My first post is up over at The Zesty Digest and it’s all about the giftbags I made for my favorite ladies as a thank you for a fantastic birthday in Vegas. Go see how to make them at The Zesty Digest!
Yay, it’s Friday! I swear, my weeks drag on and on, but at the same time, I feel like it’s always weekend wrap-up time. I blame Doctor Who. Anyway, this week was was heads and tails better than last week, and I have so many people to thank for that. Mainly, my number one, two and three support system, those goons who live with me. Without Trent, Lu and Tater, this week would’ve been pretty craptastic. And an extra special thanks goes out to my friend Mara, who has been at my house twice in the last week, at least one time because she was called as I was sobbing at an American Girl Store. People, that is a real friend. Get yo’self one. (But you can’t have mine, she’s taken.) There are so many more people that have lifted me out of my damp, dark land of grumples this week (my sister, my co-workers, my dog) and I owe you all a shot of tequila and a cupcake. I promise, my debt will be paid.
And of course, thank you to you. Yes, YOU! If you’ve read anything here this week, left a supportive comment, or liked a post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, then you’ve made my days a little brighter. And for that, you are awesome. I am sending you virtual cupcakes and tequila.
Now for this week’s roundup of fantastic links from around the world wide web:
– This Etsy shop specializes in gifts for the special nerd in your life. “Winter is Coming” candles, Butterbeer scented handwash and Sonic Screwdriver lip balm. I know where I’m getting my stocking stuffers this year!
So I’ve decided that instead of automatically complaining about how busy I am, I’m going to think about my response a bit. Perhaps it would be more accurate to respond, “my life is full.” Besides, it puts me in the right frame of mind: it’s a lot easier to tackle whatever challenges I have in front of me, if I think of them as being there as a natural part of living a full life, you know?
– I have lived in Kansas much of my life, and I have to admit, I really don’t get to scared of tornadoes anymore. But FIRE TORNADOES. TORNADOES OF FIRE! Oh, hell to the no.
– Someone please hire this guy, he needs to work in advertising.
– A great piece on how online ads based on click through’s are the worst model in the history of ever. During TV ads, most of us either fast forward or get up to pee…but they still cost a ton. What gives?
– I’ve been saying this for years. Moms of earth, get in the photo! It isn’t about how hot you look, it’s about being a part of the story.
This month you turn 22 months old, which means we’re almost at the end of these letters. When your sister turned two, I decided to stop writing letters so frequently, and instead just write a little note on each birthday, so for tradition’s sake, I’ve decided to do the same with you. It’s all about being fair, Tate. I don’t want either of you in therapy whining that I loved the other one more…and if you do end up there, please make sure to tell them how many times you’ve “accidentally” given me a bloody lip with your flailing head/arms/feet/body, just, you know, so they get the whole picture.
I don’t want to jinx anything, but I think we may have turned a very important corner, Tate. For the past six months or so you’ve been, let’s say…difficult. Every. Single. Thing. is a HUGE CHORE WORTH SCREAMING AND WHINING AND CRYING AND LAYING ON THE GROUND OH THE HORROR!!!! Dinner time is basically me launching macaroni and cheese at your face while you scream at me that its too hot or too cold or too cheesy or not cheesy enough. Then you throw your food on the ground and yell at the dog for eating it. Poor Molly, she does not get you, Tate. Why throw the food on the ground if you don’t want her to eat it? I hear ya, Molly, I have no idea either.
But in the last two weeks, you seem to have broken out of the crazy train. You are reminding me more and more of the happy little infant you once were. Will you ever be as “laid back” as we assumed you were? No, I don’t think so. But you sure are happy. You love to laugh and will find any excuse to do so. The other day, I had a friend at the house and every time she made eye contact with you, you’d fall over laughing. You had us all in tears Tate, it was hilarious! As are you. And you know it.
