #blacklivesmatter AND be grateful to police officers and their families. I can find Lana Del Rey totally obnoxious AND sing along to Lana Del Rey. Ditto Taylor Swift. I can be a super fan of Britney Spears AND Doctor Who. I can be a person who doesn’t drink alcohol anymore AND a someone who’s super awesome at Cards Against Humanity. A mother AND a girl who needs mothering. I can be a planner with a million to do lists AND a spontaneous free spirit.

While I love the idea of “resolutions,” I find it much more effective for me to choose a word each year, and then try my best to live each day with that word behind everything I say and do. My 2015 word of the year is LOVE. Because I believe as long as you’re living your life with love at the forefront, you can do/be anything. You can be the yin and the yang all by yourself. I think we all are. We just have to remember to love all of ourselves, and do our best to extend that love to the people around us.


I know the world can be scary. Bad things happen every day, in every town and city in the world. But truly, when I look at the world around me through a frame of love and tolerance, it can be a beautiful place. So for this year, I’m choosing love, beauty and joy. Bring it on.

Elsewhere : Family Time is Gaming Time

I’m over at Pixelkin.org talking about we use gaming time as family time…


But truly, I think that gaming together is a positive solution to my screen time issues. One of the largest problems I have with my kids’ screen time is too often I find myself giving them TV, tablet or computer time as a way to keep them busy while I complete some other task. But when we spend our gaming time as a family, the screen time is more interactive. They aren’t just staring at a screen, immersed in their own world. Instead they are working together, talking to us and each other, and learning how to play with a group. They get their desired screen time and I get my desired family togetherness. It’s a win-win!

To read more, head over to Pixelkin.org!

Crazybananas Vlog No. 3 – Saying Goodbye to the Holidays

It’s time for another edition of the Crazybananas Vlog! Soooo…how long do you leave your holiday decorations up? I’m having a horrible time saying goodbye to the twinkle lights this year! It’s a little silly, but the holidays were so busy/crazy, I’m loving having all the twinkle with none of the anxiety. Anyone else feeling the same way? Was your holiday a busy one? What did you do to keep the insanity at bay? Do you have plans to change it up next year? Please leave your advice and questions in the comments. I’d LOVE to hear them!

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