Last summer I was a readingmachine! I pretty much turned off the TV and computer, and spent most of my summer with my nose buried in a book. It was heavenly. This summer was a bit more hectic than the last few, as I started my own business, traveled more for work, and in general had a more packed schedule. Of course, these are all really just excuses. I could’ve read more, but I was just too lazy. My brain was exhausted and for whatever reason, I felt like binge watching Netflix was the way to recharge. Some days it worked, but others it didn’t. And though I often tried, I just couldn’t get myself back in to a reading mood.
That is…until St. Lucia. That vacation from all things electronic was just perfect. Without the daily distractions of a buzzing phone or social media, finding time to catch up on a good book was easy! I borrowed a few titles from my buddy Lane (of the Misc. Blog), and they didn’t disappoint!
This book was written by Sophie Kinsella (of Confessions of a Shopaholic fame) and it was a quick, juicy one for me. This was the first book I read on our trip, and I devoured it. The story centers around Audrey, a teenage girl who has endured a horrific bullying incident (which we, the readers, are not privy to) before the book begins. Newly diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and some PTSD, Audrey narrates the story of her slow road to recovery. This book is sweet, romantic and really good. I loved it!
This novel was pretty much the exact opposite of Finding Audrey! The life of Katey Kontent in 1937 was completely mesmerizing. I was totally transported to another world, where women had few choices in how to move up in life. And just when I thought I knew Katey’s story, this novel surprised me.
This mystery by author Joel Dicker had me on the edge of my seat. This novel explores not only the mysterious death of a teenage girl, but the secrets surrounding a beloved town author who is accused of the crime. In the end, I found myself questioning what we do for success, and how someone’s career may seem privileged, when in fact, it’s full of sadness. What is the cost for success? And is it worth it? Deep stuff, but a very good read.
I gobbled up these three books so quickly, I ended up needing to download another title to finish off our vacation. I decided on the campy and hilarious The Royal We (which is on sale on Amazon Kindle for only $3.99 right now!) by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the geniuses behind the Go Fug Yourself Blog. This novel was the PERFECT way to end my trip. The fictional story of an American woman who ends up being engaged to the Prince of England was sweet, funny and an easy read. I definitely recommend it!
What have you been reading lately? One of my goals for the Fall is to not fall down the Netflix hole again, and instead, try to read a bit more. I’d love some recommendations! 18:48:322015-09-02 18:49:18CB Reads : Summer's End Update
Senior sessions are becoming some of my favorites! There is something really incredible about meeting and working with kids that are almost grown-ups. While it feels like with every generation, adults start complaining about the youth (those kids today!), I am in awe of the teenagers and young people I get to work with. They are inspiring, intelligent, talented and full of hope for their futures. It’s an honor to get to document them at this transitional and celebratory time in their lives!
Brandon is an incredible young man, who will be graduating from Blue Valley High School in the Spring of 2016. He’s an Eagle Scout, who works within his community to make the Kansas City area a better place. He’s also an extremely talented musician! Brandon plays the violin, and is just beginning his second year playing with the Kansas City Youth Symphony.
On the day of our session, Brandon accomplished a milestone for any teen….he passed his driver’s test and received his driver’s license! Of course, we had to grab a few photos with his car to celebrate. I’m so honored to work with awesome kids, like Brandon, and their families. Thanks Brandon, and lots of luck for an incredible senior year!
(Want to capture your teen’s unique spirit and personality? Contact me at for more information on hiring me to capture your teen’s senior photos.)
The day is FINALLY here! Today Tate went back to preschool (it’s only a two-hour first day back, but I’ll take it!) and Lucy has been in school for about two weeks now. While I’m thrilled to get back to our normal daily routine, there are definitely some challenges getting back into the grind. I recently wrote a post on this very topic for While you might think, “I’m not in recovery, this doesn’t apply to me,” I believe many of the ideas I stress in my recovery are applicable for any mom, anywhere. We aren’t that different, you know?
I would get caught up in the “Parenting Olympics,” trying to be everywhere and everything to everyone. It was an impossible task, but one that even “normie” parents (those who aren’t in recovery) get caught up in. Our schools are super-competitive, and it’s easy to believe that if your kid isn’t enrolled in every activity or sport, they will fall behind. For me, 90% of what I did and felt was driven by insecurity. I wanted to be the best mom in the world and I assumed that if my kid wasn’t the star of everything, I was a failure. It was a hopeless cycle, for myself and my family.
