Winner Winner Chicken Dinner – Hey Paul Studios Giveaway


Thank you so much to everyone who entered our first ever Crazybananas giveaway! The comments have been tallied and the winner is…….

CB Giveaway Hey Paul

Yay, Kristen!!! I’m so excited for you! Email me your shipping info at megan[at]crazybananas[dot]com and I’ll send over your prize.

And thank you to the other star Kristen of this first giveaway, Miss Kristen Paulson from Hey Paul Studios! If you love her work, you can find more at her Etsy shop.

(This is not a sponsored post, just a giveaway amongst friends. The prize for this giveaway was provided free of charge. I am not being paid to say the prize is awesome, I just think it is.)

The Las Vegas Birthday Extravaganza!


I’m back! And I didn’t spend my entire savings! Yay me! Seriously, y’all, if you need an idea for celebrating your 30th birthday, may I suggest finding four of the best, funniest, prettiest, most fabulous people you know and then going to Las Vegas with them? It will be the best time ever!

We all took bazillions of photos (mostly with our phones) and in approximately 90% of them we have flashbulb zombie eyes. But we are really pretty zombies, so it’s all good. Since my brain is still in the pacific time zone and I can barely formulate sentences, I decided the easiest way to tell our story is through a good old iPhone dump. So here, in no particular order, is our trip to Las Vegas.


Man, oh, man, did we have a good time! Thanks to Abbie for planning the whole thing, and to all the other girls (I’m talking to you, Hayley, Kristi and Theresa) for coming and giving me a birthday I will never forget. Awesome, just awesome.

Some things we did, and would totally recommend:

– Dinner at Lavo at the Venetian Hotel (where we stayed). Get the fried oreos. JUST DO IT!

– Dancing at Tao (also at the Venetian). Since we went to Lavo for dinner (and the Lavo club is closed Thursday nights) we received free entrance and wristbands for free drinks from 10:30 to midnight. We also got a free VIP table for an hour. Be sure to tip your bartenders, even though you’re not paying for drinks. We were the ONLY PEOPLE who tipped our bartender (which is super sad) and she gave us special treatment all night because of it. Tip generously…remember the drinks are free!

– Breakfast at Morel’s Steakhouse

– Shopping at Caesars Palace and the Las Vegas Outlets (the Kate Spade outlet was incredible!)

– Catching a performance of the Cirque du Soliel Beatles Love show. I totally cried, it was beautiful!

– Dinner at Stack in the Mirage Hotel. Order the “hot rocks” appetizer, which is tenderloin that you cook yourself on hot rocks at your table.

– Walking down the strip and drinking rum slushies that you pick up along the way. Bonus for ordering the giant cup and using it to build glorious arm muscles.

– Rent a cabana at the Encore Hotel. This was generously given to us by Miss Abbie’s father-in-law (he’s the lone guy in the photos above), and we had such a blast! We chose to stay on the family side instead of the beach side, to avoid the crowds of yucky drunk dudes. Napping in the cabana is recommended.

– Watching football at Lagasse’s Stadium, where you can bet on games and watch in total luxury. Most of the girls are K-Staters and Abbie’s father-in-law went to Oklahoma University, so we went to watch the KSU/OU football game on Saturday night. It was super fun (and it helped that K-State won!).

– We ended up swinging by the club Hyde at the Bellagio Hotel and it was a trip highlight. We were lucky enough to have a buddy from high school working there and she hooked us up (Thanks, Kelly! You rule!). We sat overlooking the Bellagio fountains and enjoyed a few drinks while catching up. Good stuff.

– Our last stop of the Las Vegas Extravaganza was the club Bank at the Bellagio. Abbie’s awesome father-in-law treated us to a night we won’t soon forget, with a private table, drink service and lots of room to boogie down. We just kept looking at each other and saying “Is this real life?” It was totally amazing.

Happy Weekend!


Hi everyone! I’m posting this from fabulous Las Vegas, where I’m engaging in hilarious antics with four of the most awesome friends a person could ask for. Last night we celebrated the anniversary of my birth and today (after much greasy food consumption) we are headed to the Cirque du Soleil Beatles LOVE show. Did I mention how much I love being here with my four best friends? Oh man, I’m a lucky girl.

Here are some fun links to get you through your weekend:

– If you haven’t entered our awesome giveaway yet, there’s still time! I’m taking comment entries until Sunday at midnight (see post for more details).

– The Cool Mom Picks Pinterest Page is always full of great ideas, but their Halloween page has really stepped it up a notch. I suppose it doesn’t hurt that Halloween is my favorite holiday. Bring on the zombies!

– One piece of advice you wish you’d known in your mid-twenties.

– Design Mom’s annual “What to Wear to School” series has always been incredible. But now that she and her family are living in the French countryside, it’s gotten even better. Here’s what her daughter is wearing to 8th grade. (And yes, I’m coveting the wardrobe of a 13 year old.)

– Ben Folds Five is back! And they made a music video featuring the Fraggles. Best virtual birthday present ever (from a band that has never heard of me…DO IT ANYWAY!)

– I’ve been looking for a way to incorporate my Instagram photos into my home, and these stickies might be the ticket!

– I watched this documentary this weekend, and it was wonderful! I can’t wait to share more.

Deep dish, sun-dried tomato pizza…this is on my menu for next week!

Musical swings on the streets of Montreal. Lu would flip if we had anything like this near us. Such beautiful art.

– Have you heard of Anna’s Second Wind? It’s the story of an amazing woman struggling to breath through every day. I have tweeted and Facebooked this, but hadn’t posted it here yet. You should check it out.

– True love in only 22 pictures. (And an update here.)


Here are a few Instagram shots from our week. You can follow our fun over there at @crazy_bananas!

People that I #love.First grade girls playing #soccer = colorful socks

Vegas prep...and incidentally, the weirdest pedicure ever. Bodes well, I think.A Tater ghost.

Tater hops.Lucy has a singular objective when attending her cousins baseball games. Treats.

Chhhheeeessseee.Wine tasting at @laneodle's...I'd say we enjoyed them all :) #onefunthing

BRGR birthday lunch with my sister!The office just presented me with a wad of cash and birthday wishes. I am now crying. #awesome

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