Look for the Helpers

Like many of us, I watched the events in Paris this weekend with a heavy heart. I am so saddened by the anger and hate in the world, and the fear that would lead people to murder each other. Fear is what feeds the darkness…anger, hatred, injustice and prejudice are all secondary to one basic human emotion. Fear. When we give in to fear, when we begin to hate each other and retaliate without mercy, the darkness grows. All of the stories I have read from people who were directly involved in the Paris attacks reiterates this idea, in the same way the stories of 9/11 did. In their last breaths, people didn’t cry out in anger, but in love. They thought of their loved ones and whispered their names. They called their families and friends with messages of love. In order to properly honor those that were lost, I believe the only course of action is to move forward with love.

If you’re sitting on Facebook or Twitter, posting angry messages about refugees (who are fleeing the same people who committed the atrocities in Paris…so why we wouldn’t take them in is totally beyond me), maybe take a breath and try to turn your anger into something positive. Do something. Anything. Just stop complaining. If you’re feeling helpless, sad and not sure what to do next, I put together a list of ways you can do something RIGHT NOW to help the world be a better place. Imagine our world if everyone stopped using their platforms to spread vitriol. Imagine the good we could do. It’s a beautiful thing.

Donate to the Momastary Love Flash Mob, which benefits midwives working with refugee families in Berlin. Pregnant women and their children are living in tents in the cold, with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Donate to Doctors Without Borders.

Donate to UNICEF, which is providing vaccines, clothing, shelter and more to refugee children.

Donate blood at your local community blood center. (Click here for Kansas City)

Give someone a hug.

Donate to the French Red Cross.

There was a suicide bombing in a suburb of Beirut this weekend as well, which killed 42 people. Donate to the Lebanese Red Cross here.

Volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters, and help a child who needs a stable adult in their life. This one is near and dear to me. (Click here for Kansas City)

Choose a charity and donate something. Your time, your money, whatever. Everything helps.

10 Year Anniversary

Love Wins

10 Year Anniversary

Ten years ago today, I married a man. Well, barely. I mean, he was technically a man and I was technically a woman…but mostly I was a girl and he was a boy. We weren’t so young that getting married seemed crazy, but we were young enough to have no idea what we were doing. When we married, I had just turned 23. I had been out of collage for one year. We had been living together for almost three years, so getting married didn’t seem like a huge change. For us, the bigger challenge was ahead, as we became parents to our beautiful baby girl. Becoming a parent was a way bigger life adjustment than getting married, or so we thought. At the time, getting married felt like the official merging of bank accounts. Not because I didn’t love him and he didn’t love me, but because we are of a generation where “getting married” isn’t the stamp of relationship approval. Many of our friends lived with boyfriends or girlfriends and never had plans to marry. That felt normal and simple. While we were excited to get married, it was never a “must” for us, so it didn’t feel as life altering as it might have otherwise.

10 Year Anniversary

I remember my wedding day for it’s simplicity and ease. I’m so grateful for that. I planned much of the affair alone, but my friends and family stepped up in a big way in the week before our big day. They arranged flowers and created playlists and made tribute videos to surprise us. They DJ’d and MC’d. My sister ordered my bridal gown for me and I tried it on in her bedroom about a week before the big day. It was perfect. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my family and friends held me up when I couldn’t do it all. This is something I have spent my whole life attempting to repay them for.

10 Year Anniversary

I think back on my wedding day and barely recognize those people at the front of the room. But we were happy. We really, truly were. Up until I woke up that day, I wasn’t sure if I would be. I questioned our decision to get married at all. I worried that people would talk and gossip because we were pregnant (sidenote: they did, we survived). At the time I was a co-dependent, scared little girl, and I was terrified that my sweet husband was only marrying me because he “had” to. I bring this up not because I’m unhappy today…but because I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I wish I could go whisper in that bride’s ear that it was all going to turn out okay in the end, but I believe in the journey. The hard, fun, dirty, honest journey of marriage would not have been possible without that particular beginning, at least for me.

10 Year Anniversary

I think one of the conundrums of marriage is that you commit to being with one person for the rest of your life, but as humans, we change on a daily basis. We grow and learn and adapt, sometimes quickly and sometimes it’s so subtle you don’t notice until it’s too late. That is certainly true in my life. I am not the same person I was when I was 23. At 23, I was proud, sarcastic, quirky, strange, stubborn and afraid 90% of the time. Outwardly I was confident and smart, but inside I felt like a total fraud. Actually, I can’t believe Trent agreed to marry me, because I was sort of a mess! There was also a lot of good in 23-year-old me. I was kind, I was a good friend, I took care of everyone around me, and I made people laugh. I also had a 23-year-old butt, which was probably pretty alluring.

