Kansas City Photographer Headshots

Headshots : Lane of Dotted Line Marketing

These days it’s not just movie stars who are in need of a good headshot…in business, it’s become just as important! We are marketing and sharing online more and more, and while that cute selfie might work fine for your personal Facebook page, you need to showcase yourself in a more professional light for your business ventures. Odds are if you are successful, you are marketing yourself and your business online via social media. You might also be speaking at conferences or writing for industry outlets. If you provide your audience with an unprofessional headshot, it makes YOU look unprofessional and cheap. That’s not the best message to send to potential clients!

What is the first thing you do when you schedule a meeting with someone you haven’t met in person? I know I immediately Google them to see what I can learn before we meet. Because of this, many times my “first impression” of people is what I see online. It’s important that what they see reflects my business and my philosophy.

I get so excited when small business owners and professionals contact me to take professional headshots. I know that they value their clients, and their business will be growing in big ways! I was super pumped when Lane Odle of Dotted Line Marketing contacted me to get some new headshots done for her business. Lane is also a blogger, and while she has a ton of great images of herself on her blog, she knew she wanted something a bit more polished and professional for her business ventures. We shot down in the City Market area of downtown Kansas City, and I love how these images turned out!

Kansas City Photographer Headshots

Kansas City Photographer Headshots

Kansas City Photographer Headshots

Kansas City Photographer Headshots

If you’re interested in getting some fresh, professional headshots done for your business, contact me at megan@crazybananas.com to schedule a session!


Elsewhere : A Roundup

You guys, it’s been fun around here lately! I’ve been so fortunate to have a ton of new opportunities head my way in the past few months, but often, I forget to share them with you once they are out in the wild. While this blog and my photography will always be my first loves, it’s pretty cool to be able to write for other outlets and share about things that might not be a good fit somewhere else. With that, here are a few things I’ve been working on…

parenting with an age gap
My first post on the Kansas City Moms Blog went up last week, and it’s all about parenting kids with an age gap.

Most of my friends and family had children within one or two years of each other, meaning when they have activities or plans, for the most part all of their children can participate and enjoy. Taking a 9-year-old to a preschool play date isn’t exactly her idea of a great time! And my son is constantly whining because his sister gets to have sleepovers with friends and more independence. When I try to explain that he is only four, and sleepovers don’t happen in our family until kindergarten, he usually just stomps off in a huff. I get it. Being little stinks sometimes. It can be extremely frustrating to parent children going through completely different life stages. On one hand you have a toddler temper tantrum, but on the other you have a tween rolling her eyes and crying over friend drama. It’s exhausting, and can feel like you’re constantly switching gears.

Read more about how we’re taking on these challenges on the Kansas City Moms Blog!

A few weeks ago I assisted for a Senior Elite Photo Session with Amanda Yount Photography! It was such a fun experience! There is a great write-up and video from the session on her blog.

This spring and summer in Kansas City has been one of the wettest in recent history. For almost a month it rained daily, with flooding becoming a real threat to the area. So we weren’t surprised when the rain clouds rolled in, but we prayed they would pass over without incident. We arrived at the baseball fields and the girls changed into some adorable Royals gear, but as we gathered in the bleachers, the wind picked up and the rain started to fall. We all ran to our cars, and decided as a group to try and wait out the storm. There was lots of texting between cars, and I’m so grateful for these girls, who were total rockstars. After about 30 minutes, the rain slowed and the clouds parted! The team wiped down the bleachers, and we were ready to go!

See more (along with the amazing images) on the Amanda Yount Photography blog!

Addiction.com Expert Blogger

I’m so proud to be a Recovery Expert Blogger over at Addiction.com! One of my favorite things is helping other people through telling my recovery story. I feel like everything I’ve gone through is worth sharing, especially if it helps even just one person. My first post was all about how I coped with being a summer mama while going through early recovery.

After that initial outing, I found other tools to help me through the hot summer months. The biggest and probably most important was learning how to ask for help. Before recovery, I was an A+ parent who refused any assistance. But as a mom in recovery, I had to learn how to ask for help when I was overwhelmed. And I quickly learned something amazing: People want to help! It makes others feel good when they help you! What a revelation! All that time I’d assumed that if I asked for help I would be seen as a burden. Turns out asking for help made me stronger than I’d ever been.

Read more over at Addiction.com!


When Trent and I got married almost 10 years ago, we were young. Young, pregnant and honestly, pretty overwhelmed. While we would have loved to take a magical honeymoon like so many of our friends were doing, we felt like saving money was more important. And it was! We had a baby on the way, and for us, the honeymoon phase wasn’t a reality. We jumped right in to marriage and family, and while I don’t regret one moment, I admit it didn’t give us much time to adjust to our new roles. In the next ten years there were many ups and downs as we worked on learning how to be partners…there is a HUGE difference between long-term dating (we had been together almost four years and had lived together for almost three when we got married) and raising a family/growing a life together. While we surely had a lot of fun along the way, it wasn’t free of conflict and a LOT of growing pains.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

For the past few years we’ve said jokingly if we made it to 10 years, we would finally take our honeymoon. And then earlier this year, we realized the time had FINALLY come! After working on some scheduling conflicts and finding a good time for our family to take our kids off our hands for a week, we booked our long-awaited honeymoon to the incredible island of St. Lucia.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

I cannot put into words what this trip meant to Trent and I. For the past 10 years we have worked so, so hard on creating this life for our family. Whenever I hear people saying that marriage shouldn’t feel like “work” I have to hold my tongue, because that hasn’t been my experience. Our marriage has absolutely been fun…but it’s been work too. There have been moments (sometimes lasting longer than a short moment) where one or both of us has questioned what the heck we were doing. We never had the luxury of being married without the pressure of raising children, and that in itself is WORK. In those 10 years we’ve had two children, started two businesses, rented and owned homes, upgraded to a minivan, laughed, cried, yelled, hugged and smiled. But we’ve never had more than three days alone together.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

For us, leaving the country and heading to paradise for seven long days was beyond a treat. We were able to reconnect and remember why we chose each other in the first place…because despite our differences (of which there are MANY), we fit together. I’m not a person who banks on “forever” in any aspect of my life. Forever is just too big of a concept for me to grasp. But our travels to St. Lucia reminded me why I wake up every day making the conscious choice to be married to this incredible guy. Not because we are perfect, but because we are worth it.

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

St. Lucia

(All photos taken with my Fuji x30)

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