Trent and I are being featured today over at the always awesome So Wonderful, So Marvelous blog! She’s doing a super fun series on marriage and asked us to answer some of her questions on how we maintain such a picturesque union. I told her it was the abundance of breakfast sandwiches. Trent agreed. See? We’re meant to be!
Truthfully, we have worked pretty hard at our marriage, especially in the last year or so, and I can confidently say I’ve never been happier. I know that a huge part of this came from my whole “journey to be happy” and making real decisions to make my relationship a good one. Trent and I have really done the work (and yes, it is work) and the payoff has come in spades. When I look at who we are now, compared to where we were as 19 year old college kids (volatile, dramatic, passionate, slightly bonkers) or even 23 year old first time parents/newlyweds or, hell, even 27 year old professionals, I am amazed we made it through. So many times we could have jumped off this ship and left it to sink, but every time we found ourselves clinging to lifeboats, doggie paddling for each other.
Here’s to doggie paddling for many more decades…
For more of the So Wonderful, So Marvelous marriage series, click here!
{Photo by Nicole Coleman} 07:00:512012-08-15 08:08:03Love and Marriage
I grew up fascinated with space travel. Like lots of little kids, I dreamed of heading up in a rocket to outer space and discovering new worlds, but unlike lots of kids, I actually saw this as a real life actuality, not just a dream. My dad (in the photo above looking totally boss) worked with NASA from the late 1980s until 1998. I saw every shuttle in the NASA fleet launch (excepting Challenger, which was destroyed before my dad’s projects began) along with several rockets. I’ve explained over and over again on this site what NASA and the importance of space exploration mean to me, but with the successful landing of Mars Curiosity last week (see here for more info), my love has been reignited.
Unfortunately, as always, the launch of this magnificent project has led many to question NASA and it’s funding. My personal Facebook page was filled with people debating the cost of a project like Curiosity and whether or not it would benefit our country. It’s funny, because I see crappy political arguments on Facebook all the time, and even if they rile me up, I never respond. It’s just not worth the anguish and you never end up getting anywhere positive. But this time, hoo boy, my blood was boiling. I wrote and rewrote responses, which I kept deleting because I knew, unfortunately, rarely can people with uninformed opinions be swayed. So instead I posted this video, with words by the genius astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, which summed it up better than I ever could:
Some of my favorite quotes from this incredible compilation:
“NASA got founded on the fear factor of Sputnik…we got to the moon on that fear factor. Space enthusiasts say ‘Oh, we went to the moon in ’69, we’ll be on Mars in another 10 years.’ They completely did not understand why we got to the moon in the first place. We were at war! Once we saw that Russia was not ready to go to the moon, we stopped going to the moon.”
“All of this was focused on enabling people to make tomorrow come. That was a cultural mindset…and we reaped the benefits of economic growth, because you had people who wanted to become scientists and engineers, people who enable tomorrow to exist today.”
“Do you realize that the $850 billion bank bailout, that sum of money, is more than the entire 50 year running budget of NASA?”
“I worry that congress doesn’t factor in the consequences of those decisions on tomorrow. They’re playing for the quarterly report, they’re playing for the next election cycle and that is mortgaging the actual future of this nation.”
“A half a penny, that buys the space station, the space shuttles, the NASA centers, the rovers, the astronauts…all of that. How much would you pay for the universe?”
Want to learn more about science and the space program, but don’t have time to do the research? Follow these people (and Mars rovers) on Twitter! Just another reason to love the Internet.
Neil deGrasse Tyson – Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History. Author: Space Chronicle, The Pluto Files,. Host: StarTalk Radio
Mike Massimino – NASA astronaut
Curiosity Rover – The Mars rover that landed last week has it’s own Twitter account, and it’s fantastic!
Space Camp USA – The official Twitter for the U.S. Space & Rocket Center is home to Space Camp, Aviation Challenge and NASA’s Official Visitor Information Center for Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages many of NASA’s robotic missions exploring Earth, the solar system and our universe.
Today’s the day! Summer officially ended with a bang, well more like an alarm, this morning at 4:50 a.m. Oh, 4:50 a.m., I did not miss you one little bit. But it was worth it to get a run and some quiet time in before the insanity of the first school day morning of the year.
(Sidenote: Everyone watched the Spice Girls last night, right? Oh dear lord, I love me some Spice Girls. If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll remember at one point in high school I was in a Spice Girls tribute group that lip-synched to “Wannabe” in front of the entire school. Oh yes we did. Anyway, after the reunion performance at the Closing Ceremonies last night, I decided this morning’s run would be fueled by a Spice Girls Pandora station. If you never listen to one bit of advice I give you, you should listen to this one. DOWNLOAD THAT STATION RIGHT NOW HOLY CRAP. Spice up your life, people. Or just shake it shake it shake it. That was the longest spin off thought I think I’ve ever written. You’re welcome.)
There were backpacks to pack and lunches to make and hair to french braid (especially for this very important occasion). So far I haven’t heard from school, so I’m going to assume that means all is well with my little first grader.
Although her brother is another story. Poor guy got pretty used to Lulu riding in the backseat with him during the 20 minute ride to daycare each day, so this morning, when I strapped him in my car without her (during the school year, Trent takes her in the a.m.) he started saying, questioningly, “Sissy? Sissy? Siiiissssyyyyy?!?!” and then proceeded to break down in tears. Ooof.
