The last few weeks have been short ones around here. We got back to a somewhat normal schedule after the holidays, just to be slammed with more days off of school for the kids than I can count.
Just kidding, I’ve counted. Twice.
Basically with the combination of national holidays and inservice/teacher learning days, we have four-day school weeks from now until mid-February. Which, let’s face it, isn’t ideal. Not only does this make my work schedule difficult, it is hard on the kids as well! It’s almost impossible for any of us to get into a groove when our schedule is all over the place.
When I’m faced with these types of working mom problems, I tend to get extremely over-stressed and anxious. I find myself making lists in my head of everything I won’t be able to do because I won’t have the time. I torture myself by looking at the social media feeds of my competitors and colleagues, seeing all their perfectly lit images and the work they have been doing, and instead of cheering them on, I feel resentful. I worry that I’m falling behind, yet again, and that I’ll never get ahead of the game. I decide that I’m destined to fail, resign myself to my bed with some fuzzy socks, ratty PJs and Netflix. Why bother even trying, right?
WRONG. Because I don’t have to live fast in order to find success, and the whole idea of hustle equating happiness just doesn’t resonate for me anymore. When my kids have a day off school, I enjoy being with them. I like stepping away from the computer and being present as we throw snowballs at each others heads or read books. I don’t feel lazy when I’m in my PJs with them until 11 a.m. I feel happy. Joyful, even!
So why I am I torturing myself? When they were babies and I worked out of the home full time, I felt guilty for missing all these moments. When I started my own business and they were in preschool, I felt guilty because I couldn’t work as much as I wanted to. Now I’m feeling guilty when they have days off elementary school. I keep waiting for the next phase of life, when things slow down, but I’m starting to think that’s NEVER gonna happen. There will always be something pulling me in one direction while another is pushing me the opposite way.
This year I am planning to focus more on being present, but also on listening to my inner self when it comes to my schedule and work. I am finding doubling down on hustle when it comes to work isn’t always resulting in success. Instead, when I focus on doing what feels right in all facets of my life (working, creating, mothering, reading, meditating, eating chocolate, whatever) the success seems to follow. Recently I was fortunate enough to be asked to read the new, beautiful book Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner, which really speaks to this topic. Erin chronicles her journey from a fast life, to a slow life and back again…and her conclusions aren’t what I expected. Instead of being a book about slowing down your life, this book was more about the question of why do we believe we have to have any particular sort of life for it to be a happy one? I related so much to her journey, and it made me think twice about my goals. Do I want a fast life? Do I want to be a minimalist? Do I want to disconnect from the internet and live in a yurt? Do I want to move to New York City and take my kids to school on the subway? Do I want neither? Both?
Do I have to decide?
Maybe we can just be balancing along the middle…sometimes wanting to throw out everything we own because the clutter is strangling us and other times buying a shirt on sale just because it looked cute online. Who knows? But for now, I can only be where I am. And I am a mom of two kids who are growing into grown-ups faster than I can fathom, so if they have a day off school, I’m probably needed on the front lines of the snowball fight. Afterward, when they are sipping on hot cocoa and fighting over marshmallows, I’ll likely sneak away for a little editing session or to answer a few emails. I’m not perfect, but luckily, no one is.
If you’re looking for more info on this topic, the podcast “The Lively Show” is an amazing listen. I recommend starting with this episode! 21:59:542017-01-17 23:10:33Snow Days and Chasing Slow
Friends! It’s the start of a new year…and honestly, it’s a time where I can get easily overwhelmed. In the past I’ve written about lofty goals and ideas I want to tackle in the next 350+ days, but this year feels different. I have been struggling to wrap my head around last year and plan what comes next in several facets of my life. But after a chat with a good friend I realized something really important:
I’m already here.
