Sometimes it may seem like this here blog is a little quiet, but that’s just because I’m writing elsewhere. As a freelance writer, I sometimes feel like I’m go-go-going all the time, but I love being able to write about topics that may not fit in here at Crazy Bananas, but are still super-interesting. Here’s a bit of what I’ve been working on lately:
I’m over at talking about gaming safety for kids and parents.
“…there is a prevalent fear among parents and caregivers that gaming is a negative or scary medium for our children. Many of these concerns deal with fear of the unknown. Parents who are not familiar with gaming are unsure of how to navigate this foreign world. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively new trend among child predators is to find children through online gaming. This news could shock parents, or make them want to cut off all gaming activity. However, the benefits of gaming are powerful, and removing games completely is not necessarily a wise option. So how can we ensure our kids are protected, while still allowing them to enjoy the fun and benefits of social gaming?”
Head on over to my post at to read my top tips for protecting our kids online, and why I believe it’s worth the risk!
In my first guest post for the Kansas City Moms Blog, I’m talking about homeschooling an a technological era.
However, the tide is changing on the homeschooling front. What was once seen as an option primarily for those with religious or other objections to a public education, is now becoming more mainstream, especially among parents with a technology or creative background. Between 1999 and 2012, the number of children being homeschooled in the U.S. doubled. My husband is a tech entrepreneur and I’m a writer and photographer. Both of us did well in school, but we struggled with the conformed way of learning that is practiced by most teaching institutions, including standardized testing. What we learned in school has not necessarily led to our success as entrepreneurs. Instead, real world training and problem solving has been much more beneficial to our careers.
You can read more about homeschooling, and learn about some great resources both online and in the Kansas City area at the Kansas City Moms Blog.
I was lucky enough to interview amazing local photographer Jason Domingues for the {Hive-Workshops} blog. My conversation with Jason was so inspiring, and I found his advice and openness to be really refreshing. In a world of creative posturing, Jason is the real deal.
Domingues says that photographers have to be willing to look at their work critically and break out of their own mold. When photographers get stuck in their particular style, and refuse to change, they can become outdated. “They are wondering 10 or 12 years down the road why they aren’t getting any business. But photography as a business is changing. If you can push a button, make an image, slap a bunch of filters on it, and create a website… then you’re a wedding photographer! What makes the difference is everything in between.”
You can read more about Jason and why he believes the best growth can happen by accident at the {Hive-Workshops} blog. 09:25:212015-03-30 11:34:40Elsewhere : Gaming Safety Tips, Homeschooling, and Local Photography Spotlight
Meghan Hampton (aka @hobbesgirl on Instagram)! Congrats Meghan! Please send your contact info to and I will send your gifts your way.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the first giveaway of the year! There will be more to come, so stay tuned!
Hey, hey, friends! Today isn’t a normal Monday at our house…it’s the first day of Spring Break! A long time ago this meant hopping a plane to some tropical locale and wasting my day away taking beach naps. Now, all it really means is finding ways to entertain two kids that are off school for more than 10 days. So far, no one has been mortally wounded, but like I said, it’s only Monday.
Later this week the kids and I are going to take a little roadtrip to visit our good friends in Denver and family in Western Kansas. Between getting my freelance deadlines completed and getting packed up for our trip, I decided to give the blog a little Spring Break of its very own! I’ll be back to posting again regularly next Tuesday, March 24th. But until then you can find me with mini-updates on social media, specifically Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Are you following me? Well, I’m about to give you some incentive!
I’m so excited for this giveaway! This fun little package includes:
– Head over to Instagram or Facebook! If you’re not following me…do that! You can follow me at @crazy_bananas on Instagram or Crazy Bananas Creative Studio on Facebook.
– Leave a comment on this photo on Instagram, Facebook or right here on the blog telling me about your favorite Spring Break trip!
– The contest begins on March 16th and will close on March 22nd at midnight
– You may enter up to three times (on Instagram, Facebook and on the blog)
– This contest is only valid for entries from the U.S. and Canada
Good luck! Happy Spring Breaking! And Happy Instagramming!
Elsewhere : Gaming Safety Tips, Homeschooling, and Local Photography Spotlight
/0 Comments/in Elsewhere, Parenting, Technology /by MeganSometimes it may seem like this here blog is a little quiet, but that’s just because I’m writing elsewhere. As a freelance writer, I sometimes feel like I’m go-go-going all the time, but I love being able to write about topics that may not fit in here at Crazy Bananas, but are still super-interesting. Here’s a bit of what I’ve been working on lately:
I’m over at talking about gaming safety for kids and parents.
Head on over to my post at to read my top tips for protecting our kids online, and why I believe it’s worth the risk!
In my first guest post for the Kansas City Moms Blog, I’m talking about homeschooling an a technological era.
You can read more about homeschooling, and learn about some great resources both online and in the Kansas City area at the Kansas City Moms Blog.
I was lucky enough to interview amazing local photographer Jason Domingues for the {Hive-Workshops} blog. My conversation with Jason was so inspiring, and I found his advice and openness to be really refreshing. In a world of creative posturing, Jason is the real deal.
You can read more about Jason and why he believes the best growth can happen by accident at the {Hive-Workshops} blog.
Spring Break Giveaway | Winner!
/0 Comments/in Fun /by MeganAnd the winner of the Spring Break Giveaway is……
Meghan Hampton (aka @hobbesgirl on Instagram)! Congrats Meghan! Please send your contact info to and I will send your gifts your way.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the first giveaway of the year! There will be more to come, so stay tuned!
Spring Break Giveaway!
/0 Comments/in Fun /by MeganHey, hey, friends! Today isn’t a normal Monday at our house…it’s the first day of Spring Break! A long time ago this meant hopping a plane to some tropical locale and wasting my day away taking beach naps. Now, all it really means is finding ways to entertain two kids that are off school for more than 10 days. So far, no one has been mortally wounded, but like I said, it’s only Monday.
Later this week the kids and I are going to take a little roadtrip to visit our good friends in Denver and family in Western Kansas. Between getting my freelance deadlines completed and getting packed up for our trip, I decided to give the blog a little Spring Break of its very own! I’ll be back to posting again regularly next Tuesday, March 24th. But until then you can find me with mini-updates on social media, specifically Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Are you following me? Well, I’m about to give you some incentive!
I’m so excited for this giveaway! This fun little package includes:
– My high-quality 5×7 Love Print, mounted on 1/16-inch matboard
– Pureology Strength Cure Split Ends Salve
– Boscia B.B. Cream Bronze
– Earrings from Accessory Concierge
– Peppermint and Lemon Essential Oils from Young Living
– Button Flair from Ampersand Design Studio
This entire giveaway is priced at over $100!
Here’s how to enter:
– Head over to Instagram or Facebook! If you’re not following me…do that! You can follow me at @crazy_bananas on Instagram or Crazy Bananas Creative Studio on Facebook.
– Leave a comment on this photo on Instagram, Facebook or right here on the blog telling me about your favorite Spring Break trip!
– The contest begins on March 16th and will close on March 22nd at midnight
– You may enter up to three times (on Instagram, Facebook and on the blog)
– This contest is only valid for entries from the U.S. and Canada
Good luck! Happy Spring Breaking! And Happy Instagramming!