As you can see from the video above, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” is a web series based on the classic novel Pride & Prejudice. The series is set in modern time, and Lizzie (Elizabeth Bennet) and her friend Charlotte Lu (Charlotte Lucas) create a video blog for a class project. The series basically follows the exact plot of the book (with some modern additions of course) as told by Lizzie through her blog. Most of the time in front of the camera is focused on Lizzie, but as the series has gone on, we’ve finally gotten to meet some of the other characters, like her sisters, new neighbor Bing Lee (Mr. Bingly) and his evil sister Caroline. Mr. Collins has even made an appearance! Each week I’m getting more and more excited for Mr. Darcy to finally appear on screen as well!
Seriously, this series is so flipping charming. New episodes air every Monday and Thursday, and the creators have even taken things one step further, by cultivating Twitter accounts for the characters, Tumblr’s for Jane and Lydia (I heart Lydia) and a ton of other web promotion.
Go check out “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” and I’ll see you in three hours when you finish all the webisodes. Trust me, you’ll get sucked in just like I did.
It’s FRIIIIIIDAAAAAY! Hooray, you know? This is has been a big, wonderful week here at Crazybananas. One of the largest undertakings was finally (finally) getting the Crazybananas Facebook fan page up and running. What is that? You want to “like” it, so you can be sure to get all the updates on Crazybananas news and maybe even some fun giveaways? Well, never fear! I am here to help! Click the image below and then click the “like” button. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
You’re back! Thank you so much for joining our weird little Crazybananas community. If the Internet wasn’t in between us, I’d give you a big old smooch on your face. Mwah!
Here are some other fun things I’ve seen on the web this week:
– During my Alt Class this week (have you registered yet?) another attendee saw my name and emailed me to share that her sister-in-law had the same moniker as yours truly. After a few more emails, I realized our kids also shared a name (she has a girl named Tate!). The world is a funny place, I swear. Anyway, she has a wildly popular blog and she was the person that gave me the extra push I needed to get my Facebook page up. You should go visit her blog, it’s awesome!
– Rebecca Woolf of Girl’s Gone Child has a new web video series called Child Style and I love it to pieces! The first five episodes are live and so charming.
– NPR news hosts do a mash up to pop hit “Call Me Maybe” and I die laughing. Also, I could recognize each host by their voice which *may* mean I listen to too much NPR.
Here are some of this week’s Instagrams! Enjoy, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!
(P.S. If you want to follow me on Instagram, you can find me @crazy_bananas.)
It’s time for another episode of Mom Style, wherein I look like a nerdface while posing for photos in front of my office building while people sidestep me trying to get to the parking lot…
You guys, I love casual Fridays. Casual Fridays make my heart sing Judy Garland songs. I work in engineering, which can be very buttoned up, but every Friday we can take it down a notch, which is so fabulous. Most of the time I just wear jeans and a cute top, but lately it’s been about a million degrees in Kansas City, so I’ve been opting for cooler skirts. This perfect peach maxi skirt from Forever 21 rocks my world so badly, I bought two (the other is navy). Plus, it was so cheap, it was practically begging me to purchase multiples. It’s probably supposed to be a bit longer, but I wear it up high and have longer legs, so it hits me mid calf. Whatever, I love it anyway. The top is an oldie, but a goodie from J. Crew (which I also have in peach because whenever I find something I like I buy it in every color and wear it approximately 70 zillion times until it falls apart). The cute braided bracelets are from Madewell and they are what I’m calling “Summer Camp Chic,” which is a term I just made up. The sunnies are from H&M and will probably be broken by a certain toddler by the time I post this. The shoes are two year old flip flops from Gap.
And the hair…oh the hair. It is PINK! I was going for an apricot/strawberry blonde (ala Hairdresser on Fire), but since blonde hair is fairly unpredictable when it comes to coloring, it came out pinkish. And let me tell you…I LOVE IT! Or should I say, loved it. After two washes it’s now more like what I originally envisioned (see photo here), but I have to say, I kind of miss the pink!
Sunnies / H&M
Shirt / J. Crew
Bracelets / Madewell
Skirt / Forever 21 (17 dollars, yo!)
Flip-Flops / Gap
Hair / “Pinky-Pinkerton Do” via my stylist Amy who is awesome
{Special thanks to Rebecca from my office for taking the time to shoot some photos of my cheese-ing it out!}
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
/2 Comments/in Fun, web /by MeganSometimes the Internet just makes me so stinkin’ happy. Case in point, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.”
