Crazy Bananas Video Blog

The Crazy Bananas Video Blog : What Do You Want to See?

First of all…keeping it real…I did one AMAZING take of this first, little video blog. I’m not a natural in front of the camera, so there were so many attempts before I got through the whole thing without flubbing. But then, it happened. The PERFECT take! Hooray! I started to do one more just to make sure, but after I started stuttering over my words again, I decided to go with perfection and be done for the day.

Which was all fine and good until I sat down to edit the video and guess what?! That perfect take? The one where I didn’t goof or say the word “maybe” one million times?

I didn’t hit record.


I have audio of the one perfect take, just to remind me of how perfect it was, but apparently I didn’t record any video. Typical!

So here is my not-perfect, flubbery, goofy second-best take. Perfection is the enemy anyway, right?! (Right.)

I’m so excited to be video blogging again! You might remember my attempt at getting the video blog going a few years ago, but I just didn’t have the time, energy or equipment to make it work. I am learning that when I enjoy doing something creative, especially when it’s different from what I usually do, it really helps me grow as an artist and content creator. So instead of worrying about making a life-altering video blog, I’m just gonna do exactly what I do here on…in video form!

But before we really get started, I need to know what YOU want to see? Last time around I got a ton of requests for photography tutorials, style tips, and in-depth discussions about my favorite Doctor Who actor. I definitely plan to share all of that, but what else sounds fun? Lately I’ve been writing more about healthy living and recovery, so I’d love to cover that in the vlog. I’m also down for sharing tips and tricks for B+ moms like myself. What else sounds good?! I want to hear what YOU want! You can leave your comments and ideas below, or head on over to my YouTube channel or my social media profiles and leave me a note there!

Here’s to many imperfect video blogs in the future!

Kansas City Family Photographer

Around Here Lately

Kansas City Family Photographer

The last few weeks have been BEYOND insane around our home. Not only has my worked tripled in a few short weeks, but spring is always when the kids are busiest with activities and school events. We are booked every, single night until late May! It’s nuts. But I’m trying to remind myself that this is a short window of time and it will be over before we know it. And there is MUCH to be grateful for! My packed work schedule is such a good thing, and even though I’m stretched pretty thin, it’s with work I love to do, so that’s a huge boost!

Kansas City Family Photographer

A few weeks ago I finally made a huge leap for my business and upgraded my camera. One of my favorite things to do is take photos of my children and our lives. My family is what led me to photography in the first place, so I try to make an effort to still shoot photos of them, even when I’m doing a lot of paid photography work. Now that the weather is more like spring, we’ve had lots of opportunities to get outside, and it’s been really wonderful. We all need fresh air to make sure we don’t turn into grumpy monsters (myself included!). I’m looking forward to the coming summer days of light schedules and last minute plans!

Kansas City Family Photographer

How to Scrap Your Day Job and Pursue Your Passion

Last week I was so excited to be asked to come back to Better Kansas City and talk about how I transitioned from being a work-out-of-the-home mom to an entrepreneur with her own business. I was planning on sharing some of my tips on steps I took early on, but we ended up chatting more about my story and how I finally made the decision to make the switch! You can watch the video below…

Here area a few of my tips for anyone considering starting their own business, especially moms who are managing a household as well:

  • Find for Your Community: Small business associations, creative groups, collaborative relationships…reach out! It can be lonely doing it all by yourself, but finding your community will help.
  • Get the Legal and Financial Stuff Done Upfront: Talk to lawyers, accountants and insurance companies to make sure you’re all set BEFORE you start charging people. Reach out to your community to get recommendations for your specific line of work.
  • Be Prepared for a Bit of an Identity Change: I very strongly self-identified with being a full-time, working out of the home mom, so when my situation changed, I was surprised at all the emotions I felt. I was of course thrilled, but it was also very challenging to relearn who I was and how I fit into my family dynamic.
  • Organization is Key: Even though I love the work I’m doing, and I love being able to be there more for my kids, it can be hard some days to find the time for everything. Without a steady line between work and home, things can get a little murky. Making sure I’m as organized as possible helps keep everything in check!

If you’re thinking of making the switch, I’m so pumped for you! If I can do it, anyone can!

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