It’s been one of those weeks, you guys. My kids have been off school a few days recently, and I’m still figuring out how to schedule my new business and work with my life. Last week it was 70 degrees and sunny…
But this week it’s been freezing and snowy. I think it’s giving us all whiplash.
This past weekend I had a bought of what I can only call depression. I felt like getting out of my PJs was an insurmountable task, and I was on the brink of tears all day long. The weather doesn’t usually affect me like that, but I think the back and forth is harder than the long winters I’m used to. Today the snow is melting and the sun is out, and I’m feeling much better.
I spent most of January starting up my business and handling the back end of things, but February is for learning. And loving, of course. I’m immersing myself in new photography techniques, classes and tutorials, along with writing, writing, writing…and writing some more. My days are hectic and wild, but I’m still feeling as full of joy as I was a month ago, so I must be doing something right.
I hope we all have a restful weekend to recharge and fill up our tanks! Next week I have some fun news to share, and it will be nuts again. But a little good-crazy is what makes my heart go pitter patter! 12:11:342015-02-06 13:35:52The Weekly Glimpse : February 5, 2015
A few years ago, my best friend, Theresa, and I started a photography project. Inspired by the book/blog A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart, we decided to create a new photography project. For one year, each of us took an image of our lives in our respective cities, and then we shared them with each other. We called our project NYC + KC, as Theresa was living in Brooklyn, New York and I was based in Kansas City. The project wasn’t perfect, but as I’m learning in my daily life, those imperfections made it truly awesome. The images weren’t taken by professional photographers looking to create an art installation, just by two buddies wanting to share their lives with each other.
There is something magical about having friends who’ve known you since you were a child. I met Theresa when I was 8-years-old, in our third grade classroom. She has been there through everything, and for about 10 years of our lives, we saw each other on a daily basis. Our lives were so intertwined, sometimes it was difficult to tell where one started and another began. She knew by a look on my face if I’d had my heart broken by a boy or my self-esteem crushed by another kid in our class. She knew who I was before I became who I am today…in fact, she’s probably the one person in the world I can’t fake out. I can pretend with other people, but not with Theresa. Even now, she will read a harmless text that I think is nonchalant and be able to sense I need to talk. That’s just how it works.
But after 10 years of seeing each others face every, single day, we both moved away. We left our hometown, she to the east coast and me to college and then abroad. She studied abroad soon after, and before I knew it was happening, we weren’t face-to-face friends anymore. We had become “hour-long phone call friends” and “quick texts on the go friends.” And while I still knew her, I didn’t really understand what her life looked like anymore. I couldn’t tell you the names of her neighbors or her work colleagues. I didn’t know what she had for breakfast in the morning or how she liked her coffee. Our lives were no longer intertwined, instead, they progressed steadily along parallel lines.
NYC + KC really changed that for me. Every day when Theresa would post I photo, I’d feel a tiny bit closer to her. Mundane items like a vase on my windowsill became beautiful because I knew I’d be sharing it with her via my daily image. For the first time in years, I felt a little like I did back in high school, when my best friend knew everything about me, large and small. This daily act of sharing became a way for us to connect, and it was wonderful.
Late last year, Theresa texted me asking if I’d be interested in resurrecting the NYC + KC project. I admit, I was hesitant. This was not an easy project five years ago. It was hard. We were lugging our large DSLR cameras everywhere we went, and then editing and uploading images at night. But Theresa had a solution! She suggested we do the project through Instagram, the social media photo sharing site. Instead of our big cameras, we’d use our iPhones and then edit and directly upload to Instagram. It sounded perfect!
Our new NYC + KC project began on January 1st, 2015, and so far, the magic is definitely back. It took us a while to get back into the groove, but slowly we found our speed and now I’m loving this project more than ever! One change we’ve made is to give ourselves themes to photograph to each month. The themes are all focused on different ways to look at our daily lives in a more positive way. January’s theme was gratitude and February’s is love. I love seeing what in Theresa’s life is bringing her gratitude, and so far, love has been pretty amazing as well.
If you’re interested, we’d love for you to follow our fun on Instagram under the profile @nycpluskc. Maybe you even want to play along?! Take a photo of something/someone/someplace you love, and upload it to Instagram using the hashtags #nycpluskc and #love. Then make sure you hashtag the city where you’re living (for example, all of my photos are also hashtagged with #kc), so we can learn more about the city you call home! How cool would it be to have a whole host of images of love from all over the place?! So cool. Remember, this is not some photography contest where we are looking for the most slick image, just somewhere to share a little love. That’s what friendship is all about…sharing a little love and receiving some back in return.
A few days before Christmas, one of my favorite clients contacted me to ask if I could squeeze in a small shoot last minute. She is pregnant with her third child, and learned she would be able to find out the gender of her little one the week of Christmas. She wanted to be able to share a surprise image with friends and family for the holidays, but to do that, we had to get this shoot done ASAP! In order to keep everything super secret, we shot images of her two young sons displaying both blue and pink items, and then once she had her sonogram, she chose the image to share. It was a super fun way to surprise her loved ones with the news, and she was able to post to social media as well, once her immediate family was in the know. I’m so excited for this sweet family, and know they will have a blast with their new little GIRL arriving this spring!
