I had no idea that 2014 was going to be the year I remembered how much I dearly love to read. For the past few years, reading lost it’s luster for me. It took time, of which I clearly had little, and patience, of which I had almost none. When I would collapse after a crazy day of parenting/working/living the human experience, I found myself picking up the remote control instead of a book, losing myself in television or movies that made me laugh.
But in 2014, my kids and I rediscovered the library. I mean, did you guys know they let you take books home for FREE? And if they don’t have the book you want today they will find it for you and then send you a nice note when it’s ready for pickup? Screw technology, library books are officially my MVP of 2014.
From June 2014 (when we became card carrying public library patrons) until the end of the year I read 21 books. Holy. Hell. I don’t think I’d read four books total in the last few years, but in 2014 I fell in love with the page again. This was probably also prompted by my rediscovery of my creativity…when I feel like writing, that usually makes me want to read as well. And so I did, and my brain was better for it.
So far, 2015 is a bit busier than the early days of 2014, and I was afraid I’d fall back into a pattern of numbing out to TV instead of burying my nose in a book. (Sidenote: Numbing out to TV is totally awesome too…don’t think I’ve given up on moving pictures! I still love them too! Just not with as much vigor.) Luckily, my kids still beg for library time, so I’ve been inspired to keep going too. So far this year I’ve finished two books, and they couldn’t be more different.
Heaven Is Here: An Incredible Story of Hope, Triumph, and Everyday Joy is the beautiful story of blogger Stephanie Nielson, who lived a charmed life as a wife and mother of four in Arizona. I have followed Stephanie’s blog since the early days, and always enjoyed her musings on family, faith and fun projects she did around her home. I was also obsessed with her red lipstick (we all know I’m a sucker for a bright red lip)! But in 2008, Stephanie’s world shattered around her, as she and her husband were involved in a horrific plane crash, which left Stephanie burned over 80% of her body. Heaven is Here is a memoir depicting Stephanie’s life before and after the crash, and focusing on her climb back from physical and mental obstacles I can’t even imagine. I was inspired and found myself appreciating all the good (and bad) in my life after reading this book. Stephanie’s writing is funny and real, and I am so glad she invites us along as she tells her story.
Jane Eyre is a book I read in high school, but I honestly didn’t remember much. Lately I’ve rediscovered my love of the classics, especially when they are told by women. I feel way too often women’s voices are overshadowed, especially in fiction, and it soothes me to know some tales go on. Even though space and time divides myself and Jane Eyre, it’s comforting to read her story and find common links. I think this year I’m going to try and read a couple more classics, just to remind myself of what amazing women writers of all times are capable of. The Charlotte Bronte’s of the world are the precursors to little bloggers like me, and I’m so grateful to belong to a club of women telling their stories.
Read anything good lately? I’m always looking for some awesome additions to my bookshelf! Plus, the local librarian now knows us by name, which is pretty much the coolest thing ever!
http://www.crazybananas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Crazy_Banans_Logo_WebsiteBanner.png00Meganhttp://www.crazybananas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Crazy_Banans_Logo_WebsiteBanner.pngMegan2015-01-20 18:28:232015-01-20 18:28:23CB Reads : Classics and Heaven
I’m not a good goal setter. Everyone who knows me or has heard me talk about this topic knows I struggle to keep and set goals. As a former perfectionist, goals can be triggering for me. When I set a goal, and don’t achieve it, I can find myself in a shame spiral that’s difficult for me to climb out of. But I’m working on it. I’m slowly (SLOWLY) learning that goals don’t have to be big, scary, self-imposed checklists. They can be fun, they can change, they can be adaptable…who knew?
This year my best friend and I decided to resurrect our NYC + KC project from 2009. You guys remember that, right? If not, here’s a quick rundown (or you can just read this post here): Two friends, miles apart, post one photo every day depicting their lives. This time around we are doing the project on Instagram, and you can watch it all unfold at @nycpluskc. It’s pretty fun.
One random, unexpected issue with NYC + KC, however, has been it’s affect on my own personal Instagram account (@crazy_bananas). I don’t want to double post the same images every day, so I’ve found myself getting out my DSLR camera more and more, trying to capture the beautiful simplicity of life these days, and then posting those images on my personal Instagram. The response has been sort of overwhelming and very supportive, and I’ve been really excited to take photos again. This is a big deal, friends. For the past year or so, my love of photography was overshadowed by massive creative block, and there were times I wondered if I should just give it all up. But I’m finding the joy in photography again, and what a gift it is! Here are a few images from the past week, and I hope to keep posting these on Instagram daily throughout the year. Simple. Joyful. Life.
