Have I mentioned my Cultivating Courage class? I can’t remember, which isn’t anything new (let’s be real, I can’t remember yesterday!). Anyway, Cultivating Courage is an online course that is all about bravery. I know, it sounds bananas. If I was on the listening end of this post, I’d think I was crazy too. But hear me out. Because this is good stuff.
I think as women/mothers/wives/daughters we tend to work so very hard to make sure everyone around us is doing okay. We want our children, our parents, our husbands/wives/partners, our families, and our friends to all be happy and healthy. We will drop plans on a moments notice if someone needs help or comfort. But do we give this to ourselves? Do we treat ourselves with the same kindness we reserve for others? I know I don’t. I am my worst critic, by far. The little voice inside my head that says, “You can’t do that. You’re not good enough. You aren’t creative enough. You’re a fake! A phony!”? Yeah, that voice is me.
I few months ago I set out on a journey to “Find My Path.” It started with another online course (that ironically, I was embarrassed to tell people about), the Path Finder, which changed the game for me. But after a few months, I started to feel stuck again. Not that I wasn’t moving forward, I was! But I could feel the gremlins creeping in to my psyche, whispering in my ear. They tell me I can’t do it. And I was starting to believe them. I brushed off everything that’s happened in the last six months (being published at BlogHer, getting my first check for freelance writing, creating and selling out my Mini Shoots, getting a blogging gig with Sweet Lemon Magazine) as luck, and not that big of a deal.
And then, via the cosmos or God or whatever you believe in, I found this Cultivating Courage class. And, oh friends, it’s another game changer. Every day, for 30 days, each participant vows to do something brave. Sometimes it’s something really simple (sending that email to a negative co-worker) and sometimes it’s something very complex (making an appointment with a therapist), but every day we do something. And then we share with each other. And these people, these 50 people that are on this journey with me, have changed my life.
There is so much support in this class, so much love, so much compassion…it can be quite overwhelming. There are days when I have no idea what to write here, in my silly, frivolous space where we talk about Doctor Who and Britney Spears, because I’ve spent most of the last 14 days lost in the deep thoughts this class has sparked.
Yesterday, our task was to send an email to five to ten people that love us. The email told them about the course, and then asked them to answer three questions:
1. What are my strengths? Gifts?
2. If there was one word you’d use to describe me, what would it be?
3. What is my superpower?
This seems like a fairly simple task, but it was so HARD for me! I didn’t want to do it. I figured people would think I was nuts or self-indulgent. Sending that email was one of the most difficult things I’ve done in a long time.
But then the responses started rolling in…from friends, from family, from people who love me. And they said the opposite of what my gremlins had been whispering in my ear. Creative, loyal, driven, not afraid of being unique, funny, logical, a writer, able to connect with people, compassionate, a good listener…and those are just a few of them.
I really can’t recommend this practice enough. Yes, it was scary and yes, I felt like a doofus, but the end result was worth it. Hearing what your loved ones love about YOU? Out loud? It’s a pretty fantastic thing? I think I’m getting my mojo back…
When I was 13 years old, my sister surprised me with tickets to see the USA gold medal champion gymnastics team during their victory tour. It was one of those experiences I’ve never forgotten. I can’t really remember the routines or the music, but I can’t forget how it felt to be there with my big sister and how special I felt. And at 13, I was going through the WORST of my awkward years (which lasted, um, about a decade), so feeling special was pretty rare.
When we found out the 2012 gold medalists were going to be coming through Kansas City on their post-Olympics nationwide tour, my sister and I knew we had to be there! We immediately made plans to go and take our little girls.
We ended up taking one of Lulu’s best friends, who is also a gymnastics nut, since my cute niece ended up having a scheduling conflict (sad face!), but we still had an amazing time. It was so fun taking two six-year-old girls to see their heroes. They laughed and screamed and had a total ball. And I must say, the show was stepped up about 12 notches from the one I saw in 1996. There were acrobats and trampolinists and lots of gold medal winning gymnasts hanging from the ceiling. It was like a Cirque Du Soliel show!
Reliving childhood joy with my girl? Check!
(All photos obviously with the iPhone since they wouldn’t allow fancy pants cameras in the arena.)
Happy Friday, everyone! I’m am really excited for this weekend, because I’m hosting my first of the Fall Mini Shoots! I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous as well, but I’m hoping the nerves will fade by go time. Other than that, we don’t have any big plans. I’m hoping to work on the kids’ Halloween costumes and maybe watch some Halloween-y movies as well. Note, I did not say scary movies. I don’t do scary.
Here are some of my favorite links from around the web this week:
A local KC web personality, The Bearded Gamer, surprised his opera star girlfriend during a show at the Folly Theater with a proposal. Yeah, this is good stuff.
I love this idea of getting up extra early to have quiet moments with your partner before the rest of the world wakes up. Now, if only Trent was a morning person.
Do you think using lines from Taylor Swift songs would work to pick up girls? Yeah, me either, but it’s pretty hilarious watching someone test it out.
Hi, I’m Megan and I will almost always cry at any time lapse video that is space program focused…and in that same breath, here’s a time lapse of the space shuttle Endeavour traveling through L.A. to get to the museum where it will be housed.
Here are some of our Instagram shots from this week. Many of them are from our weekend in Gove, which seems to be the theme of the week around here. You can follow our adventures on Instagram at @crazy_bananas.
Finding My Path – Part 8: Sunflowers & Superpowers
/3 Comments/in Finding My Path /by MeganHave I mentioned my Cultivating Courage class? I can’t remember, which isn’t anything new (let’s be real, I can’t remember yesterday!). Anyway, Cultivating Courage is an online course that is all about bravery. I know, it sounds bananas. If I was on the listening end of this post, I’d think I was crazy too. But hear me out. Because this is good stuff.