If you’d like to do a fun gender reveal shoot for your newest addition, please contact me at
The Weekly Glimpse : February 5, 2015
/0 Comments/in Crazybananas Photography - Personal, Work /by MeganIt’s been one of those weeks, you guys. My kids have been off school a few days recently, and I’m still figuring out how to schedule my new business and work with my life. Last week it was 70 degrees and sunny…
But this week it’s been freezing and snowy. I think it’s giving us all whiplash.
This past weekend I had a bought of what I can only call depression. I felt like getting out of my PJs was an insurmountable task, and I was on the brink of tears all day long. The weather doesn’t usually affect me like that, but I think the back and forth is harder than the long winters I’m used to. Today the snow is melting and the sun is out, and I’m feeling much better.
I spent most of January starting up my business and handling the back end of things, but February is for learning. And loving, of course. I’m immersing myself in new photography techniques, classes and tutorials, along with writing, writing, writing…and writing some more. My days are hectic and wild, but I’m still feeling as full of joy as I was a month ago, so I must be doing something right.
I hope we all have a restful weekend to recharge and fill up our tanks! Next week I have some fun news to share, and it will be nuts again. But a little good-crazy is what makes my heart go pitter patter!
NYC + KC Resurrected
/0 Comments/in Happiness, Photos /by MeganA few years ago, my best friend, Theresa, and I started a photography project. Inspired by the book/blog A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart
, we decided to create a new photography project. For one year, each of us took an image of our lives in our respective cities, and then we shared them with each other. We called our project NYC + KC, as Theresa was living in Brooklyn, New York and I was based in Kansas City. The project wasn’t perfect, but as I’m learning in my daily life, those imperfections made it truly awesome. The images weren’t taken by professional photographers looking to create an art installation, just by two buddies wanting to share their lives with each other.
There is something magical about having friends who’ve known you since you were a child. I met Theresa when I was 8-years-old, in our third grade classroom. She has been there through everything, and for about 10 years of our lives, we saw each other on a daily basis. Our lives were so intertwined, sometimes it was difficult to tell where one started and another began. She knew by a look on my face if I’d had my heart broken by a boy or my self-esteem crushed by another kid in our class. She knew who I was before I became who I am today…in fact, she’s probably the one person in the world I can’t fake out. I can pretend with other people, but not with Theresa. Even now, she will read a harmless text that I think is nonchalant and be able to sense I need to talk. That’s just how it works.
But after 10 years of seeing each others face every, single day, we both moved away. We left our hometown, she to the east coast and me to college and then abroad. She studied abroad soon after, and before I knew it was happening, we weren’t face-to-face friends anymore. We had become “hour-long phone call friends” and “quick texts on the go friends.” And while I still knew her, I didn’t really understand what her life looked like anymore. I couldn’t tell you the names of her neighbors or her work colleagues. I didn’t know what she had for breakfast in the morning or how she liked her coffee. Our lives were no longer intertwined, instead, they progressed steadily along parallel lines.
NYC + KC really changed that for me. Every day when Theresa would post I photo, I’d feel a tiny bit closer to her. Mundane items like a vase on my windowsill became beautiful because I knew I’d be sharing it with her via my daily image. For the first time in years, I felt a little like I did back in high school, when my best friend knew everything about me, large and small. This daily act of sharing became a way for us to connect, and it was wonderful.
Late last year, Theresa texted me asking if I’d be interested in resurrecting the NYC + KC project. I admit, I was hesitant. This was not an easy project five years ago. It was hard. We were lugging our large DSLR cameras everywhere we went, and then editing and uploading images at night. But Theresa had a solution! She suggested we do the project through Instagram, the social media photo sharing site. Instead of our big cameras, we’d use our iPhones and then edit and directly upload to Instagram. It sounded perfect!
Our new NYC + KC project began on January 1st, 2015, and so far, the magic is definitely back. It took us a while to get back into the groove, but slowly we found our speed and now I’m loving this project more than ever! One change we’ve made is to give ourselves themes to photograph to each month. The themes are all focused on different ways to look at our daily lives in a more positive way. January’s theme was gratitude and February’s is love. I love seeing what in Theresa’s life is bringing her gratitude, and so far, love has been pretty amazing as well.
If you’re interested, we’d love for you to follow our fun on Instagram under the profile @nycpluskc. Maybe you even want to play along?! Take a photo of something/someone/someplace you love, and upload it to Instagram using the hashtags #nycpluskc and #love. Then make sure you hashtag the city where you’re living (for example, all of my photos are also hashtagged with #kc), so we can learn more about the city you call home! How cool would it be to have a whole host of images of love from all over the place?! So cool. Remember, this is not some photography contest where we are looking for the most slick image, just somewhere to share a little love. That’s what friendship is all about…sharing a little love and receiving some back in return.
Surprise Baby Gender Reveal Photos
/0 Comments/in Crazybananas Photography, Photography - Maternity + Babies /by MeganA few days before Christmas, one of my favorite clients contacted me to ask if I could squeeze in a small shoot last minute. She is pregnant with her third child, and learned she would be able to find out the gender of her little one the week of Christmas. She wanted to be able to share a surprise image with friends and family for the holidays, but to do that, we had to get this shoot done ASAP! In order to keep everything super secret, we shot images of her two young sons displaying both blue and pink items, and then once she had her sonogram, she chose the image to share. It was a super fun way to surprise her loved ones with the news, and she was able to post to social media as well, once her immediate family was in the know. I’m so excited for this sweet family, and know they will have a blast with their new little GIRL arriving this spring!
If you’d like to do a fun gender reveal shoot for your newest addition, please contact me at