Turns out sometimes, goals create themselves for you. But it’s your responsibility to hold on for the ride!
http://www.crazybananas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Crazy_Banans_Logo_WebsiteBanner.png00Meganhttp://www.crazybananas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Crazy_Banans_Logo_WebsiteBanner.pngMegan2015-01-16 12:19:132015-01-16 12:23:58Practice Makes Better (But Definitely Not Perfect)
Every other Tuesday, Tate and I pack ourselves up after we take Lucy to school and we head to what Tate calls “playgroup.” Actually, it’s a moms group that I joined this year, which meets twice monthly to learn from each other and from experts on this strange phenomenon called parenting. We’ve had speakers ranging from brain scientists to school superintendents, and I truly value these meetings, not only for the learning that occurs, but the fellowship. There is something awesome about getting a bunch of moms together in one room and admitting we are all just trying to figure this thing out. While I’m in class, Tate goes to a fun playroom for an hour or two, and he loves it. “Playgroup” days are some of his favorite days.
Anyway, with the holidays and whatnot, our schedule is a bit off and we haven’t had “playgroup” in over a month. For whatever reason, I had it in my head that this Tuesday was our first meeting of 2015, so after Lulu was at school, I got us all packed and pumped up for a fun morning at “playgroup.”
I signed Tate in using the computer at the childcare entrance, and that’s when I noticed things were off. We saw his teacher from school, who was meeting with her group that day, and we both remarked how funny it was that we had never seen each other there before (ahem, because she goes to a different group on a different day…). When I checked Tate in, the childcare people couldn’t find him on the roster, but I assumed it was because he had a birthday and would now be in a different room. The leader kindly said, “Are you sure you have the right day? Sometimes the schedules get mixed up after the holidays.” Of course I had the right day! Right? Hmmm.
After I dropped Tate off I started to question myself. And sure enough, when I checked my calendar, I had the wrong day. I was off by a week. So I had to embarrassingly go back to childcare and admit my mistake, then make my super-confused 4-year-old leave the “playgroup” where he was having a blast. “Mama! Why? We just got here! I want to go to playgroup!!!” He cried and pleaded, and the teachers kindly told me this happens all the time, but I was beating myself up. How could I not check my calendar? God, I’m an idiot! What must Tate’s teacher think? This is the same one that had to deal with him when I “forgot” about the Halloween party and he was the only kid not in a costume, crying about missing out on the fun. She must think I’m such a dope.
We left and were headed home, when I saw the beautiful, colored glass of the new natural history museum on the side of the road. I pulled a u-turn and headed into the empty parking lot. We’d been meaning to visit, but since it’s a new facility, it’s been pretty crowded, and I had been warned it wasn’t worth the wait in line. But on this day, a random, cold Tuesday morning in January, the parking lot was empty. I asked Tate if he wanted to go in and he wiped his tears. For $15, we had the entire museum to ourselves. I watched my son learn and grow, delighted with the exhibits and the discovery center. The sweet ladies working there catered to his every need, letting him hold animals and helping him create constellations in the astronomy room. It was an unforgettable morning.
When I first started staying at home more with my kids, I made time for these kinds of experiences. I still do, but lately I’ve found myself a slave to my overscheduling. Starting my new business venture means many times when I’m home with the kids, I’d rather let them watch some cartoons while I get some work done. I have errands to run and calls to make, and sometimes my kids end up an afterthought. I haven’t been practicing my greatest role, being a teacher and a mother to them. That’s the whole reason for all of this madness in the first place. Sure, I want to have a fulfilling career, but I also want to be able to spend more time with my kids.
Had I checked my calendar that morning, and realized we had nothing planned, I’m sorry to say Tate probably would’ve ended up watching the iPad and then going to the grocery store or on another errand with me. The day would’ve quickly gone by without much time for fun. But instead, I made a mistake, and we ended up spending the morning as paleontologists, astronomers and biologists. Mistakes breed wonder, especially when we’re not expecting it. So instead of beating myself up, I’m forgiving myself for my mistake and finding joy in the journey we end up taking when we don’t realize where we are going.