10 Year Anniversary

But in 10 years, I have changed. My butt certainly isn’t a 23-year-old butt anymore. I still try to be kind and make people laugh, but these days I attempt more often to let people take care of themselves instead of being superwoman. I still have a sarcastic streak, but the constant feeling of fear deep in my gut has subsided. I am growing and changing and learning on a daily basis, and while most of the changes are positive, it’s true that I’m not the girl I was when we got married.

10 Year Anniversary

This is why marriage is a miracle. For me, marriage has been a 10-year-long class in the study of being human. And for once, this perfectionist is not a straight A student! I screw up a lot. A LOT. Marriage has taught me humility. It has taught me that no one is really ever “right.” Most discussions/debates/arguments happen on a spectrum, and while Trent and I may fall on opposite ends sometimes, we work the best when we find our way to the middle. This doesn’t mean we give up what we believe in, it just means we are trying to remember we love each other despite our differences. In fact, these days I’m finding our differences one of the most alluring things about us as a couple. I used to think for a couple to be a team, they had to agree. Now I’m learning that the most successful teams are comprised of people who bring different talents and ideas to the table, but respect each other enough to listen.

10 Year Anniversary

A few years ago, when Trent and I were in a really rough spot, I was worried we weren’t going to make it. I tried to envision my life without him, and it wasn’t pretty. Not to say it wasn’t possible. It is. That’s one of the biggest things that propelled us back together. I am not the kind of girl who believes that a man should save me or that soul mates can’t live without each other. I realized I could survive without him in my life. But I simply didn’t want to.

10 Year Anniversary

I had to reach a place where I took my marriage, like so many other things in my life, one day at a time. I’d wake up in the morning and make a tangible decision to do my best to love my husband today. Maybe it sounds sad that I had to make that decision, but I find it to be glorious. I wasn’t loving him because I had to or because it was expected. I was choosing, deliberately, to love him no matter what. If we argued, if I was upset or if he was upset, I made a point to still love him. I reminded myself that most often people aren’t trying to hurt each other on purpose, but rather they are just trying to be heard.

10 Year Anniversary

Sounds simple, right? It wasn’t. There were times where it was difficult. But slowly, day after day of waking up with the intent to love, I found myself loving without trying. I found a natural rhythm in looking at my husband and seeing all that was good in him, instead of looking for flaws. I learned to accept who he was, instead of who I thought he should be. And with this came acceptance of myself. Because as we all know, when we are looking for issues or problems in others, the truth is we are ashamed of those issues within our own hearts. Once I accepted myself for who I am, it became so much easier to love and, in turn, be loved.

10 Year Anniversary

Life is not perfect today. I don’t wake up smiling with rainbows and butterflies above my head. Life is lovely, but it’s not without challenges. The difference today is the intent is pure. I love my husband. He is smart and kind and easy on the eyes. He is the hardest worker I know. He cares about people and wants them to succeed. He is fascinated with science and the workings of the universe. He is a Doctor Who fan. He has grown into the very best father. He’s not perfect, and he screws up, but there is no one I’d rather take on the weirdness of life with.

10 Year Anniversary

Ten years later, I could not have guessed where this journey has taken me. If I could take one lesson away, it would be to choose love no matter what. The biggest and best developments in all areas of my life have come from the ability to choose love on a daily basis, and I owe that ability to my husband. I love him, just as he is. And I love me, just as I am. Life goes on, the world turns, things change…but having this partnership in my life has made me a better person. Love wins.

10 Year Anniversary

10 Year Anniversary

Thanks to all the photographers who have captured our family throughout the years, including Nicole Coleman and Christina Gepner, who provided some of the images used in the post above.

Kansas City Photographer : Family Photography

Family Photo Session : Brulez Family

Kansas City Photographer : Family Photography

I was incredibly honored when Heather Brulez of Heather Brulez Photography contacted me to take portraits and put together a little video of her sweet family. I can’t lie…it was totally nerve-wracking to be asked to take photos of an amazing professional in my industry (I felt a little bit like a freshman getting asked to sit at the senior lunch table…ack!), but hopefully I have become so skilled at the “fake it ’til you make it” mentality, she didn’t even notice! I met Heather earlier this year when I taught a class on blogging for creatives through Hive Workshops, and I was so pumped to meet her adorable family in person. She has her hands full with her successful business and three active little ones! I bow down to all the mothers of three or more out there…you guys are superheros!

Thanks to Heather for putting her trust in me and to her family for braving a chilly, windy day to capture some memories!

Kansas City Photographer : Family Photography

Kansas City Photographer : Family Photography

Kansas City Photographer : Family Photography

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