The Plague of the Peters House

Sometimes you just gotta stay in your PJs all day and drink Starbucks, you know?

At the Peters compound we are now on Day 7 of the worst plague in about five years. I’m not sure what has made this cold/flu situation so much worse than ones we’ve dealt with in the past few years (one guess…Tate Peters), but it has knocked me right on my ass. I have been living on a cocktail of NyQuil and sleep and I STILL haven’t kicked this damn thing. At least I finally have my voice back, and for that I have to thank the best barista in the history of Starbucks, lovely Grace, who heard my attempt to order and interjected with, “Oh honey, do you have a sore throat? I will take care of you.” Then she brought me the best drink in the history of ever. Just in case you’ve been infected with this horrendous sickness as well, I figured I’d share it here:

Tazo Refresh Tea (has a touch of mint)
2 tablespoons of honey
A pinch of cinnamon

Drink it as hot as you can stand it, and you will feel better than you have in days.

A few more recommendations I’ve received:

– Eat fresh pineapple
– Up your vitamin intake
– Reduce sugar in your diet

Do you guys have any amazing cold or flu remedies you’d like to share? If so, put them in the comments, I can use all the help I can get!

Weekend Roundup


Hello Friday, you have been missed. To be honest, this week hasn’t been very fun at our house. We started out the week with a day of tailgating and friends, but then our beloved (yet horrible) Kansas City Chiefs got killed (again) by the Raiders. Blech. Monday and Tuesday Tate wasn’t feeling so well, and Thursday I woke up without a voice. Today I sound like a 13-year-old boy going through puberty, which isn’t super attractive. Of course there was the devastating hurricane on the east coast, and we are still learning about those who have lost their lives or homes. We are so fortunate that all of our friends and family have been accounted for and most have power back, but we know there are many still struggling. If you’d like to donate to relief efforts, please click here for resources.

In addition, this week has been extra hard for our family because our wonderful Grandpa Ron passed away after a long illness. He hung on for most of the week, but last night he finally passed on, and while we are glad he is no longer in pain, it’s still quite sad. He was a wonderful grandfather to my husband and father to my mother-in-law and we will miss him very much. Rest in peace, Grandpa Ron. We love you.

Megan and Ron


Here are some links from around the web that have me smiling today. I hope they make you smile too.

I love this post by Joslyn over at Simple Lovely about how and why she gave up on one of her goals. I think we sometimes get so stuck in a state of “this is a goal and I HAVE to accomplish it” so it’s pretty brave to admit when it doesn’t work out.

I am thinking of buying a few of these Emily McDowell prints and hanging them around my work space. I especially love the one with the Joan of Arc quote, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” You rock on, Joan of Arc!

If you could give a younger you some advice, what would you say? My letter to a 20-year-old me (plus horrible accompanying image of me in my early twenties, ahhhh!) is over at the Zesty Digest.

I’ve mentioned before how one of the things that keeps Trent so in love with me is the egg sandwiches I make him for breakfast. These eggy bread bowls might be a way to switch it up a little.

All of Elise Joy’s posts on business are great, but I especially love this one about the changes she made this year to make herself more profitable and streamlined.

27 reasons why kids are actually the worst. This made me laugh.

Where does the internet live? Check out this post with photos of the interior of Google’s data center, it’s pretty incredible.

That’s it, I need an orange door.


No Instagram photos today, since most of the photos from this week were taken on Halloween and have already been posted (here). I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and hold your loved ones tight. See you on Monday!

Postscript: Halloween 2012

I woke up this morning without a voice, so I guess that means Halloween 2012 was a success!

Halloween Tate Trent Lee

A last minute costume switch made Tate much happier and a surprise visit from Grandpa didn’t hurt either. Tate went to a few houses in our neighborhood before he headed home to serve as the resident candy giver outer. Lucy and I met up with some buddies from her school and trick or treated for a few hours, followed by a bonfire and s’mores in her friend’s driveway. It was suburban perfection.

BFF trick or treating :)

Happy Halloween from Izzy the Pirate and Clark Kent!

Since Tate’s dinosaur costume was obviously a bust, we pulled out this superman t-shirt from Old Navy and he went as Clark Kent. Lu was insistent on being Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates and had been begging to be her since August. I told Lu no one would know who she was, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Everyone was all “It’s IZZY!” everywhere we went. Apparently Izzy is pretty big amongst the first grade crowd. Who knew?

Slow down, girls... #halloween


Trick or Treating

After we got home and put the kids to bed, I settled down with a bucket of candy and a glass of wine to watch some scary movies and the Halloween episodes of New Girl and the Mindy Project. I also made prank photos of myself as a vampire and sent them out to my friends. As one does.

Hey @maralyntho, I made you something...happy Halloween!

All in all a pretty successful Halloween! Hope yours was just as wondrous!

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