These last few months have been really hard on me, Tate, and you can sense when I’m sad or when I need your support. In fact, the laughing fit I mentioned above took place as I was crying over some recent drama I can’t control. You could feel the weight on my shoulders, and you picked it up like it was nothing, flinging it across the room with your antics. You and your sister have never been closer, teaming up to make me feel better when I’m down. Somehow you both manage to crawl on my lap as we lean back and forth in your rocking chair, with your hands resting on each others faces as you sing me lullabies.
You are so smart, Tate, already reciting your ABC’s and counting to five. I can finally understand you now, which I think is a huge part of your recent departure from frustration land. You can tell us what you want. We can have crazy, babbly little conversations. You have dance parties with your sister where you’ve developed some pretty sweet moves. You pretend to be a dinosaur and we chase each other around the house. That’s probably your favorite game, pretending to be something that growls. Dinosaur, bear, lion, whatever, as long as it growls in your face, you love it. You’re going to be so pissed when you find out you’re a mere human.
Some of my favorite moments with you happen right before bedtime. You love to go to bed, and the minute you feel tired enough, you run up the stairs and lay down on your bedroom floor, waiting for me to change your diaper and clothes. You then gather up your two favorite blankets and your stuffed dog and we settle in for an evening reading of Corduroy, your favorite book. After we’re done, we turn out the lights, turn on your sound machine and rock together for about five minutes. Sometimes you lay quietly on my chest, relaxing into the swaying motion. Sometimes you spend the entire five minutes pointing out my every body part (EYES! NOSE! EARS! HAIR! MAMAAAA!). Either way, it’s the perfect ending to a day with you.
The Zesty Digest: Girls’ Trip Giftbags
/2 Comments/in Fun, web /by MeganMy first post is up over at The Zesty Digest and it’s all about the giftbags I made for my favorite ladies as a thank you for a fantastic birthday in Vegas. Go see how to make them at The Zesty Digest!
Happy Weekend!
/1 Comment/in Grumples, Photos, web /by MeganYay, it’s Friday! I swear, my weeks drag on and on, but at the same time, I feel like it’s always weekend wrap-up time. I blame Doctor Who. Anyway, this week was was heads and tails better than last week, and I have so many people to thank for that. Mainly, my number one, two and three support system, those goons who live with me. Without Trent, Lu and Tater, this week would’ve been pretty craptastic. And an extra special thanks goes out to my friend Mara, who has been at my house twice in the last week, at least one time because she was called as I was sobbing at an American Girl Store. People, that is a real friend. Get yo’self one. (But you can’t have mine, she’s taken.) There are so many more people that have lifted me out of my damp, dark land of grumples this week (my sister, my co-workers, my dog) and I owe you all a shot of tequila and a cupcake. I promise, my debt will be paid.
And of course, thank you to you. Yes, YOU! If you’ve read anything here this week, left a supportive comment, or liked a post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, then you’ve made my days a little brighter. And for that, you are awesome. I am sending you virtual cupcakes and tequila.
Now for this week’s roundup of fantastic links from around the world wide web:
– This Etsy shop specializes in gifts for the special nerd in your life. “Winter is Coming” candles, Butterbeer scented handwash and Sonic Screwdriver lip balm. I know where I’m getting my stocking stuffers this year!
-The first photos of the Arrested Development cast are out! This is happening!
– 10 hilarious and usual celebrity impersonations that no one else does. (via AB Chao)
– Oh, hey, it’s Rebecca Woolf…perfectly summing it all up. Again. Damn, she’s amazing. If you’re a mom, you should be reading this.
– Fashion + Stanley Kubrick = Awesomesauce (Also, totally creepy. Perfect for Halloween.)
– I totally saw the Harlem Globetrotters in third grade. Sounds like nothing’s changed.
– I love Karen Walrond. An excerpt:
– I have lived in Kansas much of my life, and I have to admit, I really don’t get to scared of tornadoes anymore. But FIRE TORNADOES. TORNADOES OF FIRE! Oh, hell to the no.