The last three years or so have been a crash course in goals, resolutions and overcoming obstacles. Almost every facet of my life has gone through a fairly extreme overhaul…from my marriage to my career to my parenting status to my family. Illness and health have been a huge factor in the past few years, both for myself and for those I love the most. After really taking a look back on last year and everything I went through, I felt a sense of calm. Did I accomplish every goal I set out for myself last January? No. Not even close. But I learned so much and one of the biggest lessons was that I don’t have to wait until January 1 to decide to change my life for the better. I make that choice on a daily basis.
Last year was a big one for my business. I completely overhauled my pricing and the way I sell my photography. I created and facilitated the 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge, which had hundreds of participants. I did a dozen television segments. I went to Greece to photograph a refugee camp. And I photographed dozens of families, newborns, children and couples…it was a fantastic year! Personally, I went through many (MANY) challenges, but I’m very proud of how I came through it all, even though there is MUCH to improve upon. One of the biggest personal goals last year was getting fit, slowly and surely, over about nine months of hard work, exercise and nutritional changes. I feel better physically today than I did in my 20s, which is saying something! I am officially in my mid-30s now and I feel stronger than I ever have. I also started working to find ways to make an impact as an activist in my community. This is something I didn’t plan on when 2016 began, but now I’m grateful for the opportunity.
In 2017, I’m looking forward to some more changes in how I do business, with a focus on continuing to be profitable while also serving my family, friends and community. There will hopefully be a few more writing and blogging projects (which took a backseat last year) and maybe even a new creative endeavor or two! I want to create more than I consume, and make the world a little more joyful every day. I am excited to reach out and work with even more creatives and amazing people doing wonderful work in my community.
If you’re interested in working with me in 2017, or you have an awesome project you want to chat about, send me a note at Let’s make this the best year yet! 14:41:412017-01-11 14:41:41Being Here, in 2017
Yesterday was your sixth birthday and can I tell you my favorite part? When you woke up and groggily came into the kitchen whispering, “Mama.” You reached your hands around my neck and I scooped you up, while you nuzzled into my shoulder. “Good morning, buddy. I can’t believe it’s your birthday!”
Your head popped up, your eyes snapped open and then we were off. That’s your speed, buddy. Either a 1 or a 10 and not too much in between. You laughed with glee as you opened your presents and blew out the candle on your doughnut. Then you got ready for school (it was your first ever birthday during school…in preschool we always got out for the holidays before your big day!) by yourself like you do most mornings. You are fairly independent now, pulling on your jeans and brushing your hair before wandering the house looking for your shoes. Every day I tell you to put them in the basket by the door and every day you swear you DID put them in the basket by the door…only to find them 20 minutes later under your bed or in the garage.
This year your independence has grown to a whole new level. You get home from school and immediately head outside to play with the neighbors. You spend most days bouncing from house to house with your friends, and I often find myself sending group texts to the other moms asking, “Is Tate at your house?” You assert this independence every chance you can get, and while part of me wants you to stay little, I’m pretty proud of the guy you are growing into.
You started Kindergarten this year, which began with a lot of promise, but has definitely had it’s speed bumps. Due to circumstances totally outside our control, you have had three different teachers (plus a long term substitute) in four months. While this has stressed me out to no end, you have handled it all in stride. At school, you are a leader and a helper. You even won an award for your good behavior! I have been worried, but you constantly show me I have nothing to worry about. You let the bad stuff roll off your back and are constantly looking for the positive side of things. We’re all better for having you around.
The competitive side of you has DEFINITELY shown itself more than once (or twice!) in the past year, but along with it comes this incredible thirst for love and affection. You will play rough on the soccer field or basketball court, and then get home and just want to snuggle for an hour. You are obsessed with kittens, something that has only gotten worse since we got our own cat earlier this year. If you had your way, every piece of clothing you own would have a cat on it. You check out kitten books from the library and then fawn over the pages…”they are just so CUUUUTTTTEEE!”
Tate, you are a perfect mix of soft and severe, sweet and feisty, warm and frosty. I love watching you grow up, and I am so grateful every day that I get to be your mother.
