Happy Weekend!


Oh, friends. It is Friday, right? To say this week was difficult would be the biggest understatement of the century. So far, although 30 is lovely, it is extremely stressful. My goal for this weekend is to get my head up and stop worrying about things I cannot change. Easier said than done, I know, but I’ve gotta try.

You know what might help? Some fun links from around the web. Yes? Yes!

– Lane is talking Emmy fashion over on her blog. Who was on your best dressed list? I’m always a sucker for Zooey DeChanel, but I was digging Tina Fey too.

– I love this post from Anne the Adventurer about blogging professionally. I think we (bloggers) get caught up in this space and so many of us feel shy about admitting that we want this to be what we do for a living. I admire her courage in putting it all out there. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

– So, you need fonts, eh? Design Love Fest has some great (and FREE) ones for you.

– A DIY Instagram photo album! I love this!

– A device that turns your digital images into real life Polaroids on the spot? People are so smart.

– I was super proud of this story out of Kansas City about a school’s choice for homecoming queen. With all the bad news on this front this week, I was happy to be from a place that is celebrating differences, all without pomp and circumstance. They just did it because it was the right thing to do. Right on, Park Hill South High School! You rock!

– Dads are the original hipsters.

– This video about the most passionate drummer in the world had me crying what Lulu calls “happy tears.” When people are this joyful in their lives, it makes me remember all the good in the world.

Paris vs New York.

– Hey, Internet, are you reading my private journal? Because so many of you posted exactly what I needed to read this week. This post from A Cup of Jo was just so spot on for me this week. Part of it includes a poem by Rudyard Kipling, and I wanted to share an excerpt here as well…

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

– I’m so excited for D Moms Magazine! I need my Dallas friends to pick me up a few copies.

– Pretty much any post or photo series on the space shuttle is going to get me right in the heart.

– Why women should stop trying to be perfect.


Whew, that was a lot of links! Guess the Internet was a pretty inspiring place this week. Which, honestly, I needed. I needed to feel encouragement and read stories of struggle, because that is pushing me forward. Onward, onward.

I’m not posting any Instagram photos this week, since most of them are from Vegas and you’ve already seen them here. Instead I’ll leave you with this video. It snapped me out of a major funk this week. Let’s start this shit up, people.

Before I Die…


A few weeks ago, during my first photowalk with my new camera in downtown Kansas City, I noticed the wall pictured above. It was a chalkboard fixed to the side of a building that said “Before I die…” and then was filled out by people who walked by. I found the whole installation to be so moving, I took several photos and posted one here.

Yesterday I found this TED Talk online, written by the artist who created the “Before I die…” project in New Orleans. She started the project as a way to heal after a significant figure in her life passed away, and the project ended up teaching her a profound lesson about living, dying and community. I highly recommend her talk, posted below (or click here).

Watching her story made this random installment in downtown Kansas City come alive for me. If you want to see if yourself, or add to the wall, it can be found right off Central and 21st Street, near Lulu’s Thai Noodle Shop. I highly recommend it.




What do you want to do before you die? I want to go to India. And start my own photography business. And live on the west coast….and and and and.

iPhoneography: It’s About the Apps, Part Two

A few months back I shared some of my favorite apps for making your iPhone pictures look totally incredible (you can read all about it here). Since then, I’ve found even more photo editing apps (I know, I know, I think I have a problem too) that I am loving and using on a daily basis. New apps are coming out every day, so there is always something new to learn. Just call me Professor Megan! Then bake me a pie because everyone knows you should always bring treats on the first day of class, and everyone also knows I’m a big fan of pie.

Untitledvery you

This is an app that takes your images and turns them in to awesome, modern posters. One of my favorite things about this app is anyone can use it and it keeps your photo resolution pretty high, so if you wanted to print any of your posters out and use them, you could. I really like using Phoster to make images quickly on my phone, then upload them to the site to use as headers for different blog posts (like the #onefunthing poster above). If you’re looking to get some text on your images, and skip the cheesy fonts, this is a great way to do it. (Costs $1.99)



Tadaa is an app that works a bit like Instagram, using different filters and sharing options. The filters on this app are a bit more intense than Instagram, but that’s why I like it. Sometimes your photos just need a little rainbow, you know? (Costs nothing, it’s free!)


This one is an oldie, but a goodie. Camera+ is another app that’s as easy to use as Instagram, but doesn’t have it’s own sharing platform built in like Tadaa. The filters are fun, and are identified by all sorts of analog camera styles (like Diana or Lomographic). You can also crop, clarify, fix flash issues and adjust lighting. (Costs $0.99)

I live in #kansas (in case there was any confusion). #sunflowerElephant rides.

Get in my belly. #onefunthingUntitled

This is the camera app I’ve used most in the past two months, by a landslide. I LOVE the VSCO Cam app so much. It’s another easy way to edit your photos, but this one makes everything look like a dreamy wonderland. A huge part of this is the fade option, which gives each photo a milky quality. Many people have asked how I get that haze to my images, and I’m spilling the beans. It’s from the VSCO Cam app. So if you like it, get it. (Costs $0.99)


Happy snapping, everyone! If you have some favorite apps that haven’t been mentioned, be sure to share them in the comments. My photo app addition is always needing more fuel!

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