Lucky Number Seven


Seven years ago today I got married. I was happy, giddy and in love. I was also terrified.

Marriage can be a scary thing…telling someone that you promise to be there for them FOREVER and ever is a bit daunting. I look at the person I was seven years ago and I’m amazed that Trent got down on one knee (in a suit of armor, no less) and asked me to be with him the rest of our lives.

The day we were married, we were facing a whole new world ahead of us. There would be no honeymoon period, no newlywed years spent traveling and reveling in married bliss, as our friends were planning for themselves. Our future seemed very serious, and quite frankly, pretty damn scary. There was a baby on the way and a business being built, and we were just kids! It was overwhelming, and combined with the hormones, I can’t believe I didn’t go off the deep end.

But I didn’t. We didn’t. And even though it was hard some of the time, we moved forward together. There were slammed doors and storming out in to the night and screaming at the top of our lungs….and then, one day, there wasn’t.

I don’t know when it happened. But one day, it seems, we just grew up. We have grown into ourselves and into this marriage until it became the perfect fit. I don’t mean, of course, that our marriage is perfect. Not even close…but who wants perfect, anyway? When I say a perfect fit, I mean that we have reached a place in our relationship where it just fits. It’s comfortable, warm, loving and, dare I say, really freaking happy.


Our wedding song was Ben Harper’s “Forever,” and when I listen to it today, I’m awed by how perfect it is for Trent and I.

Not talkin’ ’bout a year
No not three or four
I don’t want that kind of forever
In my life anymore
Forever always seems
to be around when it begins
but forever never seems
to be around when it ends
So give me your forever
Please your forever
Not a day less will do
From you

I am so proud of this life we’ve built together. So proud of us. We figured it out. Seven years later, I look at that girl on her wedding day and want to give her a hug. “It’s going to be alright,” I’d tell her “In fact, it’s going to be the best thing you ever did.”


Click here to read our interview on marriage over at So Wonderful, So Marvelous. Click here to see Trent looking super dashing in a suit of armor.

Bottom photo by Nicole Coleman

Mini Shoot No. 2 Sneak Peek!

Mini Shoot Header

I’m almost done with round two of the Mini Shoot photos and wanted to share a few of them here on this fine Monday morning! I have one more day of shoots this weekend and then that’s it for Mini Shoots in 2012. My families for day two were not only gorgeous, but so accommodating. These particular shoots were on a day when I felt like death and spent most of the day in bed with no voice and a giant pot of tea. I crawled out to do these sessions, then promptly returned to my bed when I got home, so I was definitely worried about how they turned out (Note to Self: Avoid shooting photos while battling extreme brain fog…). Luckily, my pretty subjects made up for my issues, and we ended up with some great shots. Thank you to everyone who came out!










Happy Weekend!

27. Morning... #fmsphotoaday

Hello Friday! Thank goodness you are here, because I’m in MAJOR need of some downtime. With everything that’s been going on in our house the past few weeks, we haven’t had a low key weekend in quite a while. I’m really looking forward to getting started on some projects that have been sitting on my desk and spending some quality time with my crazy little family. They are nerds, but loveable nerds.

Here are some links to get you through your weekend:

The Crazybananas house is sending lots of love and peace to the people on the east coast who are now dealing with a winter storm on top of the Hurricane Sandy damage. This post by Brooklyn resident Mara Kofed of A Blog About Love is so beautiful. I love how New Yorkers come together in times of crisis.

One of my favorite Hurricane Sandy online fundraisers is being held by 20×200, who is selling this NASA print of how Sandy looked from space. Just incredible.

The Park Slope Parents group in Brooklyn is organizing an awesome project to help elderly victims of Hurricane Sandy! Kids can create cards and pictures, mail them to the group, and they will be passed out to the elderly living in shelters with their meals. How cool is that?! More info here.

I dare anyone to watch this video and not cry. I was so excited to hear about all the marriage equality bills that were passed this election cycle. Our world is becoming a better place every day.

I love Michelle’s post about people in real life reading her blog. Being a blogger is such a totally strange and wonderful experience. People think they know you, but who you are on the blog is just a small fraction of what you’re really all about, so it’s definitely jarring when your worlds collide.

The newest Les Miserables trailer is out and Vulture is evaluating every single second of it.

This song just…holy wow. And I never thought I’d say that about anything featuring Drake.

23 women’s magazines, then and now.


Below are some Instagrams from the past few weeks. Have you seen the new web version of Instagram? I’m not sure how much I’ll use it, but it is nice to have somewhere to point people who want to view my photos, but don’t use Instagram themselves. You can see my online Instagram profile right here. I’m @crazy_bananas if you want to follow our fun!

Thanks for the treats, @altsummit! I can't wait for January!Tailgate crew! Go Chiefs!!!!

Getting spooky at the Peters house / Tate, Lucy and I are going to scare Trent.Um, if anyone needs Girl Scout cookies, we have a few to sell. #crap #162boxes

Cuddling by the fire with Grammy. Tate is a lucky little dude.Cousins hiding, throwing stuff at the grown ups feet.

Mini shoot number 2...done!Lucy is having a mock election at school awesome would politics be if we all got campaign flyers like this? #obama #romney

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