Happy Weekend


Hey everybody! I hope you had a wonderful week full of the hectic rush that seems to happen the week before Christmas. Obviously this week was a big one for me (read more here) and I’m beyond thankful to be starting my holiday break tomorrow. I have a holiday post that will go up next week, but the rest of the week will be covered by some incredible guest bloggers from all across the world wide web! I am so excited to share them with you. I know you will love them!

I should note that we are still struggling over here with the horrible events that happened one week ago in Connecticut. I still can’t wrap my head around it and I’m not sure I ever will (or ever want to). Taking Lucy to school this week was really hard. The more we find out about those beautiful little children that were lost, the more I find myself swallowed by dispair. One even shared a birthday with Lulu. Oy, my heart. (This post by Rebecca fully illustrates what I can’t articulate here…) I hope you all are treating yourselves and your loved ones with care, turning off the news when it becomes overwhelming, and making sure everyone around you is feeling secure. That has been my goal this week. If you want or feel the need to do something (anything?) for the people in Sandy Hook, here is a great idea. Before we move on, I wanted to share these two tributes, one by the cast of SNL and one by the cast of The Voice. They really moved me and sometimes, for me at least, a few tears is a cathartic thing.

Now, here are some links that I hope will make you smile today and for the rest of the holiday break! The world, and the Internet, can be a really good place.

A video of a soldier’s homecoming in my hometown. (via Nicole)

26 moments that will restore your faith in humanity.

A new whiskey drink is always a good idea.

I made these snickerdoodles with Lane last week and only burned one batch. Yay me! (But for reals, they are super delicious.)

If your friends can make it to your party, take the party to them!

Kelly Musgraves is the artist who did the amazing illustration of my family that we used in our holiday card, and it turns out her whole family is talented! Her sister Kacey is an up and coming country star. And you all know I’m not a country fan, but I am making an exception for Kacey. So good! (She’s on the show Nashville in the next few weeks, yay!)

Paper boats, lit up with colored lights, floating down a river…magic.

Two Years


Dear Tate,

Today you turn two-years-old. I am in disbelief that it’s already here! I took off the month of December to spend more time with you, and here we are, almost at the end. I am at a loss for words, but I’ll do my best, since this will be the last letter until your next birthday, and you deserve a little love, my darling boy.

Bowling with daddy.

Seriously? This guy. #strut #helpme

In the last couple of months you’ve become the little boy I know you will be forever. Active, smiling, happy, temperamental, independent, stubborn, sweet and loving. You’d do anything to get a laugh, and your sister is your favorite audience. You’ll scream something strange or make a weird sound out of nowhere and she falls over laughing. The minute you see her smile, you get this impish grin and keep doing whatever it is that’s making her laugh over and over. And over. Many times I find myself telling Lu she has to stop laughing or you’re never going to stop growling at her like a deranged feral cat. But we can’t help it, I’m usually laughing too!


Tater hops.

In the last two weeks you have gone back and forth between two dramatic stages. You either desperately want me to do everything for you (“Help you, Mama!”) or you want to do absolutely everything on your own (“I DOOOOO IT!!!!”). I know at some point you’ll find a happy medium, but for now guessing your mood is a crapshoot. It infuriates you if people can’t understand what you are saying, and you will not give up until they repeat you word for word, proving they got it. Your top phrases are “big truck,” “I see airplane!” and “wuv uuuuuu.” I admit, the last one’s my favorite.


Haircuts make him nervous. Understandably.

I am loving being at home with you, little guy. And I can tell you’re in to it too. You’ve become a bit more clingy to me, and those two days a week when you go back to daycare so I can work are pretty hard. Whereas you used to run into your classroom waving and yelling “bye, mama!” as you pushed me out the door, now you claw at my legs and beg me to stay. It’s no fun, dude. But I get it. This schedule is new for all of us and it’s going to take time to get used to. I know it will be worth it though, seeing your face more hours every day. The days when we are at home alone and Daddy and Lulu go to work/school are so much fun. We hang out in our PJs all day, you playing while I do chores or work on emails. You watch Sesame Street around midmorning and that’s when I do a bit of work on the computer. After that we usually get outside for a while, then we have lunch and you go down for a nap. I work during your nap, and then when you get up, we go get your sister from school. Your face lights up when you see her and she’s so proud of you, showing you off to all of her friends. “This is MY baby brother, isn’t he a cutie?” she says to anyone who will listen. She’s a smart cookie, that girl.