{All images taken with the iPhone 6 and edited in the Afterlight app}
http://www.crazybananas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Crazy_Banans_Logo_WebsiteBanner.png00Meganhttp://www.crazybananas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Crazy_Banans_Logo_WebsiteBanner.pngMegan2015-01-14 11:23:402015-01-14 11:23:40On Messing Up and Finding Joy
CB Reads : Classics and Heaven
/0 Comments/in Reading /by MeganI had no idea that 2014 was going to be the year I remembered how much I dearly love to read. For the past few years, reading lost it’s luster for me. It took time, of which I clearly had little, and patience, of which I had almost none. When I would collapse after a crazy day of parenting/working/living the human experience, I found myself picking up the remote control instead of a book, losing myself in television or movies that made me laugh.
But in 2014, my kids and I rediscovered the library. I mean, did you guys know they let you take books home for FREE? And if they don’t have the book you want today they will find it for you and then send you a nice note when it’s ready for pickup? Screw technology, library books are officially my MVP of 2014.
From June 2014 (when we became card carrying public library patrons) until the end of the year I read 21 books. Holy. Hell. I don’t think I’d read four books total in the last few years, but in 2014 I fell in love with the page again. This was probably also prompted by my rediscovery of my creativity…when I feel like writing, that usually makes me want to read as well. And so I did, and my brain was better for it.
So far, 2015 is a bit busier than the early days of 2014, and I was afraid I’d fall back into a pattern of numbing out to TV instead of burying my nose in a book. (Sidenote: Numbing out to TV is totally awesome too…don’t think I’ve given up on moving pictures! I still love them too! Just not with as much vigor.) Luckily, my kids still beg for library time, so I’ve been inspired to keep going too. So far this year I’ve finished two books, and they couldn’t be more different.
Heaven Is Here: An Incredible Story of Hope, Triumph, and Everyday Joy
is the beautiful story of blogger Stephanie Nielson, who lived a charmed life as a wife and mother of four in Arizona. I have followed Stephanie’s blog since the early days, and always enjoyed her musings on family, faith and fun projects she did around her home. I was also obsessed with her red lipstick (we all know I’m a sucker for a bright red lip)! But in 2008, Stephanie’s world shattered around her, as she and her husband were involved in a horrific plane crash, which left Stephanie burned over 80% of her body. Heaven is Here is a memoir depicting Stephanie’s life before and after the crash, and focusing on her climb back from physical and mental obstacles I can’t even imagine. I was inspired and found myself appreciating all the good (and bad) in my life after reading this book. Stephanie’s writing is funny and real, and I am so glad she invites us along as she tells her story.
Jane Eyre
is a book I read in high school, but I honestly didn’t remember much. Lately I’ve rediscovered my love of the classics, especially when they are told by women. I feel way too often women’s voices are overshadowed, especially in fiction, and it soothes me to know some tales go on. Even though space and time divides myself and Jane Eyre, it’s comforting to read her story and find common links. I think this year I’m going to try and read a couple more classics, just to remind myself of what amazing women writers of all times are capable of. The Charlotte Bronte’s of the world are the precursors to little bloggers like me, and I’m so grateful to belong to a club of women telling their stories.
Read anything good lately? I’m always looking for some awesome additions to my bookshelf! Plus, the local librarian now knows us by name, which is pretty much the coolest thing ever!
Practice Makes Better (But Definitely Not Perfect)
/0 Comments/in Happiness, Photos /by MeganI’m not a good goal setter. Everyone who knows me or has heard me talk about this topic knows I struggle to keep and set goals. As a former perfectionist, goals can be triggering for me. When I set a goal, and don’t achieve it, I can find myself in a shame spiral that’s difficult for me to climb out of. But I’m working on it. I’m slowly (SLOWLY) learning that goals don’t have to be big, scary, self-imposed checklists. They can be fun, they can change, they can be adaptable…who knew?
This year my best friend and I decided to resurrect our NYC + KC project from 2009. You guys remember that, right? If not, here’s a quick rundown (or you can just read this post here): Two friends, miles apart, post one photo every day depicting their lives. This time around we are doing the project on Instagram, and you can watch it all unfold at @nycpluskc. It’s pretty fun.
