Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, everyone! Are you finishing up all your holiday “to do’s”? Yeah, me too. I have a few gifts left to wrap, cookies to bake, crafts to finish and a super fun video to edit and then I’m done. Put a fork in me. A week from tomorrow we are heading off for a family vacation in Colorado, and I couldn’t be more excited. I won’t be posting that week, but I have some rad guest posters lined up for you that you’re gonna love! Just call me Santa!

Here are some fun links to get you through your weekend:

I wrote about one of my favorite Christmas memories over at the Zesty Digest.

Love is such an incredible thing.

Um, Khloe Kardashian posted a slideshow of her favorite Kardashian Christmas cards and I have to say…well, I don’t know what to say. But it’s worth the click over! (Matching motorcycle jackets? Okay then.)

Have you tried the Portable North Pole? We’ve done it the past few years and the magic hasn’t faded for Lucy. This website (with a new app too!) will make a specialized video with Santa talking to your kid, complete with their own name, photos of them and specific gift requests. Best of all, it’s free!

A great holiday wish list from my friend Nicole over at Petit Soul. I would like one of each, please.

I want to visit this swing art installation in NYC!

Last minute gift idea: Printable treat bags! Fill with goodies for your neighbors, teachers or postman. Easy peesy.

Another cute (and quick) neighbor gift, DIY candy checkers. Comes complete with printables. Hooray for easy!

Love this post from Andrea on the importance of being at choice.

It’s hot toddy season! Here’s a great recipe.

Oh Cinque Terre, I miss you so.

2012 in pop songs. Let’s dance!


Here are some recent Instagrams of our lovely, little life! You can follow our adventures over at @crazy_bananas on Instagram.

An afternoon at the park. #latergram #swing #shadowDay 11 - Sweet: Spider-Man jammers in the morning... #fmsphotoaday

My favorite thing about our holiday card pile this year is seeing my images smiling back at me :)From behind the Menorah... #hanukkah #day2

Day 8 - Someone I Love (Part 2) #fmsphotoadayDay 8 - Someone I Love (Part 1) #fmsphotoaday

Santa success!!!I found Rudolph, y'all. He's cuter and more into pink than I remember....

At the Dollar Tree for stocking stuffers. I'm turning into my mother.Day 5 - Looking Up: we are turning our normal decor in to holiday decor. #merry #fmsphotoaday

Tis the season! #salvationarmy #givingDay 4 - Black and White: He's obsessed with the broken, $5 Christmas carousel from Walgreens. #fmsphotoaday #clearancerack

Day 1 -  8 o'clock: Watching Elf in bed with my favorite girl. #fmsphotoadayFlip flops in December? #weird

Cookie baking party with @stinads! I am now full of sugar :)He's got his football and his dad...happy boy.

We are adorable. #sorrynotsorry #trentloveshashtagsKansas City, you are adorably festive.

The Holidays in Kansas City

So you found yourself in good ole’ Kansas City for the holidays, huh? Well, never fear, Crazybananas is here, with my top things to do (with or without kids) in KC during the holidays. Get ready to get festive, people!


1. Ice Skating at Crown Center – You can’t be in Kansas City in December and not head down to Crown Center. It’s Christmas central, and it’s highlight is the outdoor skating pavilion. If you can get there during the day, that’s the best, because at night (while it’s totally magical) it gets crazy crowded. Stop by the Crown Center Shops after for some snacks or to see Santa himself!

2. Christmas in the Park – This incredible light display is put on for free by the Jackson County government with the help of a bunch of local sponsors. Get in your car and drive through Longview Lake Park while everyone oooohh’s and aaaahh’s over the elaborate displays. The best time to go is on a weekday right around opening time (5:30 p.m.). We made the mistake of trying to go one year on a Saturday night at around 7 o’clock and we sat in a line of cars for over two hours just to get to the park. It was crazytown. But this year we went on a Thursday at 5:30 and had no wait at all!

3. Horse Drawn Sleigh Ride on the Plaza – It’s not Christmas unless you go see the amazing lights on the Country Club Plaza. This beautiful outdoor shopping district was one of the first in the nation, and it’s lights are a Kansas City staple. Find a booth selling tickets for horse-drawn carriage rides, and ask about taking the large sleigh instead of the $50 private carriage. We went early on a Wednesday and didn’t have to wait to ride, plus instead of the expensive price tag, we rode in the huge sleigh for only $15 (for Tate, Lu and I). No one else rode with us and we had the entire thing to ourselves. So fun! Afterward head to one of the cafes for hot cocoa and cookies. (Pro Tip: Go to the horse booth right outside of Victoria’s Secret/California Pizza Kitchen…it’s the best one!)

4. Free Holiday Movies at the Legends – The Legends Shopping Center in Kansas City, Kansas is great for outlet shopping, but it also boats an incredible light show set to music every night with a huge Christmas tree in the center of the district. My favorite thing to do is head to the Legends movie theater every Sunday in December at 1 p.m., when they show holiday movies for free. Lu and I went and saw the Polar Express with a theater full of kids and it was magic.

5. See the Kansas City Ballet’s rendition of The Nutcracker at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts – Last year Lucy, myself, my sister in law and mother in law went to the inaugural season of the KC Ballet’s Nutcracker at the new Kauffman Center and we were floored. During the intermission, I looked over at Lu and she had tears in her eyes. She was so happy, she started crying! The beautiful facility and amazing choreography and dancers make this a wonderful holiday tradition.

Merry Christmas, Kansas City!

(Photos via KC Ballet, Crown Center, and the Country Club Plaza)

The 2012 Crazybananas Holiday Card!

This year, since my favorite family photographer moved to Denver, I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to get a great shot of the kids, Trent and I for a holiday card. We can be (ahem) a bit difficult to work with, and I knew the stress of it all wouldn’t be worth it this year. I was browsing the all knowing Internet for a solution, when I found the awesome Etsy Shop, Local Honey. The artist, Kelly Christine, is a photographer from Texas who moonlights as a pretty fantastic illustrator. She will take photos of your family and draw a custom portrait just for you! I contacted her about wanting to do an illustration for our holiday card and she was totally on board. Didn’t it turn out adorable?! I love it so much and have the original hanging in our home.


(Click on the image above to see a bit larger)

On the back side I used a few Instagram images I love, Tate riding in the wagon at the farm, Trent and I in New York City and Lucy at soccer. I wrote a little note detailing our year (which pretty much everyone knows already due to this here blog) and thanking our friends and family for being so amazing. We used Minted this year for our cards (read more about why here) and I love the quality.


Warmest Wishes, from the Crazybananas Crew!

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