My loves, looking way too old for my liking. #leaves #fall #november

Watching movies in the middle of the day...don't tell Daddy!

Speaking of cookies, you have a ridiculous sweet tooth, Tater. You are obsessed with cookies and will do anything to get one. Just yesterday morning you were downstairs for about two minutes while I got your sister’s coat on her so she could head off to school. When I found you, you were sitting with an open box of Girl Scout cookies and had already eaten four. At 7:45 a.m. “Cooookkkiiieeee!” you scream, sounding just like the Cookie Monster, who I think is probably your life coach.

An afternoon at the park. #latergram #swing #shadow

Tate, thank you for another incredible year. Thank you for listening to my awful singing voice every night. Thanks for letting me smell your hair (it’s a mom thing, and yes, I know it’s weird) and snuggle into the crook of your neck. Thank you for all the tears, laughs and smiles this last year. Thanks for not making us take you to the ER yet (although I’m sure we’re close). Thank you for all of it, my perfect little man.

Love always,

And Now, for a Little Announcement…


I have exciting news, friends! Actually, I have two bits of exciting news. I have been biting my tongue and wanting to share with you for a while now, and it’s finally time…hooray!

Have you ever heard of Design for Minikind? It’s the fabulous spin off blog of Design for Mankind, which was started by Erin Loechner a few years ago and has become one of the top design blogs in the world (seriously, just look at her press page…I mean, gah!). Erin started Design for Minikind during her pregnancy with her now infant daughter to chronicle her new found love for all things kid friendly with her old love of design. It’s pretty much amazing, is what I’m trying to say.

And now for my little bit news…I’m officially the brand spanking new Research Editor for Design for Minikind! (Let’s all commence squealing!) I am so excited and proud to be working for a site that embodies everything I love about the Internet: good people, clean design, cute kids and functional products. It doesn’t get any better! The very first post I contributed to is up on Design for Minikind right now, and there will be much more to come in January.


But wait! There’s more.

You all know I am a huge fan of the “Lift List” project started by Maggie Mason on her site Mighty Girl (you can read more about my history with a life list by clicking on the “Life Menu” button on the left sidebar or by clicking here). Recently, Maggie started a new, collaborative site called Go Mighty, which is a place where you (yes, you!) can outline your own goals and dreams, post stories about your progress and receive lots of virtual love via followers that will be cheering you on. It’s another beautiful little corner of the Internet, and I was so excited to receive an invite and upload a few goals from my own life list. I had no idea that I would be chosen by Olay, a brand sponsor of Go Mighty, who has decided to sponsor one of my goals!

My goal is to do a photography project where I photograph 15 mothers and somehow capture the essence of motherhood in a photos. You can read more about it over at Go Mighty, where I will be updating with stories as I find and photograph these 15 amazing women. I am honestly a bit overwhelmed by the task (it has to be done by the end of January…and with the holidays plus my new job plus Alt Summit, I will be cutting it really close), but I have to try. If you are in Kansas City and have a story of motherhood you’d like me to share and capture via photograph, please contact me at megan@crazybananas.com. I’m especially looking for a few unique stories, mothers with kids who are older, and mothers who are either in or have a spouse that is in the military, but I’d love to hear from anyone who has a story to share! Please remember, there are only 15 slots and I have to take a lot of information in to account before selecting someone (their location, my schedule, my deadline, etc.) so while I’ll do my best to include you, it’s inevitable that not everyone will be selected. No hard feelings, okay!

Whew, that’s it! Good things in 2013, people! Hooray! Thank you for all your support this year, I can feel it all!


Photo by Christina Gepner

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