As you can see from the video above, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” is a web series based on the classic novel Pride & Prejudice. The series is set in modern time, and Lizzie (Elizabeth Bennet) and her friend Charlotte Lu (Charlotte Lucas) create a video blog for a class project. The series basically follows the exact plot of the book (with some modern additions of course) as told by Lizzie through her blog. Most of the time in front of the camera is focused on Lizzie, but as the series has gone on, we’ve finally gotten to meet some of the other characters, like her sisters, new neighbor Bing Lee (Mr. Bingly) and his evil sister Caroline. Mr. Collins has even made an appearance! Each week I’m getting more and more excited for Mr. Darcy to finally appear on screen as well!
Seriously, this series is so flipping charming. New episodes air every Monday and Thursday, and the creators have even taken things one step further, by cultivating Twitter accounts for the characters, Tumblr’s for Jane and Lydia (I heart Lydia) and a ton of other web promotion.
Go check out “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” and I’ll see you in three hours when you finish all the webisodes. Trust me, you’ll get sucked in just like I did.
Happy Weekend Announcements
/3 Comments/in Fun, Photos, web /by MeganIt’s FRIIIIIIDAAAAAY! Hooray, you know? This is has been a big, wonderful week here at Crazybananas. One of the largest undertakings was finally (finally) getting the Crazybananas Facebook fan page up and running. What is that? You want to “like” it, so you can be sure to get all the updates on Crazybananas news and maybe even some fun giveaways? Well, never fear! I am here to help! Click the image below and then click the “like” button. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
You’re back! Thank you so much for joining our weird little Crazybananas community. If the Internet wasn’t in between us, I’d give you a big old smooch on your face. Mwah!
Here are some other fun things I’ve seen on the web this week:
– During my Alt Class this week (have you registered yet?) another attendee saw my name and emailed me to share that her sister-in-law had the same moniker as yours truly. After a few more emails, I realized our kids also shared a name (she has a girl named Tate!). The world is a funny place, I swear. Anyway, she has a wildly popular blog and she was the person that gave me the extra push I needed to get my Facebook page up. You should go visit her blog, it’s awesome!
– Simple Lovely created a Pinterest board devoted to images of moms that just makes my heart go pitter patter. Moms are beautiful creatures. (This one of Michelle Williams is just, ooof.)
– An avocado bourbon shake? Don’t mind if I do!
– Rebecca Woolf of Girl’s Gone Child has a new web video series called Child Style and I love it to pieces! The first five episodes are live and so charming.
– NPR news hosts do a mash up to pop hit “Call Me Maybe” and I die laughing. Also, I could recognize each host by their voice which *may* mean I listen to too much NPR.
Here are some of this week’s Instagrams! Enjoy, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!
(P.S. If you want to follow me on Instagram, you can find me @crazy_bananas.)
Mom Style: Casual Office Attire
/1 Comment/in Style /by MeganIt’s time for another episode of Mom Style, wherein I look like a nerdface while posing for photos in front of my office building while people sidestep me trying to get to the parking lot…
You guys, I love casual Fridays. Casual Fridays make my heart sing Judy Garland songs. I work in engineering, which can be very buttoned up, but every Friday we can take it down a notch, which is so fabulous. Most of the time I just wear jeans and a cute top, but lately it’s been about a million degrees in Kansas City, so I’ve been opting for cooler skirts. This perfect peach maxi skirt from Forever 21 rocks my world so badly, I bought two (the other is navy). Plus, it was so cheap, it was practically begging me to purchase multiples. It’s probably supposed to be a bit longer, but I wear it up high and have longer legs, so it hits me mid calf. Whatever, I love it anyway. The top is an oldie, but a goodie from J. Crew (which I also have in peach because whenever I find something I like I buy it in every color and wear it approximately 70 zillion times until it falls apart). The cute braided bracelets are from Madewell and they are what I’m calling “Summer Camp Chic,” which is a term I just made up. The sunnies are from H&M and will probably be broken by a certain toddler by the time I post this. The shoes are two year old flip flops from Gap.
And the hair…oh the hair. It is PINK! I was going for an apricot/strawberry blonde (ala Hairdresser on Fire), but since blonde hair is fairly unpredictable when it comes to coloring, it came out pinkish. And let me tell you…I LOVE IT! Or should I say, loved it. After two washes it’s now more like what I originally envisioned (see photo here), but I have to say, I kind of miss the pink!
Sunnies / H&M
Shirt / J. Crew
Bracelets / Madewell
Skirt / Forever 21 (17 dollars, yo!)
Flip-Flops / Gap
Hair / “Pinky-Pinkerton Do” via my stylist Amy who is awesome
{Special thanks to Rebecca from my office for taking the time to shoot some photos of my cheese-ing it out!}