Mama 16:39:592016-12-21 16:42:39Six Years Old
Snow Days and Chasing Slow
/1 Comment/in Family, Grumples, Parenting, Reading, Recovery, Work /by MeganThe last few weeks have been short ones around here. We got back to a somewhat normal schedule after the holidays, just to be slammed with more days off of school for the kids than I can count.
Just kidding, I’ve counted. Twice.
Basically with the combination of national holidays and inservice/teacher learning days, we have four-day school weeks from now until mid-February. Which, let’s face it, isn’t ideal. Not only does this make my work schedule difficult, it is hard on the kids as well! It’s almost impossible for any of us to get into a groove when our schedule is all over the place.
When I’m faced with these types of working mom problems, I tend to get extremely over-stressed and anxious. I find myself making lists in my head of everything I won’t be able to do because I won’t have the time. I torture myself by looking at the social media feeds of my competitors and colleagues, seeing all their perfectly lit images and the work they have been doing, and instead of cheering them on, I feel resentful. I worry that I’m falling behind, yet again, and that I’ll never get ahead of the game. I decide that I’m destined to fail, resign myself to my bed with some fuzzy socks, ratty PJs and Netflix. Why bother even trying, right?
WRONG. Because I don’t have to live fast in order to find success, and the whole idea of hustle equating happiness just doesn’t resonate for me anymore. When my kids have a day off school, I enjoy being with them. I like stepping away from the computer and being present as we throw snowballs at each others heads or read books. I don’t feel lazy when I’m in my PJs with them until 11 a.m. I feel happy. Joyful, even!
So why I am I torturing myself? When they were babies and I worked out of the home full time, I felt guilty for missing all these moments. When I started my own business and they were in preschool, I felt guilty because I couldn’t work as much as I wanted to. Now I’m feeling guilty when they have days off elementary school. I keep waiting for the next phase of life, when things slow down, but I’m starting to think that’s NEVER gonna happen. There will always be something pulling me in one direction while another is pushing me the opposite way.
This year I am planning to focus more on being present, but also on listening to my inner self when it comes to my schedule and work. I am finding doubling down on hustle when it comes to work isn’t always resulting in success. Instead, when I focus on doing what feels right in all facets of my life (working, creating, mothering, reading, meditating, eating chocolate, whatever) the success seems to follow. Recently I was fortunate enough to be asked to read the new, beautiful book Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner, which really speaks to this topic. Erin chronicles her journey from a fast life, to a slow life and back again…and her conclusions aren’t what I expected. Instead of being a book about slowing down your life, this book was more about the question of why do we believe we have to have any particular sort of life for it to be a happy one? I related so much to her journey, and it made me think twice about my goals. Do I want a fast life? Do I want to be a minimalist? Do I want to disconnect from the internet and live in a yurt? Do I want to move to New York City and take my kids to school on the subway? Do I want neither? Both?
Do I have to decide?
Maybe we can just be balancing along the middle…sometimes wanting to throw out everything we own because the clutter is strangling us and other times buying a shirt on sale just because it looked cute online. Who knows? But for now, I can only be where I am. And I am a mom of two kids who are growing into grown-ups faster than I can fathom, so if they have a day off school, I’m probably needed on the front lines of the snowball fight. Afterward, when they are sipping on hot cocoa and fighting over marshmallows, I’ll likely sneak away for a little editing session or to answer a few emails. I’m not perfect, but luckily, no one is.
If you’re looking for more info on this topic, the podcast “The Lively Show” is an amazing listen. I recommend starting with this episode!
Being Here, in 2017
/0 Comments/in bloglife, Crazybananas Photography, Finding My Path, Heath + Wellness, Writing /by MeganFriends! It’s the start of a new year…and honestly, it’s a time where I can get easily overwhelmed. In the past I’ve written about lofty goals and ideas I want to tackle in the next 350+ days, but this year feels different. I have been struggling to wrap my head around last year and plan what comes next in several facets of my life. But after a chat with a good friend I realized something really important:
The last three years or so have been a crash course in goals, resolutions and overcoming obstacles. Almost every facet of my life has gone through a fairly extreme overhaul…from my marriage to my career to my parenting status to my family. Illness and health have been a huge factor in the past few years, both for myself and for those I love the most. After really taking a look back on last year and everything I went through, I felt a sense of calm. Did I accomplish every goal I set out for myself last January? No. Not even close. But I learned so much and one of the biggest lessons was that I don’t have to wait until January 1 to decide to change my life for the better. I make that choice on a daily basis.