I think as women/mothers/wives/daughters we tend to work so very hard to make sure everyone around us is doing okay. We want our children, our parents, our husbands/wives/partners, our families, and our friends to all be happy and healthy. We will drop plans on a moments notice if someone needs help or comfort. But do we give this to ourselves? Do we treat ourselves with the same kindness we reserve for others? I know I don’t. I am my worst critic, by far. The little voice inside my head that says, “You can’t do that. You’re not good enough. You aren’t creative enough. You’re a fake! A phony!”? Yeah, that voice is me.
I few months ago I set out on a journey to “Find My Path.” It started with another online course (that ironically, I was embarrassed to tell people about), the Path Finder, which changed the game for me. But after a few months, I started to feel stuck again. Not that I wasn’t moving forward, I was! But I could feel the gremlins creeping in to my psyche, whispering in my ear. They tell me I can’t do it. And I was starting to believe them. I brushed off everything that’s happened in the last six months (being published at BlogHer, getting my first check for freelance writing, creating and selling out my Mini Shoots, getting a blogging gig with Sweet Lemon Magazine) as luck, and not that big of a deal.
And then, via the cosmos or God or whatever you believe in, I found this Cultivating Courage class. And, oh friends, it’s another game changer. Every day, for 30 days, each participant vows to do something brave. Sometimes it’s something really simple (sending that email to a negative co-worker) and sometimes it’s something very complex (making an appointment with a therapist), but every day we do something. And then we share with each other. And these people, these 50 people that are on this journey with me, have changed my life.
There is so much support in this class, so much love, so much compassion…it can be quite overwhelming. There are days when I have no idea what to write here, in my silly, frivolous space where we talk about Doctor Who and Britney Spears, because I’ve spent most of the last 14 days lost in the deep thoughts this class has sparked.
Yesterday, our task was to send an email to five to ten people that love us. The email told them about the course, and then asked them to answer three questions:
This seems like a fairly simple task, but it was so HARD for me! I didn’t want to do it. I figured people would think I was nuts or self-indulgent. Sending that email was one of the most difficult things I’ve done in a long time.
But then the responses started rolling in…from friends, from family, from people who love me. And they said the opposite of what my gremlins had been whispering in my ear. Creative, loyal, driven, not afraid of being unique, funny, logical, a writer, able to connect with people, compassionate, a good listener…and those are just a few of them.
I really can’t recommend this practice enough. Yes, it was scary and yes, I felt like a doofus, but the end result was worth it. Hearing what your loved ones love about YOU? Out loud? It’s a pretty fantastic thing? I think I’m getting my mojo back…
So….what is your superpower?
(Photo via my Cinemagram)
/2 Comments/in Fun, Happiness, Lucy /by MeganWhen I was 13 years old, my sister surprised me with tickets to see the USA gold medal champion gymnastics team during their victory tour. It was one of those experiences I’ve never forgotten. I can’t really remember the routines or the music, but I can’t forget how it felt to be there with my big sister and how special I felt. And at 13, I was going through the WORST of my awkward years (which lasted, um, about a decade), so feeling special was pretty rare.
When we found out the 2012 gold medalists were going to be coming through Kansas City on their post-Olympics nationwide tour, my sister and I knew we had to be there! We immediately made plans to go and take our little girls.
We ended up taking one of Lulu’s best friends, who is also a gymnastics nut, since my cute niece ended up having a scheduling conflict (sad face!), but we still had an amazing time. It was so fun taking two six-year-old girls to see their heroes. They laughed and screamed and had a total ball. And I must say, the show was stepped up about 12 notches from the one I saw in 1996. There were acrobats and trampolinists and lots of gold medal winning gymnasts hanging from the ceiling. It was like a Cirque Du Soliel show!
Reliving childhood joy with my girl? Check!
(All photos obviously with the iPhone since they wouldn’t allow fancy pants cameras in the arena.)
Happy Weekend!
/1 Comment/in Photos, web /by MeganHappy Friday, everyone! I’m am really excited for this weekend, because I’m hosting my first of the Fall Mini Shoots! I have to admit, I’m a bit nervous as well, but I’m hoping the nerves will fade by go time. Other than that, we don’t have any big plans. I’m hoping to work on the kids’ Halloween costumes and maybe watch some Halloween-y movies as well. Note, I did not say scary movies. I don’t do scary.
Here are some of my favorite links from around the web this week:
What should you be buying at Forever 21? Natalie has the best weekly roundups on Babble.
A local KC web personality, The Bearded Gamer, surprised his opera star girlfriend during a show at the Folly Theater with a proposal. Yeah, this is good stuff.
Mitt Romney looking longingly at people…the guy needs to star in his own romantic comedy, for reals!
How many famous actors have appeared on Law and Order? A million, apparently.
I love this idea of getting up extra early to have quiet moments with your partner before the rest of the world wakes up. Now, if only Trent was a morning person.
The best sign outside the second presidential debate has Obama leading a dinosaur that’s being ridden by Mitt Romney. Because why the hell not?
Amy Poehler and Tiny Fey are hosting the Golden Globes! Hooray! High fiving a million angels! Here are some of their greatest TV moments together.
Do you think using lines from Taylor Swift songs would work to pick up girls? Yeah, me either, but it’s pretty hilarious watching someone test it out.
Hi, I’m Megan and I will almost always cry at any time lapse video that is space program focused…and in that same breath, here’s a time lapse of the space shuttle Endeavour traveling through L.A. to get to the museum where it will be housed.
This is my favorite hair tutorial EVER! A Bride of Frankenstein how to!
Here are some of our Instagram shots from this week. Many of them are from our weekend in Gove, which seems to be the theme of the week around here. You can follow our adventures on Instagram at @crazy_bananas.