Finally, the Girl Power Pop Playlist


A few weeks ago I posted about how I was struggling to find music on the radio that Lucy and I would agree on. Mostly this is due to her love of pop music and my hatred of all the skanky lyrics on the radio these days (and get off my lawn!). As I said earlier, most pop music doesn’t sound that bad, until you hear a six-year-old singing the words. Then you’ll probably want to buy some permanent earmuffs.

After asking some awesome people over on the Crazybananas Facebook page for advice, I put together this Lucy approved playlist of current and past pop/rock hits, all sung by girls (a must for Miss Lu) that won’t leave you feeling icky when you hear a first grader singing along. There are some fun oldies on here from The Go-Go’s, ABBA, Miss Jackson and No Doubt, along with some current pop hits that were Lulu’s special request. Let’s party!

Girl Power Pop by Crazybananas on Grooveshark

[If you are reading this through an RSS feed reader, like Google Reader, you’ll have to click on the actual post to see and hear the playlist. Thanks!]

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you spend yours laboriously eating giant turkey legs as we did.

It doesn't get much hotter than this. #turkeyleg #renaissancefairDay 2 without kids. Goal: Eat giant turkey leg at the Renaissance Fair. Mission, completed.

(Giant turkey legs eaten at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival)

Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, everybody! Today is a fairly gloomy one here in Kansas City, and my Friday is honestly off to a rough start. I’m hoping there is nowhere to go from here, but up. Right? Right. OK, then. Trent and I are pretty excited for the long weekend, because my in-laws will be taking BOTH KIDS for TWO DAYS! I just may nap, watch movies and eat Taco Bell all weekend long.

Here are some fun links from around the www this week:

– Loved this post from Fat Mum Slim about getting over your fears after you take a big professional leap. I’m heading slowly (oh so slowly) in that direction and the worry can just eat you up.

– I heard this remix of Mr. Rogers a few weeks ago, but the other day a story on NPR reminded me of it. The person who remixed it was hired by PBS, and people were a bit afraid his creation would be disrespectful to Mr. Rogers’ memory or it would seem silly. Instead he ended up making a really moving piece. I highly recommend watching it. (Also, have you seen the video of Mr. Rogers testifying before congress in 1969 about public television for children and government funding? It will give you chills.)

– Lane’s getting all crafty these days, and she made the cutest tie dye napkins. Now all she needs to do is throw a hippie themed dinner party. Get on it, Lane!

– Trent and I have been having some major discussions regarding Lulu’s schooling and what we need to do to make sure she gets the best education possible. I swear, I’ve had more than a handful of conversations lately about homeschooling (not with Trent, mostly with other working moms) and while I know it probably would never work for us, James over at Bleubird has me inspired and a bit envious.

– Let’s invent some artisan bread!

– Ramsey’s blog always has the best tech tips, and this one on the free app Songza is on point. It’s like Pandora, but instead of picking an artist you like, you pick a mood. Like, music for a Friday night with friends or music for sleeping in on Sundays. So smart!

– Some rogue artists in Latvia went out to the cotton fields, harvested a crap ton of cotton, then threw it off a roof in a big city to make it look like it was snowing. The reactions from surprised people in the streets are so fun.

– MSN and Buick teamed up to make this awesome set of short videos featuring Kansas City as shown by some creative and fun people who live here. So many hidden local gems and they make our city shine. Nice job, people!


Here are some Instagrams from this past week. Come follow our adventures over there @crazy_bananas!

I figured it out, @sloanie764! #hairography #braidtasticGet in my belly. #onefunthing

Apparently some goofballs got a hold of my phone this morning.Me, instagramming @sloanie764 while she is instagramming me. #meta

Farmers market flowers. #onefunthingTime at the ranch this morning. #horse #barn #onefunthing

Starbucks with my peeps.Tate is afraid of the windshield wipers, so Lu has to hold his hand in the car when it's raining.

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