I Belong With You, You Belong With Me

We are related.

A lot of people have been asking me what the best part is about my new schedule and getting to spend more time at home. At first I wasn’t really sure what to say, I mean, it’s only been a week and my real schedule doesn’t start until January. But yesterday, when I sent Lulu off to school and Trent off to work and sat down on the couch with my sad little boy (he doesn’t like it when Daddy and Lulu leave without him), I think I figured it out.

This little dude hasn’t received too much one on one time with me in the past. Like most younger siblings, there is always someone else around who needs me at the same time as him. So he waits, sometimes patiently and sometimes very impatiently, until I can get to him. Until Lulu was four and a half (and I’d venture to say even since Tate was born), we have always been a little duo. We look alike, act alike, and we spent a lot of time together. She has always been my little buddy, my partner in crime. While of course I love my kids the same amount, Tate never had the chance to be a part of the duo. And I’ve never had the chance to have him as my partner in crime.

But this last week, we have had hours of time together, just the two of us. He is changing so much every, single day, and I get to watch it in real time. Yes, of course, I have had moments of total breakdown and have thought I should go running back to a full time job. But those moments are so much less often than the ones where I look around in disbelief at the life I am getting to lead now.

I know when I start my new job in January, things will change again, but for now, I’m enjoying this little ride. The video below is something we shot with my phone yesterday right after Lulu and Trent walked out the door in the morning (please note the bed head and PJs). I was trying to distract my sad little guy, so we started taping ourselves. Tate’s favorite lullaby is a super-butchered Megan version of The Lumineers “Hey Ho,” so I started singing (I’m sorry for the audio assault…there is a reason I’m not a singer) and his reaction is just perfect.

I love that boy. This is the reason the whole thing is worth it.

Holiday Gifts by Crazybananas


2012 has been a fun year creatively for me and other members of the Crazybananas family, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have received a few inquiries about some of my work being up for sale. In the past, the idea of selling anything I’ve made has sounded pretty darn horrifying, but since it’s the holidays (and since I am now jobless…eeek!) I figured it’s a good time to make some items available!

You can buy the book that documents the NYC + KC project, with photos by myself and my best friend Theresa Frey, over at Blurb.com. The book is an awesome gift idea, comes in both hardcover and softcover, and is even available as an ebook (for $4.99…a total steal)!

The second item up for grabs is a print of a photograph I took (and posted a few months back) of a rainbow during a storm in Gove, Kansas. I have a limited number of 8×8 prints for sale, and a few have already been snatched up, so if you’re interested, please send me an email at megan@crazybananas.com.

Thank you again for all of your support this year! 2013 is already shaping up to be incredible, and I can’t wait to share all of my upcoming plans. Hooray!

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend 12-7

Hey, hey, it’s Friday! It’s the end of the first week of my new life, and so far, so good. We’re still adjusting, but I have a good feeling that this is the best move I’ve ever made. This weekend will be a busy one, full of shopping, holiday parties and the start of Hanukkah. Last year Lucy requested we celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah, since she had friends who do both, and we decided we didn’t have a good argument why we shouldn’t. I mean, we’re not technically Christians, and yet we find ourselves with a tree in our house covered in lights, so why couldn’t we add a menorah to the mix. We are doing our best to be respectful, have done research on customs and ceremonies, and plan on using this as a teaching tool for Lulu. While I was raised Catholic, my school and family always highlighted the importance of Judiasm to our religion, and I studied Abrahamic religions in college, so I’m hoping we can keep things kosher (Get it? I’m hilarious.).

I hope your weekend is full of fun as well! Here are some links from around the web to help entertain you in those quiet moments:

Chocolate chip Nutella candy cane cookies. That is all.

I posted on Twitter about spinning around in my office chair and dancing on my first day home. Here’s the playlist that set it all off. Let’s dance.

One of my favorite bands, The Rosebuds, has a holiday album out! You should probably buy it.

Jimmy Fallon, the Roots and Mariah Carey remaking a holiday classic using only children’s instruments. Sounds awful, is, in fact, amazing.

Jay Z rides the subway, adorably explains who he is to an old lady.

I want to make a Feel Good Jar. Sometimes you need a reminder of all the little goods in your life.

I wrote a post on Sweet Lemon Magazine’s Zesty Digest on giving up and how doing it can make everything brighter.

Finally, I was lucky enough to do a super fun photoshoot last week for some new projects we have coming up on this here blog. I will share more soon, but I wanted to post this particular photo, because it conveys exactly how I’m feeling right now. And a lot of that is because of you. Thanks for making life so damn fun! (Photo by the insanely talented Christina Gepner)


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