Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea

Easy Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea

Teacher Appreciation Gift Idea

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!

Sidenote: We have one week left of school for one kid and two for the other. God help me, summer is coming!

While I always want to let our teachers know how much they are loved and appreciated, it can be a little difficult with kids in different schools, especially when they each have a handful of teachers they interact with on a daily basis. Between my kids we had ELEVEN teacher gifts to put together this year, which meant we needed to keep it a little more cost-friendly. We tend to do bigger gifts for our main room teachers at the holidays, and then do smaller gifts at the end of the year. And I do my best to try and give something that the teacher will actually use!

This year we kept it simple with these great disposable coffee cups from the Design Love Fest/Cheeky line at Target! I loved how happy they looked and that I was supporting a fellow blogger/small business owner by purchasing her products. We filled the cups with a few instant coffee packs, tea and added a Starbucks giftcard. I had the kids sign the back and we were done. Easy peasy!

KC Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016

2016 Kansas City Mother’s Day Gift Guide

KC Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016

Mother’s Day is right around the corner (can we talk about how fast 2016 is flying?) and one of my favorite things is giving and receiving locally-sourced gifts. As a small business owner myself, I know how hard we all work to succeed at this crazy entrepreneur life, and I want to support others as much as I possibly can. Collaboration over competition…always!

So I’m super-excited to share this Mother’s Day Gift Guide, full of items from incredible Kansas City-based designers, makers and retailers! If you’re looking to pick up something for the mother figure in your life (aunt, grandmother, BFF, whoever!), I’ve got you covered!

KC Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016

For the No-Fuss Fashionista Mom:

Nickel & Suede is known for their lightweight leather earrings that look amazing and are so comfortable to wear. This KC-based brand is available at many retailers throughout the metro (Made in KC is one of them!), but you can also buy their items online. I love all the color choices and styles! Something for everyone!

KC Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016


For the Organized Mom:

Etiquette Boutique is now featuring glam inspired planners, stationary, journals and more! I know as a mom I’m always writing down notes and lists, but then I leave them all over the place. I’d love to have them stored all in one location, in a cute notebook that looks sharp as well as being super-functional.

KC Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016

For the Mom Who Loves Flowers, But Wishes They’d Last:

Who doesn’t enjoy getting a pretty bouquet on a special occasion? Unfortunately, however, the joy is usually short lived…until now! Gift a succulent from Flowers By Emily instead, and mom will be able to enjoy them for much longer.

KC Mother's Day Gift Guide 2016

For the All Natural Mama:

Hand & Land is a gorgeous store that has a ton of beautiful and Eco-friendly items from beauty products, to jewelry, home products and more! This Mother’s Day you can put together a little gift basket of some of their items and personalize it especially for your recipient.

Mother's Day Photo Gift
For the Sweet Tooth Mom:

Want to surprise mom with something sweet, but not plain old chocolates? Try out a gift box from Sweet Kiss Brigadeiro! These Brazilian candies melt in your mouth, and they look so unique and beautiful. You can order them online or buy them at Hand & Land’s retail location. Sweet Kiss is also hosting a Mother’s Day event this Saturday at Hand & Land from 12-3 p.m. where you can roll your own Brigadeiro! A fun activity for moms to do with their kids, or for kids to go do with dad as a surprise for mom! Sign up via their website here.

Mother's Day Photo Gift

For the Mom Who Has Everything:

What mom doesn’t want to receive a meaningful, thoughtful gift? But sometimes it can be pretty hard to shop for the lady who seems to have everything. Enter the Crazy Bananas Creative Studio Mother’s Day Package! When you buy a gift card for a family photography session, you also get a 4-pack box of Sweet Kiss Brigadeiro candies to gift along with it! It’s a present that any mom would love, and she’ll be grateful to be able to capture images of her family (which include her in the frame!) that will last a lifetime. Time is running out, so get your order in by Wednesday, May 4th to ensure delivery by Mother’s Day. Email me at megan@crazybananas.com to reserve yours!

Pregnancy Annoucement Idea

Elsewhere : I’m Not the Best Mom, Life in Recovery and Tiny Prints!

Does anyone else feel like life is currently a mad rush to get everything done before summer vacation starts?! In my neck of the woods, we start the kids summer break crazy early (like, in less than a month!), so April and the first part of May are always nuts. I’m trying to cram in big projects, the kids have a million activities, end of school open houses, carnivals, et cetera. My little, introverted brain is on constant overload due to all the talking to all the people/clients/parents/teachers.

But projects and forward motion are a GOOD thing, so I’m doing my best to be grateful for my very full plate. On top of my photography business and this blog, I also freelance write all over the internet, and I wanted to share a few of my recent posts with you! Pop on over, show some love, and keep me employed! Please and thank you!

I’m Not the Best Mom | Via the Kansas City Moms Blog

“But the further I get into this mothering gig, the more I realize, NOBODY is a supermom. Those moms with the organic meals might give their kids 30 extra minutes of screen time so they can catch up on Instagram. The moms who use their most gentle voices today at the grocery store might not be so calm when they find a Barbie Doll clogging up their toilet.”

Not the Best Mom

Read more via the KCMB

100 Pregnancy Announcement Ideas | Via Tiny Prints

I was so honored to be contacted by Tiny Prints (the makers of all sorts of lovely and fun paper and photography goods) to be included in their pregnancy announcement guide! And the baby in the photo they chose to share is due TOMORROW! Hooray!

Pregnancy Announcement Idea

Read more via Tiny Prints

The Recovery Revolution | Via SinceRightNow.com

  I was so honored to be interviewed for this incredible feature on creativity and recovery. Click on over to read my proudest moment, my biggest regret, my favorite food/drink (ahem, La Croix!) and to learn how I fight against the notion that to make great art, you have to be suffering.

Read more via The Recovery Revolution

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