FAQs – 30 Day Photo Challenge

Are you guys getting excited about the 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge? June is going to be here before we know it! I can’t wait! For those of you who are on the fence about joining us this summer, or even if you just want some clarification on the challenge, I decided to put together a little Frequently Asked Questions blog. I hope this answers anything and everything…but if not, feel free to give me a shout on social media or send me a note to megan@crazybananas.com.

1. How will I get the daily themes? All at once, or one every day?
You will get a list of all of the themes for the challenge at the beginning, the week before the challenge starts. This should give you some time to prepare and get the creative juices flowing! Once the challenge begins on June 1st, you will also get the themes each day sent to your email inbox.

2. Do I have to sign up for the emails or can I just participate on social media?
If you want to be eligible for giveaways and freebies, you must sign up through your email (you can find the sign up form here). By receiving the emails, you’ll also get tons of additional information from myself and from an amazing group of makers, artists and bloggers that are collaborating with me for this challenge.

3. Do I have to post my images on social media? What social media channels will we be using?
No, you don’t have to post your images to social media…but I hope you do! I love seeing all the creativity and viewing everyone’s summer moments. I will be checking Facebook and Instagram for the hashtag #30daysofsummerphotochallenge, and will also be spotlighting my favorite images through my social media accounts.

4. Do I have to be a mom or a woman to participate?
Nope! The challenge is geared toward mothers, but everyone is welcome! I would actually love to see a ton of different perspectives!

5. How will the giveaways work?
There will be two types of giveaways for this challenge…the first is giveaways that are for everyone who signs up. For example, the incredible company Artifact Uprising is giving everyone who signs up for the challenge 25 FREE square prints of their images! How cool is that?! This giveaway will be sent out via email to everyone who is on the email list. The second type of giveaway is for items that I only have a certain number of. These will be given away via our private Facebook group. I will post the items on certain days in the group with instructions on how to enter!

6. Wait, what private Facebook group?!
Before the challenge begins, you will be invited to join our private Facebook group, which will be a place where you can post your images, share tips/tricks relating to the days theme, enter giveaways and connect with other participants. You must be signed up for the challenge emails in order to join the Facebook group. Keep an eye out for an upcoming email with more info.

7. Do I have to post or take a photo every day? If I don’t, am I still eligible for the prizes?
Hey now, I’m not the photo police! Of course I hope you’ll participate every day, because the point of this project is to grow our creativity by taking daily images. However, I know how life can be, especially with kids home for the summer. How you participate is up to you! Remember, it’s not about being perfect!

8. Do I have to have a fancy camera and know how to edit photos?
NO! Use what you have…whether that’s a smart phone, a DSLR camera or a simple point and shoot. It’s not about the gear, it’s about having fun.

9. Will there be another opportunity to do a photo challenge like this?
Hopefully! We’re gonna see how this one goes first, but I would love to offer more of these throughout the year. Stay tuned!

30 Days of Summer

30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge!

It’s here, it’s here! It’s finally here!

I’ve been talking about the 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge quite a bit lately, but today is the officially, official day when I’m sending my new project out into the world! I had always planned to wait until today to talk about this photo challenge, but when the news calls and asks you to come on and talk about something you love, you do it! Even if your promo isn’t quite ready to go….

The 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge came from a small idea I had one night while lying in bed. I was thinking about how summer would be here before I knew it, and how every year I find myself creatively drained in the summertime. I start out with the best of intentions, but with the kids at home all day, my work schedule, the heat and the lack of alone time, I eventually find myself frustrated and in a bit of a rut.

My journey to photography runs parallel with motherhood…I was gifted my very first DSLR camera when I was six months pregnant with my daughter. After she was born, I found myself alone with a newborn, and a bit lost in my new life. I didn’t have any friends with kids, and I felt so isolated from my peers. Photography is what woke me up. I ate up every tutorial I could find online. I practiced every day. My beautiful Lulu probably has about a million photos of herself as a baby! I wasn’t perfect, but that was never the goal. I was making something and it felt amazing.

The 30 Days of Summer Challenge was created with this in mind. It is NOT about taking the most beautiful photo in the world or having the most expensive, fancy camera. It’s NOT about being perfect. It’s about making something. It’s about taking a minute or two out of your day to see your life through the lens…whether that lens belongs to a DSLR, a phone or a point and shoot camera! After a bit, you’ll start to see things in a new way. Where you once may have been bored, now you’ll be looking for light or seeing how the shadows play on the ground. You will find inspiration in the mundane, and you may even look back on hard days with a little fondness.

We begin the challenge on June 1st, so head on over to the main page and sign up! I would love to have you join me on this adventure!

30 Day Photo Challenge on Better KC

Summer Photo Challenge on Better KC!

If you’re wondering why I haven’t been blogging lately…this would be why! I am getting ready to launch a super-fun program this summer, all about inspiring creativity among moms (and everyone else!) over the summer! I’ll be officially launching next week, but I was thrilled when Better KC asked me to come on their show and talk about the program a few days ago.

To sign up for the 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge, click here!

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