Happy Weekend!

happy weekend

It’s been a hard week, all. Fun and productive, but also soul sucking and exhausting. Trent has been away a few days on business and the kids and I are pining for his return (which will be tonight, hooray!). My big post on Donna’s Dress Shop may look like a fun thing, and it was, but it was also time consuming and I was feeling some major pressure to get it up on the site. Lulu starts school on Monday, so the week was also full of back-to-school nights and teacher meetings, not to mention school shopping and the end of summer camp. My health this summer has been less than stellar, so last week I decided that instead of once again going to the doctor, I would change up my diet a bit and see if it helped. I will do a full post on this endeavor once I’m more confident in what the hell I’m doing, but today I can say that giving up dairy and gluten has dramatically changed my life, but it has been a difficult transition. I’m in the process of trying to decide if this is a cleanse or a full time lifestyle, but for now I can say the process has been emotionally tiring. I am wiped.

On top of all of that craziness, I somehow snagged tickets to Alt Summit when they went up this week. I have no idea how it happened, really, it’s all a blur. But I think the financial commitment, plus the emotional wear and tear, is starting to set in. This is an expensive trip, one where I know pretty much nobody (save my beautiful friend Nicole who snagged tickets as well!), and one where I’m going to have to wear my creative badge with honor. At this conference, I can’t be “Megan, who works in corporate marketing and has a little blog.” I have to BE Crazybananas. This is a huge step for me, and I still don’t know how I’m going to pull it off.

Suffice to say, I’m taking the rest of the week/weekend off. Since Lu’s summer is ending today, we decided to spend the day doing anything she wants to do. Tate will be at daycare and Trent won’t be back until late, so we’re having a girls’ day to celebrate the end of summer. To that end, I won’t be posting links or Instagram photos today, as per usual, but instead, you can find me anywhere there is pink or glitter. (You can always follow our adventures on Instagram, @crazy_bananas.)

Thank you for reading, for keeping me sane and for pushing me forward. Up, up and away.

I Heart KC: Donna’s Dress Shop


Oh, friends, I am so excited to share this special place with you all! I can’t even remember how I found out about Donna’s Dress Shop, all I can say is I’ve been obsessed for quite a while. Remember that fancy gala Trent and I attended last year? Well, my vintage “Jackie O” style dress was a Donna’s purchase. And since then I’ve found a few great pieces whenever I have a chance to stop by. A few weeks ago, my friend Mikayla and I met at Donna’s for some hilarious dress up time. And we brought a camera…so we can share the fun with all of you!

Above are two of my absolute FAVORITE’s of anything we tried on. The yellow dress on the left is a vintage number that reminded me of an airline stewardess in the 1960s. Mikayla said I looked like one of the fembots from Austin Powers, but I decided to take that as a compliment. The dress on right has rocket ships, planets and cosmic fun all over it. I felt like the teacher from the Magic Schoolbus books. I didn’t buy either of them (I just couldn’t decide where I would wear them) so if you love them you should stop by! Donna’s is getting new inventory every week, from new items to vintage, and many things are one of a kind, so once they’re gone, you’re out of luck.

Without further adieu, here are some other favorites (click on any of the images to see them a bit bigger, if you’d like):


OK, yes, this is a jumper. Those of you that know me in real life are probably spitting out your Diet Coke right now wondering what the hell I’m doing in a jumper. I hear you. But Mikayla insisted I try it on and it was adorable. So I bought it. I KNOW! I bought a jumper! Life is upside down. Seriously, though, it is pretty darn adorable and I’ve already worn it in public once. Before you ask, yes, it is pretty difficult to go to the bathroom in this thing, but that’s a gross thing to ask. I’m appalled. But not by the jumper. It’s amazing.

Sidenote: I am not a fashion blogger of any sort, so I could not for the life of me figure out how to pose. I told Mikayla that every fashion blogger I read posts photos of themselves looking at their feet, so in most of these outfits, we had at least 10 shots of me looking at my feet. And sometimes pointing. Mostly because I’m subtle.


It’s a muu muu! But a muu muu with style. I loved this 1970s styled number (not vintage, but lovely none the less) and it was so, so comfortable. It reminded me of something my grandma would wear, but sexier. The sunnies added just the right amount of sass.

Sidenote: In these photos I decided looking away from the camera was the way to go. “What’s that, over there!” or “I am so bored with this, so I shall look that way.”


It’s another jumper! And this one is covered in cartoon Westies! I had a Westie puppy as a kid (R.I.P. Snowflake, you crazy bastard) so I had to try this one on. Personally, I can’t really do a strapless top, much less a strapless jumper, but I have to admit, it was pretty adorable. If you can pull it off, you should go buy it right now.


This little number was so comfortable, we decided it might actually be a nightgown. Also, it was pretty see thru, and I wore purple underwear because I’m dumb, hence no photos of me standing up. It was super flattering, but I had already fallen in love with a few other outfits, so I had to turn it down. The yellow purse was just perfect for summer! I wanted to take it on a picnic date. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe it’s meant for you?


Oh my god. YES! Yes yes yes yes YESSSSS! I saw this dress and immediately did a very unattractive happy dance. You see, I’m going to Las Vegas for the first time with my best girlfriends in about a month, to celebrate my 30th birthday, and this dress just screamed “VEGAS!” It goes without saying that I bought it. But only after dancing around the shop for about 15 minutes. Sequins, I love you.


So…this happened. For every adorable get up there was a denim jumpsuit that just didn’t quite hit the nail on the head for me. This cat sweater falls into that category. Although, looking back. I kind of love it. And the pants…well, they’re growing on me to. I may need to make a trip back to Donna’s before they sell!


Lest you think Donna’s is all dresses and jumpers, here are a few examples of the great accessories they have. Hats are always a win, but they also had great glasses, jewelry, housewares, kids clothes…you name it! That wallpaper is from the dressing room, and each changing area has a different kind. I would like them all in my house right now, please.

You can visit Donna’s Dress Shop at their location on 39th Street (right near KU Medical Center) Monday thru Friday from 11 to 7, and Sundays from 12 to 5. You should also follow them on Facebook, where they post new items they put out in the shop (and sometimes will hold them for you if you ask really nicely). Follow them on Facebook here. Thanks to the crew at Donna’s, especially Elena, who was working the evening we came in and was so lovely and gracious as we tore her store apart acting like goofballs. A special thanks also goes out to my girl, Mikayla, who worked the camera like a pro.

We love Donna’s Dress Shop!


(all photos by Mikayla Stover for Crazybananas, editing and layout design by me)

Nerds Have More Fun

You guys, I am working on such a super fun post about a certain place here in Kansas City that you all MUST visit very soon, especially if you love vintage, fun and all around amazingness. But (as I mentioned last week) said post is taking a wee bit longer to compile than I’d hoped. The sinus infection and lice on my kids heads last week didn’t help much, and now we’re prepping for school, which starts next Monday. AHHHHH! So I just wanted to pop in and say, yes, it’s coming, and it’s gonna be fantastic. Thanks for your patience!

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