– Someone please hire this guy, he needs to work in advertising.
– A great piece on how online ads based on click through’s are the worst model in the history of ever. During TV ads, most of us either fast forward or get up to pee…but they still cost a ton. What gives?
– I’ve been saying this for years. Moms of earth, get in the photo! It isn’t about how hot you look, it’s about being a part of the story.
– Incredibly happy stingrays! Also, a cat and dog cuddle puddle!
– A classic robot costume for kids. (This whole costume series is rad.)
– Finally, worlds collide. Two of my favorite things…Instagram and chocolate!
And now, our week’s Instagrams! Remember to follow our fun over there @crazy_bananas. Happy snapping!
22 Months
/9 Comments/in Photos, Tate, Videos /by MeganDear Taterbug,
This month you turn 22 months old, which means we’re almost at the end of these letters. When your sister turned two, I decided to stop writing letters so frequently, and instead just write a little note on each birthday, so for tradition’s sake, I’ve decided to do the same with you. It’s all about being fair, Tate. I don’t want either of you in therapy whining that I loved the other one more…and if you do end up there, please make sure to tell them how many times you’ve “accidentally” given me a bloody lip with your flailing head/arms/feet/body, just, you know, so they get the whole picture.
I don’t want to jinx anything, but I think we may have turned a very important corner, Tate. For the past six months or so you’ve been, let’s say…difficult. Every. Single. Thing. is a HUGE CHORE WORTH SCREAMING AND WHINING AND CRYING AND LAYING ON THE GROUND OH THE HORROR!!!! Dinner time is basically me launching macaroni and cheese at your face while you scream at me that its too hot or too cold or too cheesy or not cheesy enough. Then you throw your food on the ground and yell at the dog for eating it. Poor Molly, she does not get you, Tate. Why throw the food on the ground if you don’t want her to eat it? I hear ya, Molly, I have no idea either.
But in the last two weeks, you seem to have broken out of the crazy train. You are reminding me more and more of the happy little infant you once were. Will you ever be as “laid back” as we assumed you were? No, I don’t think so. But you sure are happy. You love to laugh and will find any excuse to do so. The other day, I had a friend at the house and every time she made eye contact with you, you’d fall over laughing. You had us all in tears Tate, it was hilarious! As are you. And you know it.
These last few months have been really hard on me, Tate, and you can sense when I’m sad or when I need your support. In fact, the laughing fit I mentioned above took place as I was crying over some recent drama I can’t control. You could feel the weight on my shoulders, and you picked it up like it was nothing, flinging it across the room with your antics. You and your sister have never been closer, teaming up to make me feel better when I’m down. Somehow you both manage to crawl on my lap as we lean back and forth in your rocking chair, with your hands resting on each others faces as you sing me lullabies.
You are so smart, Tate, already reciting your ABC’s and counting to five. I can finally understand you now, which I think is a huge part of your recent departure from frustration land. You can tell us what you want. We can have crazy, babbly little conversations. You have dance parties with your sister where you’ve developed some pretty sweet moves. You pretend to be a dinosaur and we chase each other around the house. That’s probably your favorite game, pretending to be something that growls. Dinosaur, bear, lion, whatever, as long as it growls in your face, you love it. You’re going to be so pissed when you find out you’re a mere human.
Some of my favorite moments with you happen right before bedtime. You love to go to bed, and the minute you feel tired enough, you run up the stairs and lay down on your bedroom floor, waiting for me to change your diaper and clothes. You then gather up your two favorite blankets and your stuffed dog and we settle in for an evening reading of Corduroy, your favorite book. After we’re done, we turn out the lights, turn on your sound machine and rock together for about five minutes. Sometimes you lay quietly on my chest, relaxing into the swaying motion. Sometimes you spend the entire five minutes pointing out my every body part (EYES! NOSE! EARS! HAIR! MAMAAAA!). Either way, it’s the perfect ending to a day with you.
I love you, Taterbug.