Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, all! This week has flown by for me, but I suppose that’s to be expected. It’s almost Halloween, then it will be Thanksgiving, then we have birthday after birthday after birthday, then it’s Christmas, then New Years and then I will sleep forever and ever, amen. Our weekend is pretty packed with friend time tonight, an early photoshoot tomorrow morning and our first Chiefs game of the season on Sunday! It should be a fun (but probably not very relaxing) few days. I also need to finish the kids’ Halloween costumes and carve a pumpkin or two. Viva la weekend!

Here are some posts from around the web to keep you entertained while I’m away:

Do you hate scary/gory movies? Do you love Halloween? Yeah, me too. I have a new post up at the Zesty Digest, and this one gives you the skinny on Halloween movies for weenies. You know, films that will help you keep your Halloween cred, while not making you want to throw up or have a panic attack? Score!

Love this post over at the Simple Lovely blog, Walk Slowly and Carry a Small Bag. I need to work on this, for sure.

Awesome people hanging out together (via Dooce).

I’m so, so excited about the launch of Go Mighty! I’ve been a huge supporter of the Life List movement (you can find mine here or in the sidebar under “Life Menu”) and I am pumped to learn about the next steps. You can learn the why and when here, then go sign up!

This post from Fat Mum Slim really got to me. How I wish we could all just love our bodies as they are…easier said than done.

Remember when we did a cooking series with Miss Lane a few years back? Well, I still make her granola, because it’s fantastic and super easy, and she has a new recipe on her blog that adds a little pumpkin to the mix. I’m gonna have to try this one!

The Hidden Soldiers: Women of War in Pictures.

This photographer taught himself how to use a camera in 2008. 2008! Now I’m feeling super under accomplished….


Here are a few Instagrams from the last week. You can follow our fun over there at @crazy_bananas. Have a great weekend!

Hello, #kansas sky. #latergramSo, this happened tonight... #mummy #halloweenfood

22. My town... #fms #kc #kansascity21. Calm... Right be before bed. #latergram #fmsphotoaday

One of my best purchases ever was this circle scarf in 2009 from the illbeyarned Etsy shop. Has held up beautifully!I am a study in contradictions.... #wtf #hope #luck #love (@tattly)

Fall 2012 Playlist


It’s a grey, chilly day around here, so I figured it’s the perfect time to share my newest playlist. Here are some of the songs that are in my headphones this fall, some old and some new. Let’s jam and stay warm together.

Fall Playlist 2012 by Crazybananas on Grooveshark

Mini Shoot Sneak Peek!

Mini Shoot Sneak Peek

This past weekend I held my first Fall Mini Shoot, and I have so say, I think it went pretty well! I’m still in the midst of editing all the photos, but I wanted to share a few of my favorites so far…special thanks to everyone who came out to get their photo taken. I hope you love them!










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