Tonight we have her first soccer practice, soon we start Daisies and there may be a cheerleading clinic this weekend. I already want to lay down and yell “I SURRENDER!” But I can do it. Yes. I can. Right? Right. Yes. Yes? Yes.
Happy first day of school! 12:52:032012-08-13 12:52:03The First Day of First Grade
Love and Marriage
/1 Comment/in Happiness, Trent /by MeganTrent and I are being featured today over at the always awesome So Wonderful, So Marvelous blog! She’s doing a super fun series on marriage and asked us to answer some of her questions on how we maintain such a picturesque union. I told her it was the abundance of breakfast sandwiches. Trent agreed. See? We’re meant to be!
Truthfully, we have worked pretty hard at our marriage, especially in the last year or so, and I can confidently say I’ve never been happier. I know that a huge part of this came from my whole “journey to be happy” and making real decisions to make my relationship a good one. Trent and I have really done the work (and yes, it is work) and the payoff has come in spades. When I look at who we are now, compared to where we were as 19 year old college kids (volatile, dramatic, passionate, slightly bonkers) or even 23 year old first time parents/newlyweds or, hell, even 27 year old professionals, I am amazed we made it through. So many times we could have jumped off this ship and left it to sink, but every time we found ourselves clinging to lifeboats, doggie paddling for each other.
Here’s to doggie paddling for many more decades…
For more of the So Wonderful, So Marvelous marriage series, click here!
{Photo by Nicole Coleman}
/1 Comment/in Family, Space Camp, web /by MeganI grew up fascinated with space travel. Like lots of little kids, I dreamed of heading up in a rocket to outer space and discovering new worlds, but unlike lots of kids, I actually saw this as a real life actuality, not just a dream. My dad (in the photo above looking totally boss) worked with NASA from the late 1980s until 1998. I saw every shuttle in the NASA fleet launch (excepting Challenger, which was destroyed before my dad’s projects began) along with several rockets. I’ve explained over and over again on this site what NASA and the importance of space exploration mean to me, but with the successful landing of Mars Curiosity last week (see here for more info), my love has been reignited.
Unfortunately, as always, the launch of this magnificent project has led many to question NASA and it’s funding. My personal Facebook page was filled with people debating the cost of a project like Curiosity and whether or not it would benefit our country. It’s funny, because I see crappy political arguments on Facebook all the time, and even if they rile me up, I never respond. It’s just not worth the anguish and you never end up getting anywhere positive. But this time, hoo boy, my blood was boiling. I wrote and rewrote responses, which I kept deleting because I knew, unfortunately, rarely can people with uninformed opinions be swayed. So instead I posted this video, with words by the genius astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, which summed it up better than I ever could:
Some of my favorite quotes from this incredible compilation:
Want to learn more about science and the space program, but don’t have time to do the research? Follow these people (and Mars rovers) on Twitter! Just another reason to love the Internet.
Neil deGrasse Tyson – Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History. Author: Space Chronicle, The Pluto Files,. Host: StarTalk Radio
Mike Massimino – NASA astronaut
Curiosity Rover – The Mars rover that landed last week has it’s own Twitter account, and it’s fantastic!
Space Camp USA – The official Twitter for the U.S. Space & Rocket Center is home to Space Camp, Aviation Challenge and NASA’s Official Visitor Information Center for Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages many of NASA’s robotic missions exploring Earth, the solar system and our universe.
The First Day of First Grade
/3 Comments/in Lucy /by MeganToday’s the day! Summer officially ended with a bang, well more like an alarm, this morning at 4:50 a.m. Oh, 4:50 a.m., I did not miss you one little bit. But it was worth it to get a run and some quiet time in before the insanity of the first school day morning of the year.
(Sidenote: Everyone watched the Spice Girls last night, right? Oh dear lord, I love me some Spice Girls. If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll remember at one point in high school I was in a Spice Girls tribute group that lip-synched to “Wannabe” in front of the entire school. Oh yes we did. Anyway, after the reunion performance at the Closing Ceremonies last night, I decided this morning’s run would be fueled by a Spice Girls Pandora station. If you never listen to one bit of advice I give you, you should listen to this one. DOWNLOAD THAT STATION RIGHT NOW HOLY CRAP. Spice up your life, people. Or just shake it shake it shake it. That was the longest spin off thought I think I’ve ever written. You’re welcome.)
There were backpacks to pack and lunches to make and hair to french braid (especially for this very important occasion). So far I haven’t heard from school, so I’m going to assume that means all is well with my little first grader.
Although her brother is another story. Poor guy got pretty used to Lulu riding in the backseat with him during the 20 minute ride to daycare each day, so this morning, when I strapped him in my car without her (during the school year, Trent takes her in the a.m.) he started saying, questioningly, “Sissy? Sissy? Siiiissssyyyyy?!?!” and then proceeded to break down in tears. Ooof.
Tonight we have her first soccer practice, soon we start Daisies and there may be a cheerleading clinic this weekend. I already want to lay down and yell “I SURRENDER!” But I can do it. Yes. I can. Right? Right. Yes. Yes? Yes.
Happy first day of school!