One random, unexpected issue with NYC + KC, however, has been it’s affect on my own personal Instagram account (@crazy_bananas). I don’t want to double post the same images every day, so I’ve found myself getting out my DSLR camera more and more, trying to capture the beautiful simplicity of life these days, and then posting those images on my personal Instagram. The response has been sort of overwhelming and very supportive, and I’ve been really excited to take photos again. This is a big deal, friends. For the past year or so, my love of photography was overshadowed by massive creative block, and there were times I wondered if I should just give it all up. But I’m finding the joy in photography again, and what a gift it is! Here are a few images from the past week, and I hope to keep posting these on Instagram daily throughout the year. Simple. Joyful. Life.
Turns out sometimes, goals create themselves for you. But it’s your responsibility to hold on for the ride!
On Messing Up and Finding Joy
/2 Comments/in Parenting, Tate /by MeganYesterday I messed up.
Every other Tuesday, Tate and I pack ourselves up after we take Lucy to school and we head to what Tate calls “playgroup.” Actually, it’s a moms group that I joined this year, which meets twice monthly to learn from each other and from experts on this strange phenomenon called parenting. We’ve had speakers ranging from brain scientists to school superintendents, and I truly value these meetings, not only for the learning that occurs, but the fellowship. There is something awesome about getting a bunch of moms together in one room and admitting we are all just trying to figure this thing out. While I’m in class, Tate goes to a fun playroom for an hour or two, and he loves it. “Playgroup” days are some of his favorite days.
Anyway, with the holidays and whatnot, our schedule is a bit off and we haven’t had “playgroup” in over a month. For whatever reason, I had it in my head that this Tuesday was our first meeting of 2015, so after Lulu was at school, I got us all packed and pumped up for a fun morning at “playgroup.”
I signed Tate in using the computer at the childcare entrance, and that’s when I noticed things were off. We saw his teacher from school, who was meeting with her group that day, and we both remarked how funny it was that we had never seen each other there before (ahem, because she goes to a different group on a different day…). When I checked Tate in, the childcare people couldn’t find him on the roster, but I assumed it was because he had a birthday and would now be in a different room. The leader kindly said, “Are you sure you have the right day? Sometimes the schedules get mixed up after the holidays.” Of course I had the right day! Right? Hmmm.
After I dropped Tate off I started to question myself. And sure enough, when I checked my calendar, I had the wrong day. I was off by a week. So I had to embarrassingly go back to childcare and admit my mistake, then make my super-confused 4-year-old leave the “playgroup” where he was having a blast. “Mama! Why? We just got here! I want to go to playgroup!!!” He cried and pleaded, and the teachers kindly told me this happens all the time, but I was beating myself up. How could I not check my calendar? God, I’m an idiot! What must Tate’s teacher think? This is the same one that had to deal with him when I “forgot” about the Halloween party and he was the only kid not in a costume, crying about missing out on the fun. She must think I’m such a dope.
We left and were headed home, when I saw the beautiful, colored glass of the new natural history museum on the side of the road. I pulled a u-turn and headed into the empty parking lot. We’d been meaning to visit, but since it’s a new facility, it’s been pretty crowded, and I had been warned it wasn’t worth the wait in line. But on this day, a random, cold Tuesday morning in January, the parking lot was empty. I asked Tate if he wanted to go in and he wiped his tears. For $15, we had the entire museum to ourselves. I watched my son learn and grow, delighted with the exhibits and the discovery center. The sweet ladies working there catered to his every need, letting him hold animals and helping him create constellations in the astronomy room. It was an unforgettable morning.
When I first started staying at home more with my kids, I made time for these kinds of experiences. I still do, but lately I’ve found myself a slave to my overscheduling. Starting my new business venture means many times when I’m home with the kids, I’d rather let them watch some cartoons while I get some work done. I have errands to run and calls to make, and sometimes my kids end up an afterthought. I haven’t been practicing my greatest role, being a teacher and a mother to them. That’s the whole reason for all of this madness in the first place. Sure, I want to have a fulfilling career, but I also want to be able to spend more time with my kids.
Had I checked my calendar that morning, and realized we had nothing planned, I’m sorry to say Tate probably would’ve ended up watching the iPad and then going to the grocery store or on another errand with me. The day would’ve quickly gone by without much time for fun. But instead, I made a mistake, and we ended up spending the morning as paleontologists, astronomers and biologists. Mistakes breed wonder, especially when we’re not expecting it. So instead of beating myself up, I’m forgiving myself for my mistake and finding joy in the journey we end up taking when we don’t realize where we are going.
{All images taken with the iPhone 6 and edited in the Afterlight app}