The Best Dog Ever

Molly Rotty

I was all set to write a fun end of the week post today…but unfortunately I have some sad news from my little family. Our wonderful, loyal, beautiful dog, Professor Molly McGoo, Phd., died last night. We are so very, very sad. Molly was an old dog, but her sickness came on quite quickly, and so soon after the loss of Grandpa Ron. Lucy is taking it very hard, because right before Grandpa Ron passed, her other pet, Rainbow the Fish, died as well. Our poor little girl has been through a lot these past few weeks, as have we all.

Instead of wallowing in sadness, I’d like to take a minute to remember how awesome Molly was. She was the second pet Trent and I adopted together, and we couldn’t have lucked out more. She was a shelter rescue, and had such an even, sweet temperament. When Lu was a baby she’d follow her all over the house, making sure she was okay. Even though she was older when Tate was born, she tolerated his craziness, always letting him pull on her ears and tackle her when he was trying to give her hugs. She was big enough to be scary when people came to the door, but would never hurt a fly. She was truly wonderful, and we were lucky to have so many lovely years with her by our side.

We love you Molly, and we already miss you like crazy.

Molly Snow Dog

Happy Molly

A Boy and His Dog


Car Buddies


Snow Dog

The Girls At Sunset

Growing Up


One of my favorite things about photography is the ability to capture a moment in time. When I first started snapping pics as a little side business, I invited a few moms from Lulu’s playgroup to bring their kids to the park and I’d shoot some photos for them. I got invaluable practice, they got some cute pics of their little ones…it was a win/win!


In years past, I have played down my photography skills for mostly dumb reasons. I wasn’t a professional or I wasn’t very good or I was a fake. A lot of self-sabotaging crap, if you know what I’m saying. I figured as long as I kept saying I sucked, people wouldn’t criticize my work. Guess what, that’s not true. People are going to like or not like what I’m doing, regardless. And that’s not my problem. My job is to do the best work I can, and try to keep my clients as happy as possible.


Turns out, the minute I threw that bad attitude out the window and just went for it, the whole endeavor became so much more fun! And I was pleasantly surprised how many repeat customers have come ringing. Turns out, I was doing pretty good work the whole time, I was just too busy playing myself down to notice. And now I have some fun time capsules of both some beautiful clients, but my own growth as a photographer. Another win/win!

(Special thanks to the Thomas Family, the Stover Family and the Streeter Family for trusting me to capture their memories. You guys rock!)

Loving Right Now


Coveting – This beautiful piece of art by Linda Donohue (via Design Sponge)

AdmiringLukas Kozmus’ travel photography…he’s only been photographing his adventures for two years. Two years behind a camera! Incredible.

Watching – Lizzie and Darcy (aka Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy) on the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I’ve mentioned this web series before (basically it’s a modern retelling of Pride & Prejudice via web series, click here for more), but things just got juicy with Mr. Darcy making his first webcam appearance. And yes, the 2012 Mr. Darcy is a hipster. Of course.

Reading – Ally Condie’s new book, Reached, is finally out! I read the first book in the series, Matched, when I was nursing Tate many hours a day and I am so pumped for the final book in this incredible series. Hooray!

Listening To – The Wombats, Jump into the Fog

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