These days, I work very hard to make sure I don’t get caught up in competitive parenting. I’m quite lucky, because once I got into recovery and opened my eyes, I realized my school community is extremely supportive and not nearly as competitive as I had thought. Turns out, a lot of my insecurities were inside my own head and had nothing to do with my child or any of her buddies. Once I realized that I am a good mother regardless of whether my kid is the star of the soccer team or on the honor roll, my entire perspective changed. Back to school season became less about “me me me” and more about my child.
You can read more, including some tips on how I’m managing to keep things simple this school year, over at
CB Reads : Summer’s End Update
/0 Comments/in Reading /by MeganThat is…until St. Lucia. That vacation from all things electronic was just perfect. Without the daily distractions of a buzzing phone or social media, finding time to catch up on a good book was easy! I borrowed a few titles from my buddy Lane (of the Misc. Blog), and they didn’t disappoint!
Finding Audrey
This book was written by Sophie Kinsella (of Confessions of a Shopaholic fame) and it was a quick, juicy one for me. This was the first book I read on our trip, and I devoured it. The story centers around Audrey, a teenage girl who has endured a horrific bullying incident (which we, the readers, are not privy to) before the book begins. Newly diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and some PTSD, Audrey narrates the story of her slow road to recovery. This book is sweet, romantic and really good. I loved it!
Rules of Civility: A Novel
This novel was pretty much the exact opposite of Finding Audrey! The life of Katey Kontent in 1937 was completely mesmerizing. I was totally transported to another world, where women had few choices in how to move up in life. And just when I thought I knew Katey’s story, this novel surprised me.
The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair: A Novel
This mystery by author Joel Dicker had me on the edge of my seat. This novel explores not only the mysterious death of a teenage girl, but the secrets surrounding a beloved town author who is accused of the crime. In the end, I found myself questioning what we do for success, and how someone’s career may seem privileged, when in fact, it’s full of sadness. What is the cost for success? And is it worth it? Deep stuff, but a very good read.
I gobbled up these three books so quickly, I ended up needing to download another title to finish off our vacation. I decided on the campy and hilarious The Royal We (which is on sale on Amazon Kindle for only $3.99 right now!) by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the geniuses behind the Go Fug Yourself Blog. This novel was the PERFECT way to end my trip. The fictional story of an American woman who ends up being engaged to the Prince of England was sweet, funny and an easy read. I definitely recommend it!
What have you been reading lately? One of my goals for the Fall is to not fall down the Netflix hole again, and instead, try to read a bit more. I’d love some recommendations!
Senior Session : Brandon
/0 Comments/in Crazybananas Photography /by MeganSenior sessions are becoming some of my favorites! There is something really incredible about meeting and working with kids that are almost grown-ups. While it feels like with every generation, adults start complaining about the youth (those kids today!), I am in awe of the teenagers and young people I get to work with. They are inspiring, intelligent, talented and full of hope for their futures. It’s an honor to get to document them at this transitional and celebratory time in their lives!
Brandon is an incredible young man, who will be graduating from Blue Valley High School in the Spring of 2016. He’s an Eagle Scout, who works within his community to make the Kansas City area a better place. He’s also an extremely talented musician! Brandon plays the violin, and is just beginning his second year playing with the Kansas City Youth Symphony.
On the day of our session, Brandon accomplished a milestone for any teen….he passed his driver’s test and received his driver’s license! Of course, we had to grab a few photos with his car to celebrate. I’m so honored to work with awesome kids, like Brandon, and their families. Thanks Brandon, and lots of luck for an incredible senior year!
(Want to capture your teen’s unique spirit and personality? Contact me at for more information on hiring me to capture your teen’s senior photos.)
/0 Comments/in Family, Happiness, Parenting, Recovery /by MeganThe day is FINALLY here! Today Tate went back to preschool (it’s only a two-hour first day back, but I’ll take it!) and Lucy has been in school for about two weeks now. While I’m thrilled to get back to our normal daily routine, there are definitely some challenges getting back into the grind. I recently wrote a post on this very topic for While you might think, “I’m not in recovery, this doesn’t apply to me,” I believe many of the ideas I stress in my recovery are applicable for any mom, anywhere. We aren’t that different, you know?
You can read more, including some tips on how I’m managing to keep things simple this school year, over at