Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Hallmark Giveaway! It was such fun reading all of your awesome holiday traditions. I would love for all of you to win, but unfortunately that’s not how the game is played. I plugged your comment numbers in to the number generator and it picked for me.


The winner of the Hallmark Giveaway is Liz! Liz said:

my favorite part is the silence and stillness of christmas eve before christmas morning. in our home, we are celebrators of christmas morning, so the anticipation of the morning is so. much. fun. oh, and brunch too!

I am totally with you, Liz. Christmas Eve is Trent’s birthday, so we try to spend the day doing a lot of celebrating and fun stuff, but once the kids are in bed, we are in Christmas mode. After a crazy day, it feels so quiet. In fact, even though I’m pumped about spending Christmas with the extended family this year, I’m going to miss that quiet evening. It definitely won’t be quiet with the whole family around!

Liz, I’ll be sending you an email to confirm and get mailing details. Congrats!

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend2

It’s FRIDAY! And not just any regular Friday, oh no. This is my last day at my full time job. Eeeek! My emotions are all over the place, as they have been for the past few weeks. Last night the engineers threw me a little goodbye happy hour and I found myself pretty sad to leave all of them. You don’t work for people with five years without making some connections, and I will miss seeing their faces everyday. Today I’m tying up some loose ends and then I’ll pack up my box of office supplies and be off. And yes, I’ll be taking the stapler.

Here are some fun links to get you through your weekend! Don’t forget to sign up for the Hallmark Giveaway before Saturday at midnight. I’ll be announcing a winner on Monday morning.


Security cameras capture the worst in people…but also the best.

Five rules for dressing cute.

Lane is reviewing a cookbook a month and she just finished The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook. I am offended that I wasn’t invited over to eat any of the rewards, but I’ll look past it, I suppose.

A time lapse video of Central Park trees transitioning from summer to fall. This is magic.

This portrait project featuring soldiers returning from service hit me right in the gut. The photographer said, “I wanted to look at them like I look at my own son.”

The good news? They are making a Boy Meets World spin off staring Cory and Topanga as parents. The bad news? No Shawn. Boooooo!

I want to marry Neil deGrasse Tyson. Actually, I think Trent would be okay with it.

Chocolate covered oreos with sea salt? Get in my belly.

I should hate everything about this video…I mean, autotune, bad lyrics, extreme product placement…but it’s Britney and I can’t help but love Britney, so instead all I see is glitter bombs. And fantastically bad British accents. Oh, B. Spears, I’ll never quit you.

Hallmark – A Crazybananas Giveaway!

Can you feel it? The chill in the air? The annoying (well, let’s face it, awesome) Christmas music playing on every radio station? The amazing Lifetime movies starring 90s sitcom stars as lonely women looking for some holiday love?

Yes, it’s that time of year again, and honestly, I couldn’t be more excited! Lucy is at a prime festive age and Tate squeals like a little turkey every time he sees Christmas lights, so it’s hard to stay cynical around my house. I know most people hate when stores put up their holiday decorations in October or when neighbors put up their Christmas tree before Thanksgiving, but I’m the exact opposite. The holidays are always such a whirlwind…I’d give anything for an extra week or two of cheer!

So this year, when Hallmark Cards offered to send my family a little gift package of holiday goodies, I immediately took them up on the offer. I tried to keep the box hidden until at least November, but my kids had other ideas (they also apparently had access to a very tall stool to get said box off of a high shelf, but I’ve decided to let that one go). I let them get out one item, a new book called A Visit to the North Pole. This rad little story is an interactive book, so when you read certain lines in the book, Santa’s voice joins in. He asks the kids questions and his responses vary depending on what they say. It’s pretty fantastic! Tate now begs to read “SANTA!” every night.

I loved all the goodies so much, I wanted to pass on some of the holiday cheer to you, lovely readers! I picked out a few of my favorite items from my gift box, and one of you beautiful people will be winning them! I can’t thank you enough for all your support these past few months, but hopefully a little giveaway will be a good start! Here’s the loot:


Please leave a comment below sharing your favorite part of the holiday season to be entered in the Crazybananas Hallmark Giveaway. You have until midnight on Saturday, December 1st, to enter. Thanks Hallmark!

The items for this giveaway were provided by Hallmark but the opinions are entirely my own. Hallmark is a fantastic, Kansas City-based company that I’m proud to support. You can read about our trip to their free, interactive kids experience “Kaleidoscope” here.

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