Happy Weekend!


Hello, Friday! You are looking super cute this morning. And after this short, dramatic week, I could not be more excited for the weekend. To all of you who read, commented, tweeted, liked or emailed me regarding my post from yesterday, THANK YOU! Your support means the world and it’s so wonderful to know I’m not alone, even when things are horrible. You all get a gold star.

As your reward, here are some fun links to get you through the weekend:

– Parents of twin babies on their first airplane trip handed out little favors to all the other passengers to apologize in case they were a nuisance. Such a good idea. I may have do this next time I fly with Tate, except I’ll pack the gift bags with mini bottles of whiskey.

– Photography tips for bloggers from Liz over at Say Yes to Hoboken.

– The iPhone 5 is coming next week!!! Ahhhhh!!! Here is what it will probably look like.

– The adorable Kristen over at Hey Paul Studios created an embroidery challenge on Instagram! Such a good idea! Now I just need to learn how to embroider something…

– This is some good internet.

– This video of ducks crossing a busy highway in Canada had me screaming at my computer screen. “No, baby ducks! Don’t die!!!!” (It has a happy ending.)

– Excited for Fall TV?! Well, me too, but with the loss of cable in my casa, I couldn’t even remember what shows I like to watch. Thank goodness Lane did the work for me with her Fall TV Preview.

These photos of San Francisco from the 1906 earthquake mashed up with photos from today are breathtaking. It’s crazy to imagine that much damage in a place that barely has a scar these days.


Here is some of our Instagram fun from this week. I am still playing #onefunthing over there (and also on Facebook and Twitter) and have loved seeing people join in! You can follow along at @crazy_bananas.

Gave the baby a chocolate ice cream cone. #onefunthingI live in #kansas (in case there was any confusion). #sunflower

I don't think I've ever been happier about a piece of school work. #iheartneil #spacecamp4lifeApparently Trent and I missed our calling as professional axe throwers.  (Mine are on the right of the board)

Elephant rides.Date night sake at RA #onefunthing

#reflectionTrying to get Tate over his rain fear by running in and out of it with Daddy. It worked :) #onefunthing

Finding My Path – Part 6: On Keeping it Real (This is Hard)

A few months ago I decided to be happy. Yay me! To catch up on the Finding My Path Series, click here. To figure out why this all started, click here.


The funny thing about being a mother is when you decide you want to be happy, you can’t just do whatever you want to get there. I mean, I guess that’s true of everyone, but for mothers, there is another layer of pressure, another layer of restraint that holds you back from taking a big leap. It seems as if I have spent the last few months focusing on myself and my happiness, but the truth is when you’re a mother, even when you are focusing on yourself, you are always focusing on others. One of main reasons I started this whole journey was because I had become an unpleasant person and caregiver, and my kids deserved better. So I decided to be happy, and that has changed their lives as much (if not more) than it has affected my own.

I know no one likes to hear whining, especially in a series about happiness and growth, but I’m going to keep it real. The last few weeks have been hard for my family. Watching your six year old cry because she’s so exhausted after spending seven hours at school and three hours at after school care is horrible. Getting another call from daycare that your son has passed out again and knowing you can’t run to his side is horrible. When your kids are unhappy, it’s really, really horrible.

Here’s the thing, I like working out of the home. I like being a working mom. I like the example it sets for my children and how it teaches them the value of independence, equality and respect. I like the balance it gives myself and my husband in terms of contributions to our financial future. I like the fact that I am finally established in my industry and successful in my field.

What I don’t like is feeling like I can’t be there for my kids. And I know this is a story told a million places on the internet, but for me it’s become a difficult thing to tackle. Mostly because I now know that I am working toward a career that will make me creatively happy, but it could take a really long time. Until I get there, and in order for me to get there, I will have to stay put for a while…and that is causing my children pain. My inflexible schedule and the amount of hours I’m putting in are causing them sadness. Almost all females I know in my industry who have kids and are at my level or higher have family in town that help out on a daily or weekly basis. If they don’t, then they almost always have a spouse who works reduced hours. I don’t have either of those things (though I must say, Trent has stepped up in a major way the past few months, but his job is time consuming as well, and there is only so much either of us can do…), so my kids stay with caregivers that we must pay handsomely, more than our monthly mortgage payment, to keep our babes happy and healthy.