Last year was a big one for my business. I completely overhauled my pricing and the way I sell my photography. I created and facilitated the 30 Days of Summer Photo Challenge, which had hundreds of participants. I did a dozen television segments. I went to Greece to photograph a refugee camp. And I photographed dozens of families, newborns, children and couples…it was a fantastic year! Personally, I went through many (MANY) challenges, but I’m very proud of how I came through it all, even though there is MUCH to improve upon. One of the biggest personal goals last year was getting fit, slowly and surely, over about nine months of hard work, exercise and nutritional changes. I feel better physically today than I did in my 20s, which is saying something! I am officially in my mid-30s now and I feel stronger than I ever have. I also started working to find ways to make an impact as an activist in my community. This is something I didn’t plan on when 2016 began, but now I’m grateful for the opportunity.
In 2017, I’m looking forward to some more changes in how I do business, with a focus on continuing to be profitable while also serving my family, friends and community. There will hopefully be a few more writing and blogging projects (which took a backseat last year) and maybe even a new creative endeavor or two! I want to create more than I consume, and make the world a little more joyful every day. I am excited to reach out and work with even more creatives and amazing people doing wonderful work in my community.
If you’re interested in working with me in 2017, or you have an awesome project you want to chat about, send me a note at Let’s make this the best year yet!
Six Years Old
/0 Comments/in Tate /by MeganDear Tate,
Yesterday was your sixth birthday and can I tell you my favorite part? When you woke up and groggily came into the kitchen whispering, “Mama.” You reached your hands around my neck and I scooped you up, while you nuzzled into my shoulder. “Good morning, buddy. I can’t believe it’s your birthday!”
Your head popped up, your eyes snapped open and then we were off. That’s your speed, buddy. Either a 1 or a 10 and not too much in between. You laughed with glee as you opened your presents and blew out the candle on your doughnut. Then you got ready for school (it was your first ever birthday during school…in preschool we always got out for the holidays before your big day!) by yourself like you do most mornings. You are fairly independent now, pulling on your jeans and brushing your hair before wandering the house looking for your shoes. Every day I tell you to put them in the basket by the door and every day you swear you DID put them in the basket by the door…only to find them 20 minutes later under your bed or in the garage.
This year your independence has grown to a whole new level. You get home from school and immediately head outside to play with the neighbors. You spend most days bouncing from house to house with your friends, and I often find myself sending group texts to the other moms asking, “Is Tate at your house?” You assert this independence every chance you can get, and while part of me wants you to stay little, I’m pretty proud of the guy you are growing into.
You started Kindergarten this year, which began with a lot of promise, but has definitely had it’s speed bumps. Due to circumstances totally outside our control, you have had three different teachers (plus a long term substitute) in four months. While this has stressed me out to no end, you have handled it all in stride. At school, you are a leader and a helper. You even won an award for your good behavior! I have been worried, but you constantly show me I have nothing to worry about. You let the bad stuff roll off your back and are constantly looking for the positive side of things. We’re all better for having you around.
The competitive side of you has DEFINITELY shown itself more than once (or twice!) in the past year, but along with it comes this incredible thirst for love and affection. You will play rough on the soccer field or basketball court, and then get home and just want to snuggle for an hour. You are obsessed with kittens, something that has only gotten worse since we got our own cat earlier this year. If you had your way, every piece of clothing you own would have a cat on it. You check out kitten books from the library and then fawn over the pages…”they are just so CUUUUTTTTEEE!”
Tate, you are a perfect mix of soft and severe, sweet and feisty, warm and frosty. I love watching you grow up, and I am so grateful every day that I get to be your mother.