It’s not working.

It’s hard for me to say that, for so many reasons, but a big one is that I’ll be seen as a traitor to the working moms of the world. I was complaining one time about these issues to a friend and she said, “But that’s your deal. You’re the working mom and you’re proud of that.” And I am (read: paragraph 3 of this post)! But I don’t love what I do…I do it because it pays my bills and contributes to my family’s financial freedom. And while that’s an awesome thing, it’s extremely difficult to watch your kids become stressed out and unhappy so you can go to a job that you find mildly interesting, at best.

I don’t know what will happen next, but if I’ve learned anything on this journey, it’s that by just trying, just putting yourself out there, great things can happen. As long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep climbing that proverbial mountain, I am doing everything I can.

Instagrammers to Follow


I think it goes without saying that I love Instagram. I mean, I guess it could go without saying, but since I say it every week, I think it’s fairly obvious. I love Instagram for a lot of reasons, the most important of which is I feel Instagram is like Twitter was a few years back. In terms of my real life loves, it gives me quick and poignant glances into their daily lives. Many of my best friends live pretty far away, so seeing these little images, whether it’s a shot of their lunch or their kids or their sunset, makes me feel just a little bit closer.

But there is a whole other section of people I follow on Instagram, those I’ve never met in real life (and for all intensive purposes, probably never will), those whose shots pull me in and cause me to catch my breath. Sometimes they are simple and sometimes they are grand, but they almost always inspire me to do better. So, in no particular order, here are five people you totally should be following on Instagram:


Ryan Marshall was the mind behind the brilliant blog Pacing the Panic Room, which I loved and read for many years before he shut it down this summer. Ryan is a professional photographer and videographer, but his Instagram feed mostly covers his life with his wife, daughter and step-son. This summer Ryan did a #warriorsofsummer series, and the entire thing was breathtaking. I love how he makes his supposedly ordinary life look magical.


I’ve talked about Rebecca Woolf on this blog before, regarding her incredible blog Girls Gone Child. She just joined Instagram in the past few months, and since then, my feed has definitely been a happier place. Rebecca is a mom of four based in L.A., and her photos make me think I could totally handle two more kids (sidenote: I totally couldn’t). Her photos manage to take a life so full, I’m sure, of chaos and craziness, and show a simple calmness. The best thing she does is photograph the relationships between her children. Watching a family grow into themselves is pretty fantastic.


Bri Emery is the mastermind behind the amazing blog Design Love Fest, and co-creator of Blogshop. Her Instagram follows her throughout her life’s journey, from client meetings to photoshoots to dinners out with her boyfriend to concerts in L.A. (where she is based). She is obviously a fan of color and bold type, which she takes care to share with everyone in her images. I think I have a major girlcrush here.


Jared Chambers is someone I mainly started following because Ryan Marshall mentioned him and I’m so, so glad I did. He is the creator of the hashtag #smallpeoplebigplaces, a series in which he takes photos of people in massive circumstances. His work is mainly based on the west coast, which is my happy place, so I crave his images of seaside fog and gigantic rock formations. He is a true artist of Instagram, whose images are solely created on the iPhone (which is rare these days on Instagram), and is an absolute must follow.


James from Bleubird is someone I’ve mentioned here a few times for her incredibly inspiring blog, and if you’re not following her on Instagram, you’re missing out. Her feed is full of her beautifully simple life in Texas. She homeschools her two older children, and watching them on their journey has completely changed my mind about what homeschooling can be. Her photos convey a sweetness and a great love for her family, which always make my day.


Do you follow anyone on Instagram who makes your day with their images? Please share, I’m always looking for inspiration! And as always, you can find me on Instagram at @crazy_bananas. Happy snapping!

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